

He touched her and she quivered, the burning sensation increased in volumes and she couldn't wait for him to touch her in other places. He pecked her cheeks and she was literally on fire. He kissed her earlobes and she groaned in pleasure., and then he moved his mouth to her face where he gave her a passionate kiss that left the both of them breathless.

He slowly kissed her earlobes once more while using his hands to remove the nightwear she was still putting on, just as it fell on the ground he immediately cupped both breasts with his hands and she moaned softly, further turning him on.

Noticing that his cock was hard as a rock she guided him towards her bed and they both fell on it. He kissed her once more on the lips as he cupped her breasts once more then moved to suck her already erected nipples that where staring at him as if they could not wait for him to have them.

Immediately he placed his mouth on her nipples to stroke them she moaned softly once more in painful pleasure and he gently worked his way around both breast arousing her even the more as she could not wait to have him inside of her.

As Luca started kissing her from her stomach down to her belly button she moaned heavily this time because she could no longer contain the pleasure. Luca took his time to explore all parts of her body as her every moan and sweet whispers sent sparkles that he could not tell where they were coming from and did not want to know either because it made him feel so good and in charge too.

Ella could not believe in her heart that her age long desires and dreams where becoming a reality because she had fantasized so much about this moment countless times in her dreams and here it was, finally happening.

Another passionate kiss from Luca brought her back to reality as she could not wait for him to slide his cock deep into her already wet pussy, she also did not know when her hands moved from his chest, where she had initially placed it, to his back and then slid down his waist and held his cock.

Ella....Luca groaned in pleasure.

Luca.....Ella responded with a breathless moan.

You're driving me crazy, Luca whispered.

Oh yeah?

I need you right now... tell me you need me just as badly Luca pleaded.

I thought you'd never ask Ella responded as she further rubbed her hands around his cock making him swear.

Luca roughly pushed her thong to the side, and just as he was about sliding his cock into her wet and alluring pussy, Ella heard someone call her name.

Ella! Ella! Trisha called as she walked into Ella's bedroom to wake her up. She had been screaming her name while making breakfast to know what she would want to eat but had gotten no response. She walked over to the window and opened the window blind to allow light into the room before walking over to Ella's side of the bed to wake her up.

Ella cussed angrily as she opened her eyes. She couldn't believe that her dream had been interrupted by Trisha just as she was about getting to the peak of her hot romance with Luca.

Come out for breakfast. I made toast bread since you refused to respond on time Trisha called back as she walked out of the room, expecting Ella to follow.

Ella scowled at Trisha's back as she lazily got out of bed. She yawned and stretched out the moment her feet hit the ground, that was when she sighted Luca, the object of her fantasy, who also happened to be her next door neighbour locking his front door as he was leaving for work. She quickly moved closer to the window to have a better view as she had been doing for the past three months since he moved into the flat directly opposite hers.

How long will you continue to do this to yourself? Trisha who has returned to see if Ella had returned to bed after she left, asked when she saw Ella spying on Luca through the window.

He does not even know that you have feelings for him and you know that. The worse part of it is that almost all the ladies in this part of the estate wants him in their bed too. So the earlier you snap out of your fantasies the better for you Trisha suggested.

Ella who wasn't listening to what Trisha was saying quickly ran to the second window to have a better view of the hot Dietician that has made almost all the ladies in the estate fall head over heels in love with him as he drove out of his car garage.

Immediately the car disappeared from view, Ella dashed into the bathroom to quickly shower, seeing that she was already late for her lectures for the day.

Please kindly prepare a cup of coffee with scrambled eggs for me Ella begged Trisha who was still in the bedroom.

I already prepared breakfast and like I said earlier as it seems you weren't listening, it is toast bread, I left your portion in the microwave for you, I wanted to know what you'd love to eat before I started cooking but after calling you and got no response from you because you where in lala land (dreaming), I decided to prepare what I could lay my hands on Trisha responded.

Trisha took her bag and started arranging materials that she will use for the day in school, she is a student at a Desire Tailoring Academy that is almost an hour drive from their estate. She took one of the car keys and was about leaving the room when Ella came out from the bathroom.

Ella! Trisha called out as she was about leaving the house. I'm off to the Academy and I will be returning late because I have a wedding dress that I have sketched already and I want to start working on it as it is my final practical work before I graduate from the academy in few months time Trisha went on to explain.

Ella and Trisha are not blood sisters. Trisha was brought to live in the orphanage home by officers of the Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Support after a ghastly motor accident that involved her and her parents. They were all rushed to the hospital for immediate medical attention as accident victims, the accident was very severe.

The man and his wife are dead, the doctor on duty told members of the Federal Road Safety Corps when they returned to check on them.

What about the daughter? the team leader asked the doctor.

It is a very big miracle she survived, even though she sustained some internal injuries which might take time to heal but she will be fine the doctor replied.

