

An overpowered being does whatever it takes to vanquish it's greatest arch nemesis. Boredom. . . . I do not own the cover image

Elderdras · Others
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

In a certain world.

Currently there were multiple stars randomly exploding and destroying everything in their vicinity. Black holes, supernovae, wormholes and all manner of cosmic phenomena were being created and destroyed simultaneously. Galaxies were colliding while others seemingly lost the gravity holding them together causing them to expand and drift apart. It was honestly a breathtaking sight to behold.

Destruction truly is an art.

Too bad everyone was too busy trying to survive and could not appreciate this beautiful scene.

Well, almost everyone.

A great distance away, right at the edge of the world.

A collosal vaguely humanoid being the size of a universe was looking at the colorful chaos happening and suddenly smacked it's equivalent of a tongue.


The sound reverberated across the entire world causing everything to freeze for a microsecond before the destruction continued.

It turned it's head back to what appeared like an oversized monitor while slowly melding itself back into the dark space. You wouldn't be able to find it even with a glowing arrow pointing to it's location.

Pov ???(1):


Tap tap tap tap





Clack clack clack



Placing the can of auto-refilling coke aside, I continued scrolling and reading the nearly infinite lines of code while occasionally making some corrections every now and then.

It was incredibly annoying.

Everytime something was fixed, there are ten others that will break and a hundred more will stop functioning as they should.

It's like fetching water with a sieve.

I didn't let it get to me though.

This was the most interesting thing that's happened since... Damnit I've lost track of time again. Oh well, the point is it's interesting and that's enough for me.

It's also kind of fun.

Finishing my latest round of corrections, I try to compile the code again and just as expected it didn't run. I still tried compiling it again for absolutely no reason at all. Still nothing.

After reading through the logs, I started tracking down the errors and... What do we have here?

Looking at the line highlighted in red, I traced the functions it called and found the cause of all this trouble.

There was a new library installed and the functions defined in it conflicted with the standard library.

"So that's the problem," I mused to myself.

I really should have figured it out sooner.

I was in a low level world. The worlds that previous incarnations discovered were all high leveled worlds without exception.

No wonder it was so hard to infiltrate them.

To put it in perspective, a high level world is like a computer that has top notch security features and encryption while I could only use a guest account. No matter how badly I mess things up, the core modules will remain untouched and the administrator only needs to delete my account to fix everything.

A low level world on the other hand is a computer whose password is slide to unlock and anyone with a bit of skill can get a superuser account.

I got the power.

That's exactly what happened here. I got in with an administrator account with full access rights and subconsciously started randomly modifying the registry causing the system to crash.

What I need to do now is to try as much as possible to restore everything back to default settings and then proceed from there.

Just one problem though.

I have no idea what the default settings are.

So... Yeah. This will take a while.

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