
Amaryllis: A Demi-Human's Tale

Imagine sitting in your piece of the world. Going to school, getting decent grades, and living your life as any person would. However,what if there was more to it? What if your mother kept a secret from you for 20 years? A secret that will add a new shade on everything and opened a new world around you. Now what if I tell you that your very mother is a powerful wizard in this world? And your very life depends on you bonding with a girl who can drain and use blood as a weapon, including yours? This is the new life thrown on Lucas Homes on his 20th birthday. Join lucas as he journeys across this new life full of magic, battles, romance, and new mysteries. Uncover the secrets this world and the ones that surrounds this mysterious girl.

Timothy_Hogan · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 82

"What...happened?" Lucas thought to himself as he slowly opened his eyes. He noticed his body felt lighter and the pain that rain throughout his body was now gone. The only thing that hurt was his head as all he could hear was yelling. His left hand rubbed his head as the memories of what happened with Ida replayed and sent a chill down his spine.

"Mom?" He asked himself as her voice became more clear as she was yelling. He slowly looked over to see what he could assume was his mom, but she had grey skin with black eyes with yellow irises. She was leaning over Amay nearly in her face as her finger poked her chest.

"What's happening?" He muttered to himself as he decided to listen in.

"Why the hell did you not raise your power to let us know both of you were in trouble?" Elizabeth yelled at Amay as she wasn't holding back. "Do you realize how close you came to letting him get raped by that bitch? If you know he was ask risk why did you let him stay or get hurt. If my healing wasn't that strong he could have lost his whole left arm. So why did you allow this to happen!" Tears began to form in her eyes as the image of Lucas badly hurt played over and over.

Amay didn't say anything as she couldn't look Elizabeth in her eyes. She then felt Elizabeth roughly grab her face as she wanted her to look her in the eyes.

"I could have lost my son and did nothing to keep him safe. If he had died, that would have been on you," Elizabeth told Amay as her grip tightened before letting Amay's face go. She then straightened herself up as she crossed her arms. "That's it. This is over. This partnership and the idea. As soon as we get home I want you to pack your stuff, and I want you out of my house."

Amay heart dropped as tears started to form in her eyes. Her lip quivered as she was at a lost for words. She took a step forward as she felt Elizabeth coldness sink in. "But Lizzy I..."

"You what Amay?!" Elizabeth snapped back. "Tried your best? Clearly you didn't try hard enough if he was inches away from being inside of her? The fact you allowed him to be in harms way and scared from hell? The fact the only didn't since her or allowed her to even get closer to my baby. You failed and both of you could have severely hurt if Martha and I weren't on our way."

"I.." Amay fumbled on her words as her tears continued to fall. She felt as if her whole world was crumbling before her as she the cold feeling of loneliness began to engulf her. Amay just lowered her head in defeat as she couldn't say anything to her.

"Too think, I thought you could do this." Elizabeth said as she looked away from Amay with a sigh. "I should have never let you talked me into doing this. I can't believe you-"

"Are you fucking serious?"

A single voice cut through Elizabeth's rant and drew the attention of both Elizabeth and Amay as they watched Lucas struggle to his feet. He slowly made his way towards them with anger in his eyes.

"Where the fuck do you get off trying to tell her what she didn't do. If you want to blame anyone for my injuries then blame yourself and me." Lucas told his mom as he got closer.

"LuLu, I-" Elizabeth tried to speak, but Lucas cut her off again.

"When we got here to face Bigfoot, I froze up and you want to know who snap me back into it and kept him off of me? Amay did."

"When he throw me against a tree, you know who kept him from bashing my brains in? Amay did. Even when he slammed her into the ground she fought to keep me safe."

Lucas stopped as he stoop between Amay and his mother with Amay behind him. "When I was knocked out cold, Amay stood over me while Ida was in a tree. She told me to run, when Ida was going to attack. She knew raising her energy would have been a bad idea, because even if it had reached you who know how long it was going to take to get back. Amay did everything within her power to keep me save even when..."

Lucas felt him choke up a little as he remembered the moment Amay got impaled. His body began to shake as a single tear ran down his face. However, as much as he didn't want to say it he felt Amay hold onto his back. With a deep calming breath, he continued.

"When Ida impaled Amay and made it to she couldn't walk, she told me to run and forget her. I would be lying if I said that though didn't go through my mind, and it pains me to admit I almost did, but I didn't. I helped and dragged her with me. She kept repeating it and I refused to even with the risk I put myself and her in. I tried to my best to help Amay, but she died. She gave one of her lives to protect me."

