
New Found Power

As soon as we pick up the survivors, we fly back up into the sky. For some reason, the snow started to pour down harder.

“What is wrong with this snowstorm?” says Jack holding onto his hat.

The storm throws the ship around.

“Send the survivors below deck!” shouts Jack.

“Aye Captain!” shouts the crew.

Jack looks at me, “You too.”

“No!” I shouted back. “How can I help?!”

A lightning bolt strikes past us.

“There’s nothing you can do to help!” shouts Jack as he spins the wheel struggling for control.

The ship climbs higher and higher.

“What are you doing?” I shouted.

“We need to fly over these clouds!” shouts Jack.

Another lightning strikes us, hitting the sail of the ship.

We fly into the clouds. I can feel a layer of ice form on top of my skin. I look around to see the ship begin to be covered in ice.

“It’s no use!” shouts Jack. “The storm is pulling us down!”