
AMAGUMO: The Last Princess Arc

In the Meijin Kingdom of Amagumo, hidden within Kamuro City's eerie streets, a long-forgotten legacy stirs. Princess Kiyomi, the last heir of the Meijin Dynasty, possesses a mysterious power bound to her bloodline. As she conceals her true identity, she embarks on a perilous quest with Hikaru, the stoic shadowblade, and Akari, the wise spirit seer, to uncover her lineage's hidden truths. Their journey takes them into the heart of the forbidding Kami-Kai Forest, a place known to reject all who approach. The Kami-Kai's secrets are guarded by illusions, treacherous trials, and ancient spirits, but Kiyomi's resolve remains unyielding. As they navigate its ominous depths, a relentless pursuit by the Umbral Court, led by the power obsessed Yosei, shadows their every step. In a thrilling battle of destiny and darkness, Kiyomi's power awakens, setting the stage for a showdown that will shape the future of Amagumo. "The Last Princess Arc" weaves a tale of secrets, sacrifice, and the enduring power of hope in a kingdom shrouded in shadows.

MOONiE_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

[ Pursuit of Dynasty ]

The Meijin Kingdom of Amagumo stood on the edge of a perpetual twilight, where daylight seldom pierced the oppressive darkness. It was a realm where the Umbral Court ruled with an iron fist, and the spirits of the fallen wandered, their souls torn and restless.

But amidst the shadows, a legend endured.

Princess Kiyomi, the mysterious last heir of the Meijin Dynasty, had been hidden away for years. Her existence was a secret whispered only among the most trusted of guardians.

Hikaru, the Shadowblade, was one such guardian. His loyalty to the princess was unwavering, a duty passed down through generations. He moved silently through the alleys of Kamuro City, his steps as elusive as the shadows themselves. Kiyomi had been his charge since she was a child, and he had watched her grow into a young woman of rare resilience and resourcefulness.

Hikaru moved like a whisper through the dimly lit alleys of Kamuro City. His keen eyes spotted the telltale signs of an upcoming mission etched on the faces of the Umbral Watch guards. Shadows clung to the corners as they conversed, unaware that a silent guardian listened from the darkened eaves.

"The rumors persist, you know," one guard muttered, his voice hushed but anxious.

The second guard leaned closer, his face etched with skepticism. "You mean the old myth? The supposed last heir of the Meijin Dynasty?"

Hikaru's ears perked up at the mention of those words—the Meijin Dynasty. It was a phrase buried deep in the memories of Kamuro City, a lineage erased from history by the oppressive Umbral Court.

The first guard nodded earnestly, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "Aye, that's the one. They say this heir possesses powers beyond imagination. If we could find them, we might overthrow the Umbral Court's rule."

His companion chuckled darkly. "You've been reading too many bedtime stories, my friend. The Umbral Court's has won over the kingdom, anyone who defies them must have a death wish."

Hikaru's heart quickened as he silently withdrew from the eaves. He knew he had to share this information with Kiyomi. It was a faint glimmer of hope in a city steeped in despair.


As Hikaru continued through the city, the full weight of the Umbral Court's rule became starkly evident. The streets were lined with crumbling buildings, their facades scarred by time and tyranny. Lanterns cast feeble glows that seemed to wither under the weight of the night.

Desperate souls shuffled along the alleys, their faces etched with the melancholy of a city robbed of its identity. Kamuro City had once been a place of vibrant culture and history, but now, it was a silhouette of its former self.

Hikaru's journey led him to a hidden passage, concealed underneath the city. He entered with the grace of a shadow, the passage winding its way beneath the ground, a forgotten artery connecting the heart of Kamuro City to the hidden palace.

There, in the sanctuary of the forgotten, Hikaru found Kiyomi. She was the lone beacon of hope in this desolate realm, her presence a reminder of the Meijin Dynasty's legacy.

Kiyomi's eyes met Hikaru's as he entered, and in that fleeting moment, the weight of their shared purpose hung in the air. Hikaru leaned in, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"I overheard a conversation among the guards," he confessed. "They're searching for you, Kiyomi—the last heir of the Meijin Dynasty."

A flicker of hope danced in Kiyomi's eyes, mirroring the distant stars in the night sky. "Then there's a chance, isn't there? A chance to change the fate of Kamuro City and the Meijin Kingdom of Amagumo."

Hikaru nodded, his resolve unwavering. "We must tread carefully. The Umbral Court's eyes are everywhere. But perhaps, with the power you possess, we can illuminate the darkness that has shrouded our world for far too long."

The hidden palace's chambers were a sanctuary of whispers and gloom, a place where Kiyomi had cultivated her knowledge and power in secret. As the two stood in the dimly lit room, Kiyomi unrolled an old, tattered map—their guide to the forbidden knowledge hidden within the Kami-Kai Forest.

