

I open my eyes and see that I'm in a big room. I'm small and chubby? I try to stand up but fall just for someone to catch me.

"Where do you think you're going?" said a mystery voice. I looked up to see that it was my mom with her red hair tied who was carrying me. She lifts me up. "You're not strong enough to walk."

The door slams open to reveal my dad rushing in. "The undead are approaching our castle!"

My mom looks down at me with her golden eyes and back at him. "What are we going to do?"

He gently holds her hand, "We started this, we'll stay here with our people." He looks at me. "He doesn't have to stay here."

"Who's going to take care of Foster?"

"My brother can escape with him while we make our last stand here."

"Is there no other way?"

He takes a deep breath, "I'm afraid not."

They hold onto me tightly as we look out the window.

I woke up with a tear in my eye. I look around to see people running around in a panic. I stand up slowly, still dazed, and look at the flaming rock.

"What is happening?" I thought.

I look down the street to see more flaming rocks. A person runs into me knocking me down. I stand up slowly.

"Help!" I heard a cry. I turn to the source to see my bully from school trapped under a large wooden pillar from a house.

I immediately rush to him.

I look at him.

"I can't lift it by myself," I thought. I see a plank of wood and wedge it underneath the pillar. I push down with all my strength. The pillar slowly begins to lift releasing the bully. The plank snaps in two.

The bully stares at me astonished saying, "Thank you." He runs off.

"I have to find Glenn and Ralf," I said to myself.

As I arrive at her house, I stand in horror to see a flaming boulder in the house.

I ran inside shouting, "Glenn!? Anybody here!?"

No response.

"They must have escaped already."

I run to the lumber store to see it a rock smashed into the side of it. I slam open the lumber store. I spot the owner and quickly said, "Is Ralf ok?"

"Ralf isn't here!" the owner shouts as he tries to put out the fire. "I sent him to chop some lumber!"

As the owner finishes his sentence, I start running back home.

"Hopefully Ralf is ok!" I thought.

I look up at the sky to see even more burning boulders flying in.

My home was left untouched by the attack. I barge open the door shouting, "Uncle!"

"Where is he?" I thought

I ran up the stairs.

I open my room to see a dark figure. He was dressed in dark robes with his face hidden. I instantly felt horrible in my stomach.

The dark figure looks towards me and says slowly in a raspy heavy voice, "What a happy little room you have here." As he stretches his hand towards me, the room starts to catch on fire. I was paralyzed in fear.

Just as he's about to grab me, a sword comes out of nowhere cutting the hand off. Uncle jumps in front of me with a sword in hand.

The dark figure stands there looking at his missing hand, "Oh what a pity. I really liked that hand."

Suddenly he regrows his hand brand new. He quickly grabs Uncle by his neck. Uncle tries to escape from his grasp.

I have to do something!

I extend my hands trembling.

Please magic! Come out!

Nothing happens.

The dark figure cackles, "Are you trying to use your magic?"

Uncle headbutts him, releases himself, and grabs me by the shoulders.

"Run," says my Uncle calmly. I stand there looking at him reluctantly.

"Now!" he repeats more harshly. He turns around with his sword in hand. Uncle runs straight into the fire.

Suddenly my legs start to move by themselves. I run down the burning stairs and out the door. With tears in my eyes, I don't look back as I continue running.

I made it to the forest.

I finally look back. The entire village is filled with smoke and fire. Only destruction was visible. I collapse down to the ground crying.

"I will avenge you, Uncle," I said. "I will avenge you mother, father. I will avenge you, my friends."

I face my back to the village and run into the forest.