

there will be easter eggs and secrets. there will be lore of the world , lore of the characters. if I'm not uploading that will be because I have online classes or playing game like MC or MSL. there will be a Wattpad version of the story feel free to massage me on Wattpad or in this app for ideas or request.

JGW_gamer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

What happened 7000 years ago

suki wakes up from shore in a island inside of a big storm.suki tries to walk through the strong winds and strong rain she found monsters she used her liquefied guardian gear and fighting the monster. after in a few hours of walking around and fighting monsters inside the storm the storm stopped.the fog slowly disappeared and shows a bridge going down to a camp from a cave. she goes down to the bridge going down in the camp she looks around and she find barrel with 2 tridents, golden crown and a few golden armor. she looks up and find a sleeping bag she hooked it using he liquefied guardian gear.

G: there are 34 drowned climbing up the fishing dock of this area would you proceed or not?

Suki use her liquefied guardian gear shaping it in to Eliza's bow and shoots at the 4 of them fell down 5 of the drowned got shoot on the head she shaped her guardian gear into nayeli's scythe and starting attacking it. after a few minutes the last drowned has been killed.

G: you look tired I think you should take a rest.

Suki's stomach started to rumble.

G: first let's get food and then sleep ok.

Suki nods agreeing with G. she go out of the camp and looks around and find berry bushes.

G: there's a [floral bees] in that tree behind you.

[Floral bees] can be found on areas filled with flowers ,or can be found on flower fields.

Suki found a potato behind the berry bush. she found a lot of potatoes behind the bushes. Suki started a camp fire in the camp and starting to cook potatoes and putting Flora bee honey in the cooked potatoes and she started to eat and sleep after finishing eating.

after a few days.

Suki wakes up and looks around. she goes outside and found a trapdoor under the roots of the tree.she goes down but the ladder breaks. in a few minutes Suki wakes up in the pond.

Suki: how long did I fell?

G:I can't tell but you are above hells gate.

Suki: you mean close to the end of the Crust of the earth huh.how did they even dig this far?hmm? I think my clothes was shredded by the crystal while I was falling.

G: it true that you hit 43,253 crystal shards.

Suki: you didn't have to know that.

G:my apologies.

Suki sees a black pillar. she walks towards it and see obsidian with purple liquid magic leaking out.she see a hallway.she went to the hallway and after walking for a few hours she found a volcanic lake with boiling lava.she looks around and see a bridge going to the middle of the lake.

Suki:I'll deal with that later.

G: you better look somewhere else first rather than go there instead.

suki goes down the black stone stairs and found a door made out of purple crystal and gold. while she went inside and see a small library room. in a few hours she absorb all the info removing all of the writings transferring into Suki's mind. she put all the empty books, paper,scroll,and other stuff inside of her guardian gear. while doing that she found a small bag she opened it she notice that the bag is a space pouch loaded with gold and treasures. she puts the pouch inside of her guardian gear.

suki: that's all of that now it's all a empty room. now the-

the door was bashed open by a monster.suki attacks and hit the arms I didn't cut .


suki was grabbed by the legs and thrown out hitting a pillar. the monster goes closer to Suki. a stalactite fell behind the monster.

the monster went to the stalactite.

Suki:"it attracted to sounds so it a warden beast controlled by a parasitic fungus that skulks when it heard a sound."

suki throws a part of the pillar on the lake. the warden beast rushed towards the local making it self fall into the lake filled with lava.

suki stands up and goes to the end of the bridge finding a shut down portal hanging and chained.

Suki:one of the book said about this.if you ignite this portal with fire it will open and create a gateway to the place deeper than hell. guessing that is a different dimension.

Suki Heard a stomping sound Suki looks behind and see the warden that fall charging towards her.

Suki: still alive are you.

Suki dodge the warden but the warden went through the portal opened because of the lava in the warden cutting the warden in half.the other haft fell in the lava lake.

suki:hmm lava works I guess. sucks to be that monster.

G: really. . . nayeli's jokes. . .

Suki: don't judge.

suki went to the portal see a forest filled with blue mushrooms and fungus.

Suki:I think we have a long adventure ahead of us.