Hikaru's eyes narrowed as he examined the ancient document. "Kami-Kai Forest," he murmured. "A place that has rejected all who sought its secrets for centuries. Kiyomi, this plan is too dangerous. We know nothing of what lies within."

Kiyomi met Hikaru's skeptical gaze with unwavering determination. "That's precisely why we need to go, Hikaru. The scrolls hold the key to my true lineage, and perhaps the power to challenge the Umbral Court. I can feel it in my very blood—the call of destiny."

Hikaru's worry deepened. "But the forest is treacherous, Princess. It's known to reject anyone who dares approach. What if it devours us as it has countless others?"

Kiyomi reached out and gently placed her hand on Hikaru's arm. Her touch was a silent reassurance. "Hikaru, you've always protected me, watched over me. Now, we must journey together into the unknown. The Crimson Moon Rebellion believes in me, believes that I can change the fate of this kingdom. We're the only remains of the Tsukinoma Clan so… I need you by my side."

The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, and Hikaru finally relented with a solemn nod. "Very well, Princess. We shall go to the Kami-Kai Forest and seek the scrolls, but we must move swiftly. The Umbral Court's pursuit is relentless, and every moment we delay puts us at greater risk."

Kiyomi's smile was radiant, a testament to her indomitable spirit. "Then, we leave tonight. We will not allow the Umbral Court to beat us to the fate of Amagumo."

In the shadowed depths of Kamuro City, the princess and her guardian set their course for the Kami-Kai Forest—a place shrouded in mystery and foreboding.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of crimson and indigo, Kiyomi prepared to venture beyond the confines of the hidden palace. She donned her royal attire—a kimono of rich purple, adorned with delicate cherry blossoms. The obi, a deep crimson, cinched at her waist.

Hikaru observed her from the shadows, his sharp eyes hidden behind a mask. He marveled at how she carried the weight of her lineage with grace, her determination concealed beneath her wry sense of humor.

"Tonight," Kiyomi said, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief, "we shall uncover more about the Forbidden Scrolls. The time has come for me to embrace my destiny."

Hikaru's response was stoic, as ever. "Your safety is paramount, Princess."

Kiyomi's laughter was like a melody in the quiet room as she turned to face him. "I know you worry, Hikaru. But it's time to lift the veil on our past."


Hikaru led Kiyomi through the ghostly alleys of Kamuro City, where lanterns bathed the streets in eerie glows. The narrow paths seemed to twist and turn, echoing with the lost souls' lamentations. As they ventured to the outskirts of the city, Kiyomi couldn't help but feel the weight of the darkness pressing upon her. It was a place where memories shattered like glass, and hope was a scarce commodity.

Hikaru, ever watchful and stoic, occasionally glanced back at Kiyomi, his eyes conveying a silent reassurance. "We're getting closer," he said, his voice low but steady. "The Kami-Kai Forest holds the answers we seek. The Forbidden Scrolls may reveal your true lineage."

Kiyomi nodded, though her thoughts lingered on the lost souls they passed. She reached out, her hand briefly touching the shoulder of a drifting spirit. In that moment, a spark of recognition flickered in the spirit's eyes, and Kiyomi whispered, "You're not alone. We're here to bring you peace."

The ghostly figure, once despondent, seemed to gain a hint of serenity, as if Kiyomi's presence had kindled a forgotten ember within. Hikaru observed the exchange, his respect for Kiyomi deepening.

As they neared the entrance of the Kami-Kai Forest, a palpable sense of unease settled upon them. For a mysterious reason, the already quiet and eerie streets of Kamuro with little to no souls wandering around was, dead silent. Hikaru surveyed their surroundings with cautious eyes.

Hikaru halted, his senses alert to the subtle shifts in the forest's atmosphere. He knew they were being watched. "Stay close, Princess," he whispered to Kiyomi, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his shadowsteel blade.

From the shadows emerged a figure clad in dark robes, his presence shrouded in an aura of malevolence. It was a long, flowing cloak made of deep crimson, adorned with intricate, silver crescent moon patterns. The cloak billows dramatically in the wind, giving the person an imposing presence.


"So," the stranger's voice echoed through the eerie silence, "the princess emerges from her hiding place at last."

Kiyomi stepped forward, her expression a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Who are you?"

"I am Zagitsu," he replied, his voice dripping with arrogance. "A guardian of the Crimson Moon Rebellion."

Hikaru's grip on his blade tightened. "Huh? The Rebellion was meant to aid the return of her Royal Highness, what do you want?"

Zagitsu's lips curled into a sinister smile. "I want the princess, of course. She's the key to our master plan, the means to finally overpower the Umbral Court."

