
Amanda's Hate: Reborn To Love You

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Elder Harris’s Life Celebration


Chapter 8: Elder Harris's Life Celebration

On the day of Mr. Harris's birthday celebration, Amanda basically didn't care whether Javier came to pick her up or not.


She went directly home to go to the party with her parents.

This longevity celebration of Mr. Harris invited many guests from around the world, a hall full of people gave Amanda a headache just looking at it.

She was dragged by Milena Solis everywhere until she escaped more than an hour later.

"Oh god so tired!"

Outside on a rather deserted balcony, Amanda stretched out and breathed in the fresh air. Unexpectedly, as soon as he inhaled, a stream of cigarette smoke went straight into his nasal cavity.

"Cough cough..."

Amanda choked and felt a little frustrated, looking around before suddenly seeing a cigarette flame in the dark.

"Who is that?"

The other person heard her question and slowly walked out, conveniently extinguishing the cigarette in his hand.

"What are you doing here?"

Amanda's eyes widened with surprise at the person standing in front of him.


Quentin Harris curled his lips and poked her forehead.

"Call me again?"

Amanda was stunned by his intimate action and awkwardly changed the subject.

"Why are you here? Grandpa is about to get busy inside."

Seeing that she didn't answer his question, Quentin didn't pay attention, leisurely putting his hands in his pockets and looking down at her.

"It's usually good to have some free time every now and then to keep him busy."

"Grandpa giving birth to you, don't know if it was his blessing or his misfortune."

Amanda pursed the corners of her curled lips, don't be rude.

Quentin saw the corners of her eyes curl and couldn't help but smile softly. Tonight she was very beautiful with a flowing blue dress and long hair flowing around her shoulders.

For a moment, Quentin seemed to see the little girl running behind him and playing mischief.

"Are you and Javier okay?"

When Amanda was in a good mood, hearing this name immediately, her mood decreased a lot. She lazily pouted her lips.

"Can you please stop mentioning him?"

Looking at her frown and gloomy appearance, Quentin thought that she had something to worry about, so he did not continue asking.

"Young Master, Old Master has arrived."

Just as Butler Wayne came to respectfully convey the news to Quentin, he nodded slightly to show that he knew.

Looking at the girl again, still half leaning on the railing, the strong wind blew her hair with a few strands playfully blowing towards his hand.

"I have to go first. If you're bored, go inside. It's too windy outside. There's a delicious cake stand inside."

Amanda blinked at him and nodded slightly.


Quentin left, as Amanda stood there for a while and felt bored, so she followed his advice and went to find the cake stand.

Carefully choosing, she finally chose a small chocolate cake. Amanda happily enjoyed the cake, but before she finished eating, Javier was standing right next to her.

"Mandy, what did you just talk about with my youngest uncle?"

Amanda frowned and didn't bother eating the cake anymore. She coldly looked at Javier.

"What he and I are talking about has nothing to do with you!"

Javier narrowed his eyes and grabbed Amanda's arm, pulling her closer to him, domineeringly spitting out each word.

"I told you to stay away from him."

Amanda struggled to escape his hand, having experienced it last time. She silently took a few steps back and said coldly: "

He didn't kill anyone or set fire to it, so I didn't need to avoid him."

She mockingly glanced at him up and down.

"But he seems to be better than some people."

Javier squinted his eyes and looked at Amanda, but within a few seconds he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Is that good? Then just keep your eyes open and watch."

After saying that, he drank all the wine in the glass and continued smiling:


"I'll give you a little time to be spontaneous. Next time, don't be so stubborn. I don't have the patience."

After Javier left, Amanda was still a little uneasy looking at his back.


The cell phone rang, interrupting Amanda's thoughts. It was Vance Walters calling, so she immediately answered.

"Everything is done. When do you want to release the news?"

Amanda was a bit thoughtful and replied:

"Let's go tonight at 11 o'clock."


After hanging up the phone, Amanda was a little excited and picked up a glass of wine to drink. Last night she received the documents sent by the private detective.

The collection was not bad, except for the evidence of Javier Harris and Elena Lewis's adultery, there was a lot of material that made her very satisfied.

Amanda curled her lips and drank a few more glasses. Very soon the romantic love story of that dog couple would turn into a story that people would spit on.

Amanda drank and drank again and again. Almost half of the wine on the table was completely consumed. Just thinking about getting revenge for something made Amanda happy to the point of oblivion.

"I want to find a place to rest."

"Yes, please go upstairs, room 209.

Do you need me to help you?"

Seeing Amanda dizzy, the waiter wanted to reach out to help, but she refused.

"I can walk on my own."

Amanda staggered upstairs. She felt a little regretful for not controlling her emotions.


"204, 205, 209...! Huh?"

Amanda closed her eyes and fell back and forth looking at the room number on the door. She frowned in frustration and kicked the door, but it creaked open.

"Open now?"


Amanda hiccuped and went in alone. Even though she was drunk, she was still smart enough to go in and immediately locked the door.

In a certain corner of the party, butler Wayne said to Mr. Harris incomprehensibly:

"Old Master the young master has left, it seemed a bit unusual..."

Mr. Harris received guests all night and was the only one there. Mr. Harris was already tired of helping, so when he heard butler Wayne mention his indifferent son, he snorted softly.

"What's so unusual about it?"

" I should get him married soon, but his attitude of looking at everyone is like looking at a stone statue" 

Javier opened the door, walked in, smiling warmly and walked to Mr. Harris's side.

"You're here, then go find your youngest uncle and tell him to come out and receive guests."

His eldest son and daughter-in-law are currently not here, and the only person he can ask for is Javier.

Having said that, who wouldn't love his son? Quentin has a personality that is not easy to get close to, so he tried to find ways to let him go out and interact with more people.

Javier's eyes flashed slightly, looking at him apologetically.

"I must have been busy, so I left first. I couldn't find him."

Mr. Harris sighed and waved his hand.

"That's okay, you can go out with me to receive guests."

Javier went to help him stand up and together they went out. Only butler Wayne was nervous and restless.