It took two months for Trisha to be fully recovered and during this time efforts were made by the Police and Officers of the Federal Road Safety Corps to locate members of her family or relatives proved abortive, no one also came to ask after her even after plenty adverts on social media and newspaper publications. When no one came, she transferred to an orphanage home. Trisha was twelve years old when she was taken to the orphanage home.

Ella on the other hand is a survival of child abuse from her father who claims that she is the cause of her mother's death.

You are the reason why my wife, the love of my life, the woman of my dreams died and left me to be lonely Ella's father never fails to remind her at any given opportunity he gets.

Ella's mother had complications while giving birth to her, she knew that her chances of being alive was thin, so she made the doctor save Ella's life instead of hers. Immediately after the delivery of Ella she died due to complications.

Doctor how is my wife? Ella's father asked

Your daughter is fine and doing well....

What about my wife? Ella's father quickly asked the doctor for the second time.

She did not make it Sir, the complications were too much and so she couldn't make it despite everything we did to save her life but she insisted we save her baby's life instead of hers the doctor replied.

Immediately Ella's father heard this, he developed hatred for the new born for robbing him of his joy, happiness and love of his life, he did not go to the infantry to check on her but headed straight to the bear parlor to drink away his sorrows.

Ella's granny, (Big Mummy) as Ella fondly calls her took care of her from childbirth till she passed away when Ella was just ten years old. Big Mummy was the only family she had since she was told that her mother eloped with her father because her mother's parents were not in support of her relationship with her father and some times typical of some young adults in Nigeria, they decided to start their family with Ella's parents blessings which made Ella's father disown the daughter.

When Big mummy died, life became unbearable for Ella because her father did a lot of despicable things to her down to even refusing to take care of her school fees, never provides for her feeding, he beats her up for any slightest mistake she makes and at any given chance he never fails to lay curses on her.

Who did this to you? Glory's mum Mrs. Nkechi asked her one morning she heard her crying and was lucky to enter the house that fateful day because Ella's father always prevented her From going outside.

My Daddy replied Ella in tears.

Are you very sure about this? Mrs. Nkechi asked again because she could not believe a father would treat the daughter this way.

Hello good morning, please am I on to the office of the human rights for child abuse? Mrs. Nkechi asked the person on the other end of the phone.

Yes you are and you're speaking with Sandra, how can I be of assistance to you? she responded.

My name is Mrs. Nkechi, and I am calling in respect of one of my neighbor's daughter Emmanuela, I saw her in a terrible state this morning and she confided in me that the marks I saw on her body was inflicted on her by her father. She went on to explain all that she knew about Ella and her father while Sandra took notes.

Mrs. Nkechi, I will send your complaints to the department in charge to handle and investigate this, meanwhile can we reach you back on same number? Sandra continued.

Yes you can Mrs. Nkechi replied.

Thank you for reaching out to us Sandra told her before ending the call.

Three days later after series of investigations, Ella's father was served a letter from the court and after the proceedings where he pleaded guilty without remorse for his actions, he was given a prison sentence of 7 years with hard labor for child abuse. Ella was then taken to an orphanage home since no relatives wanted to take her in to live with them.

Trisha and Ella coincidentally were brought in same day at the orphanage home and that was how their friendship started and later on blossomed. Few years later, Ella was luckily adopted by a rich and lovely family that needed a female child desperately while Trisha was not so lucky to be adopted by any good family so she was always retuned to the orphanage home and amidst all this, both girls still kept in touch with each other through letters and phone calls.

Few months to Trisha turning the big eighteen a Charity organization came to the orphanage home on a fateful day requesting to take up paying the fees of some children that would love to learn vocational skills.

Trisha has always had dreams of becoming a renowned seamstress, if not for anything but to make her granny proud wherever she was because it was what her Granny used to take care of her every needs since her dad opted to waste his life by being a drunk after the death of his wife because to him life was not worth living anymore.

She could not contain her joy at this news when it was shared during breakfast at the dining hall. While she went to the coordinator's office to collect and fill the form, she noticed that the address of the tailoring academy was very far from the orphanage home but a little close to Ella's school residence.

Ella is now a student of the University of Lagos Akoka, and so has her own accommodation in the choicest of areas and hostels close to the school all thanks to her rich parents.

Please ma, I can stay at Ella's place while I attend my tailoring lectures since the academy is close to Ella's hostel Trisha asked her coordinator while she was filling the form.

No you can't, but if you continue to remain in good behavior till you turn eighteen then maybe we can consider your request the coordinator replied.

This news sounded so good to be true, she did a little dance in happiness and could not wait to share it with her friend turned sister through a phone call while she awaits Ella's next visit as it has been their custom since Ella learnt how to drive after her father bought her a car as her eighteenth year birthday present.

When Trisha turned eighteen she left the orphanage home and with the help of Ella she moved into Ella's apartment where they have been living together for the past two years. Ella is a late riser while Trisha is an early riser so majority of the time, Trisha does breakfast even though Ella is a better cook than her.

Josh kissed her already hard and aroused nipples and pushed her pants down with one of his hands and slid a finger inside her already wet pussy. He started finger fucking her even as she skillfully slid from his reach, climbed on his back as he laid on his stomach, Sharon started planting kisses on his neck while giving him sensual massage.