When those words left Lucas mouth, Elizabeth's eyes went wide with shock. Her mouth became agape as she was it in his face and hers. She felt her heart drop as this new information rocked her to the core and a ocean of guilt began to set in. Before she could say anything, Lucas continued.

"When she came back and wanted to leave as soon as possible, I said no because I wanted to stop her. Amay again told me no. I explained to her my plan of how I wanted to be bait, and she was strongly against it. She. Begged. Me not to do it, because of her promise to YOU. But I convinced her." Lucas said pointing his thumb to his chest.

"What happened to me was not on her. I take full responsibility for that. My only regret is that I made her have faith in me to be able to pull it off, but I froze. I forced her to watch Ida do those things to me, but you know what? She came to my rescue and was going to end it by killing her. And guess what?"

Lucas thow hands up as tears was in his eyes as he admitted the truth to his mom.

"I fucked up, again. I told her not to kill Ida, and we just leave." Lucas said with a little chuckle. "And we got to this point." He put his hands down as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Amay risked so much for me that I could never repay her back. And if you want to blame any fucking one for what happened to me. Blame myself and yours." He said taking a step towards Elizabeth. " But don't you blame her for anything. Because where the fuck where you when this all happened?"

"Well...I.." Elizabeth said now fumbling on her words.

"This is on you because if you had trained me better none of this would have happened? If you had done YOUR job, and made sure Things like Ida wasn't around none of this wouldn't have happened. It's your fault, I got fucked up. It's your fault, Amay got killed. It's your fault, for getting us in this position." Lucas said growing closer to Elizabeth as she took a step back. "It's all your fault!!"

As Lucas said those words, his magical energy began to rise as sparks began to dance off of his body. His eyes became blue as his hair began to rise a little. Elizabeth, Amay and Martha could feel his energy and aura leaking off of him as he barely could hold back his anger.

"So where the fuck were you when all of this happened?" Lucas said taking another step forward. "ANSWER ME!!" He roared sending electricity from his body to the ground as he balled up his fist. Small pieces of debris began to rise as he stared at his mother for an answer.

Elizabeth went quiet as she was lost on what to say to her son. She looked him in his eyes and wanted to argue back, but she knew he was right. She felt a mixture of guilt, shock, awe, and horror from what he explained up until now. She secretly felt a little intimidated by his power, but wasn't enough to be fully worried. Yet, she hurt from feeling all hurt in his eyes. As she was about to say something, a saving grace came into play.

Lucas felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked over to see his older sister. Martha had a long look on her face as if she was sad and could feel his pain. Her hand wasn't an angry grasp, but a light one to know she was right her if he need her.

"Please, calm down." Martha softly told him as she could feel his body shaking. Instead of being monotoned, she had a deep concern and care in it. "Breath."

As Lucas body began to shake, it slowly began to mellow out. He closed his eyes as his anger, the emotions, the energy, and all of the affects on his body, began to lower and fully dissipated. This left him in a calm but still mad state as he looked up at his mom.

"We are all responsible for what happened here, there is no single person to blame." Martha told them all with a calm and collective voice. "I should have expanded my search and went with my first instinct and checked the forest again. I take responsibility for that." She said looking down a little.

"I don't blame you, Sis. I just don't appreciate her going off on Amay like that." Lucas told his sister as he took his eyes away from his mom. "She's just.."

"Please. That's enough."

Lucas stopped mid-sentence as her hard Amay's voice. It was faint, yet he heard it not from behind him, but instead inside his own head. He turned his full body around in shock and looked at her.

For a few moments, Lucas and Amay stared into each others eyes. They each felt this same connection and allowed each other to understand how the others felt. A small smile came to Lucas face as he exhaled through his nose. Before Elizabeth or Martha could say anything, both Lucas and Amay walked away together. They didn't listen to anything else the others had to say and just left together.

Elizabeth's eyes went wide with fear as she realized what happened. She took a step forward wanting to walk and grab her son by the hand, but Martha stopped her.

"Let them go." Martha said in calm words to Elizabeth.

"But..But...I can't let her take my baby away." Elizabeth confessed to Martha as her eyes began to frantically move back and forward as she began to fidgit. Her greatest fear was that her little monster had grown a connection with her only son. She watched as Martha shock her head.

"Let them have this, while we clean up this mess." Martha told her mother as she brought her closer and allowed her mother to hold her to calm her nerves. She could feel Elizabeth grip tighten as her hands began to shake. "It will be fine, mama." She reassured her as she watched Amay and her brother continue to walk away.