Kiyomi's eyes widened with realization. "You intend to use me as a weapon. The Rebellion… was a lie?"

"let's just say we all, had different methods toward the same goal," Zagitsu said, his chain blades emerging from the sleeves of his robe, infused with dark magic. "But first, I must remove the obstacle standing in our way."

With blinding speed, Zagitsu attacked, his chain blades slashing through the air with deadly precision. Hikaru met the assault with his shadowsteel blade, the clash of metal echoing through the battlefield.

Kiyomi watched in awe as the two skilled warriors engaged in a fierce battle, their movements a blur of darkness and steel. Hikaru fought with unwavering determination, his stoic facade replaced by a fierce resolve to protect the princess. Zagitsu, on the other hand, reveled in the chaos, his dark laughter echoing through the dimly lit streets of Kamuro.


The clash of blades sent sparks flying into the night, illuminating the combatants in brief, flickering flashes. Hikaru's movements were precise, each strike calculated, as he defended against Zagitsu's relentless onslaught. The combatant skills of a guardian from the Crimson Moon Rebellion was not to be underestimated, his chain blades a deadly dance of whirling slashes.

As the battle raged on, Hikaru spoke through gritted teeth, his voice fused with disdain. "You seek to overpower the Umbral Court, but for what purpose? What do you hope to achieve?"

Zagitsu's laughter filled the air as he deftly evaded Hikaru's strikes. "The Umbral Court has ruled Amagumo with cruelty and oppression for far too long. We aim to bring about a new era, where darkness no longer holds sway."

Hikaru's eyes narrowed as he continued to parry Zagitsu's attacks. "And what of the princess? What role does she play in your plans?"

Zagitsu's expression darkened, his chain blades lashing out with renewed ferocity. "The princess possesses a power that can tip the scales in our favor. With her, we can finally break the Umbral Court's hold on our kingdom."

In the midst of their brutal clash, Hikaru's resolve burned brighter than ever. With every fiber of his being, he pushed back against Zagitsu's chain blades, their weapons locked in a deadly embrace.

Hikaru grunted for strength, his voice strained but untiring. "I won't let you harm the princess or the kingdom further! Your rebellion will only bring more suffering!"

Zagitsu coldly replied, a dark and chilling statement. "Suffering is the way of our realm, Shadowblade. The Umbral Court's tyranny must end, even if it means sacrifice."

As the struggle reached its peak, Kiyomi couldn't bear to witness the violence any longer. Her cries rang out, her voice laced with desperation. "Please, stop! This isn't the way!"

In a surge of strength, Kiyomi summoned her latent power, channeling the spirits of the lost souls around her. A brilliant, ethereal light burst forth, illuminating the dark alleys. The energy flowed through her, intensifying the struggle between Hikaru and Zagitsu.

With a final, determined push, Kiyomi's power tipped the balance. Zagitsu was sent staggering backward, his chain blades disarmed.

But the victory was short-lived. The crimson aura surrounding Zagitsu swirled with newfound intensity. His masked face twisted into a sinister smile once again, revealing that this confrontation was far from over.

Before Hikaru could react, Zagitsu unleashed a surge of dark magic that sent him hurtling through an abandoned home, crashing into the walls. Kiyomi watched in horror as her protector was overpowered once again, and the ominous crimson aura around Zagitsu pulsated with malevolent energy.

The guardian of the Crimson Moon raised his chain blades once more, poised for a final, devastating blow that could end it all. The city seemed to hold its breath, as if the lurking spirits were anticipating the outcome.

Zagitsu's chain blades descended with a terrifying speed, aimed at delivering the fatal blow that could end Hikaru's life. But just as the blades were about to strike, a spirited barrier shimmered to life around the fallen Shadowblade.

The Crimson Moon Rebel, Kiyomi, and Hikaru himself were all taken aback. They exchanged bewildered glances, wondering where this newfound protection had come from. The atmosphere remained eerily silent.

Then, from the depths of the foggy road, a voice echoed—a voice that was both feminine and firm, carrying an undeniable air of authority. "That is enough, Zagitsu."

Zagitsu froze in his tracks, his chain blades mere inches from Hikaru's throat. He slowly turned his masked face toward the source of the voice, his eyes wide with disbelief.

A silhouette emerged from the depths of the surrounding fog, its form graceful yet noble. The figure remained cloaked in darkness, but a faint, spirited glow surrounded her. In that moment, she seemed like a spirit of the forest itself, a guardian of secrets long buried beneath layers of history.

Zagitsu's voice was laced with astonishment as he whispered, "You... You're not supposed to be here."

Who had interrupted the fight? And why does the Rebel released such a concerning whisper? Another encounter destined to clash in Kiyomi's journey but most importantly, will they be the hero's savior, or foe?