Get down from my back Josh slowly moaned to Sharon.

Sharon slid down from Josh's back like a professional as Josh started standing up and he caught her and turned her to face him, there and then he slid his very erect cock into her very wet pussy.

As they were beginning to get the rhythm of his thrusting, Sharon's phone starting ring and after ringing thrice repeatedly she picked the call even with Josh's cock inside of her.

Good afternoon sis. Sharon's brother Kingsley greeted her.

Yes what do you want? Sharon responded.

Sis. I just want to let you know that your husband has packed out of the house he continued.

What do you mean by that? Sharon replied.

Your husband has packed out of the house, he also left some papers for you to go through and to me it seems like divorce papers, Kingsley continued to explain.

Who does he think he is? What does he think he wants to achieve? Does he think that I cannot survive without him. These were the questions Sharon asked her brother Kingsley.

Sis. I will advise that you come back home quickly from your journey to sign the documents so that you can have time for your career Kingsley adviced as he dropped the call.

Please get out from my room, Sharon told Josh her secret lover, I want to be left alone she added.

Who was on the phone? and what did the person say to you? baby I really need to get inside of you Josh grumbled as he slowly crept out of the bed to find solace in the living room.

Girls relax I gat this, Sharon told her friends one weekend on their way home from West African Examination Council (WAEC usually taken in Nigeria when a student is in their senior secondary School, this will help them qualify for another examination that will grant them access into the University) lectures.

I know you get whatever you need and want from your parents but dear Sharon that Gym instructor is off your limits, you can not have him Sonia one of her explained.

Besides your boyfriend Peter is there, he is hot too and has a promising future, please don't settle for a common gym instructor if at all Celine added.

Still doesn't mean I won't get what I want Sharon replied them when it was obvious the remaining two of her friends had nothing else to contribute.

Dadddddyyyy? Sharon drooled at her dad after dinner two days after the discussion with her friends.

Yes my princess, Chief Okpala replied.

Daddy you said you will give to me and do for me anything I ask you right? Sharon continued.

Yes I will, you are my only daughter and pride. Who am I tilling the grounds for if not for you and your brother? so I will give and do anything you ask from me provided it is not to kill Chief Okpala added.

Welllll daddy, I want to keep fit so I will love to enrol in a gym so that I can be guided by an instructor who will help me burn fat at the right places and also help me through the right exercises Sharon said.

When Sharon was explaining her intentions to the dad, his thoughts went to his wife's and her twin sister, how he missed them, first it was the wife's twin then the wife. Oh death!

Dad! Daddy? Sharon shaked her dad back to reality since it was obvious that was absent mind.

My princess, anything you want I will give you. So have you made enquiries about the particular gym you want to enrol in? the father asked.

"Yes Dad, there's this gym few minutes drive outside the estate, I have heard alot of testimonies from people who have been there and from what I gathered they seem like the best in this area so I will love to register there Sharon explained to her father.

"Your wish is my command my princess, just let me know in the morning before I leave for the office how much the registration form will cost and any other thing you'll need for the exercises" Chief Okpala told the daughter as he was leaving the living to retire for the day in his bedroom.

Let me see how Ernest the hot gym instructor will slip from my grips Sharon smiled speaking softly and slowly to herself as she walked to her room to sleep. During the night Sharon had a lovely dovey dream where the gym instructor could not resist her immediately he saw her enter the gym to register.

Miss Sharon, miss Sharon, miss Sharon Janet the house keeper gently tapped her to wake up as it was dawn and breakfast might be cold if she doesn't eat it soon.

Miss Sharon breakfast is served and your dad has left for the office, he said to tell you that he left some money for you in his room Janet continued as Sharon was walking to the restroom to relieve herself because she was pressed.

Thank you Janet, I don't think I will have breakfast I have to be somewhere this morning and I am already late Sharon replied as she was undressing to take her bath.

Finally, it is going to be Ernest and I today, nobody says no to my request, nobody and besides he'll gladly say yes to my offer after all which man in his right senses will say no when am offered, this body? No man..... Sharon muttered to herself as the stared at the mirror in her bathroom.

Hello!!!!! anybody here Sharon shouted as soon as she entered the gym and not finding anyone at the reception to attend to her.

"Please am coming, a voice replied from inside"

" That sounds like Ernest's" Sharon told herself as she looked at the glass door and made a little adjustment in the cloth she was wearing.

"Hello Lady" Ernest greeted when he came out to the reception, I am very sorry for keeping you waiting. My receptionist stepped out to get breakfast he added.

"Hi, Sharon replied.

" How can I be of assistance to you?" Ernest enquired.

"Oh, I came to register at the gym, I need to shed some weights" Sharon explained.

" That is not a problem please do have a seat Ernest offered, I'll give you a form to fill after that I'll explain the processes to you, you make payments Ernest explained while looking for the registration forms at the receptionist drawer.