

As I'm making my way out of the forest, I suddenly smell smoke. I jump above the trees to see smoke in the distance. I hurry up the hill and see a village being attacked.

"Does the King not protect its citizens?" I thought.

I run closer to see that people are being attacked. I see a man get cornered with his son. Just as the attacker strikes at them, I rush in knocking him out.

"Thank you, kind sir," says the father.

"Who's attacking your village?" I said as I examined the raider.

"Local raiders. They've increased in size ever since the undead forces have started to attack villages on the border of the kingdom."

I stand up and look at the son to his father. I stare for a few seconds and make up my mind. "Go help the others in escaping while I'll take care of these raiders."

"Thank you!" he says and runs off.

I look around and find a raider.

I touch his shoulder saying, "Do you guys happen to have a leader?" Surprised, he takes a swing at me with his club. I catch it and break it. "I don't think you got the message. I said… Do you have a leader?"

Scared, he points to the middle of the village.

"Thank you," I said as I knocked him out.

As I walk toward the middle of the town, raiders notice me and follow me from a safe distance. I arrive at the center with a bunch of raiders behind me. I look around to spot the one who seems to be in command. He has black hair and gray eyes. He has a pirate's hat with a brown torn coat that reaches his knees. He also has a dark blue shirt and black pants.

He minds his business as smokes.

"Are you the one in charge?" I said.

He blows a puff of smoke from his pipe and says, "I am. Are you here to take us down."

"Something like that," The raiders draw their weapons. "Woah calm down guys I meant peacefully." They lower their weapons but are still on guard.

The leader turns to me, "Peacefully you say?"

As soon as he looks at me, he freezes.

"Yes. Peacefully."

He doesn't respond.

"Are you good?" I said.

He shakes his head slowly. He says, "My name is Jack."


"Jack. Yours?"


His eyes widen with surprise. I ignored it, "Ok, here is my proposal. You stop attacking this village and everyone else in general."

"What's in it for us?"


"You honestly don't think that we'll stop because you ask. Some call us bandits and raiders but we prefer to be called pirates."

"Pirates? As in aarr matty?"

"Yes. Anyways why should we listen to you? You don't even have a weapon."

I take out my staff and extend it.

Everyone immediately readies their weapon.

"Interesting," Jack says examining my staff. "Alright here's my price, we'll stop only if you help us recover a treasure."

"Sure," I said suspiciously. "Since you guys are so-called pirates, where's this ship of yours?"

Jack points upward. I follow his finger to see a ship appear in the sky. A ladder falls down as Jack says, "All aboard!"

Hope I don't regret this.

I put my staff away as I climb the ladder up with the pirates and we start sailing up in the sky. The pirates surround me with cold stares.

After a few seconds of awkward staring, I ask, "So why are you guys pirates?"

Silence fills the boat.

"I have nowhere else to go," says one.

"Same here," says another pirate. "To be honest that's basically everyone. If it weren't for Captain Jack, we would all still be nobodies. He's the only one that believes in us."

I look at Jack who is piloting the ship starring ahead, "I see."

"We're here!" shouts Jack.

We look ahead to see a floating island. On top of the island is a visible treasure chest.

"It doesn't look like you guys need my help," I said.

"Don't worry we'll need your help real soon," says Jack. "Like right now."

Suddenly, ships appear from the clouds with crews of the undead. "Everyone draw your weapons!" shouts Jack.

I ready up but get lifted up by a round pirate.

"What are you doing?" I said. "I said I would help!"

"Retrieve the treasure while we distract those ships. Once you grab the chest, run towards the edge and jump off. Don't worry we'll catch you." He shrugs, "Sorry Captain's orders."

I proceed to be thrown off the ship. The wind screams past my ears as I fall down. I land on both feet and look up to see a battle waging between the ships.

"Guess I better hurry."

I hurry up the hill and grab the treasure chest. Just as I lift the treasure chest, skeletons start appearing from below.

"Not good. I can't fight with this treasure chest on me."

I hurriedly run and reach the edge of the island. I turn back to see that the skeletons have caught up to me. I look back at the ledge.

"Hope this works," I said.

I jump and free fall.

"Guys! Where are you!"

"Over here!"

I turn my head to see the ship fly underneath me, catching me.

I hand over the treasure chest as we escape the ships, "I hope I never do that again. I thought I was going to fall to my death!"

"But we caught you," says Jack smiling. "And that's what counts."

Later that day we celebrated on the ship with drinks. One offers me a drink but I turn it down. Soon everyone is knocked out drunk but Jack and I.

"So," I said. "What made you believe in these guys?"

He drinks and says, "Well, I know how it feels to be left all alone with no way out." He shakes his drink. "I didn't want anyone else to feel like that ever again."

"I see." I look down and think. After a few moments, I stand up, "Well, my job here is done. I hope you keep your end of the bargain." I extend my hand out. He accepts it.

The ship lowers to the ground.

"A pirate never goes back on his word. Besides, we have enough riches to last us."

Just as I'm about to jump off the boat, I turn around saying, "What are you guys going to do after this."

He thinks for a bit, "I guess we'll help defend and repair the village that we ravished. It's the least we can do. Besides, I need to teach my crew how to lend a helping hand to others."

I smile, "Good luck with that."

I'm at the ledge as Jack says, "Do you happen to have an uncle?"

I stop as I hear that. I close my eyes, "I did… He's dead. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know," he says. "You look familiar for some reason."

I stare at him for a couple of seconds. I turn around and jump off the ship and land on the ground walking off into the distance.