

I slowly regain consciousness.

“What happened?” I thought.

I try to blink. I can’t. I try to move.


“Why can’t I…” I stop. I suddenly remember the fight against Aamon up to the point where he froze me and Glenn in crystal. I struggle to break free by force to no avail.

“Wait. This crystal is just magic!” I concentrate. I feel the magic around me and slowly begin to pull it into my body. The crystal around me begins to glow brightly until finally, it disappears.

I drop to the snow breathing heavily. I look around to see that I’m on top of a mountain surrounded by more mountains.

“Where are you, Glenn?” I said.

I look up to see my staff in front of me. I reach for it and yank it out of the snow.

The snow suddenly gives away beneath me causing me to roll down the mountain. I steady myself to see I’m about to fly off a cliff. I slam my stuff into the snow just as I reach the cliff, stopping just in time.

I pick myself up, “I have to find out where I am.”

As I’m walking down the mountain. I begin to have this weird feeling as if I’ve been here before. The snow begins to bite into my face.

“I have to find shelter,” I said as I covered my head with my cape.

I climb on top of a rock. My jaw drops. Out on the horizon, I spot a castle, my family’s castle.

I quickly rush down the mountain.

I reach the entrance shivering. I open the door and close it behind me as the hinges creak. I slowly face down the corridor. I take a deep breath and step forward. My steps echo down the hall. I suddenly spot a familiar painting.

I stop.

It was the same painting when Turner brought me here when I was first here. I gently hold my red cape, “I protected our people as promised.” I slowly make my way to the cellar. I find the old secret tunnel. I entered it and reached the end to see that it was blocked. I kicked it with all my strength moving the debris. I exited to see that nothing was recognizable.

“Isabell… Kathrine…” I said slowly. “I wish you were still alive…”

I head back into the tunnel and out of the cellar.

Just as I exit the cellar, I hear a voice in the distance. I dash forward trying to find where the voice is coming from. I rush to the throne room.

“The voice must have come from here!” I thought.

I close the door behind me. I immediately feel fear. This was the last place I saw Turner as he heroically faced Aamon.

I close my eyes, focusing. I can’t sense any magic.

Suddenly, I hear arrows fly at me. I jumped over them to see that they were fired from all around me. Another arrow is fired at me. I block it with my staff.

As soon as I land, someone huge slams into me with their body sending me flying into a wall.

“How can I not sense them!?” O thought.

I stand up to see an ax swing straight down at me. I quickly jump out of the way. I watch as a large man reveals himself and picks up his ax.

“Who are you?” I said cautiously. Another arrow flies straight at me. I instantly catch it.

The man raises his hand. He says in a really low voice, “He’s mine.” He runs straight for me, throwing his ax. I deflect his ax sending it into the entrance door. The large man throws a punch at me. I drop my staff and catch his fist. My feet skid against the floor and stop in place. The man looks at me surprised.

“Okay,” I thought. “He’s really strong.”

He suddenly punches me in the stomach, sending me rolling backward. As soon as I stand up again, he jumps and grabs both hands ready to pound me into the ground.

I catch his fist, feeling the immense power transferring from my hand down to my feet and into the ground cracking it. I buckle to one knee.

He grabs me with both hands and lifts me into the air, “You’re the first to withstand that.”

I stare down at him, “Get the hell out of my castle.”

I slam my head against his. He releases me as he stumbles back. I jump into the air and kick him with both of my feet, sending him back into the entrance doors.

My hood falls off my head as I step back in front of a window illuminating my face.

The large man shakes his head and stares at me. A trickle of blood comes out of his nose. He grabs his ax and tugs it out of the door. I summon my staff to my hand. We both charge at each other.

Just as we’re about to clash, a lady rushes in between us shouting, “STOP!”

We both stop just in time.

She slaps the man shouting, “Don’t you recognize who it is!” She turns to me with a stare, “It’s Foster!”