
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The helpless, old xi?!

Hey guys author here, sorry for this but i won't be able to post two chapters for some days , as  i would be working on my another novel , I survived the Doom.

of course I would hopefully mass release after two weeks or so, till then happy reading :).


"You can't become  a tamer , even if you tried for a decade or so." August said nonchalantly , he was stating the obvious


But the next second  , an immeasurable pressure crushed his bones and the round table in front of him turned to ashes in instant , he fell on the ground while groaning with pain


"What did you say , say that again?!" August heard an enraged voice that made him shudder with fear.

Old man xi was looking at him with bloodlust in his eyes, August body shook at this, he couldn't help but be scared by the amount of power old man xi poses.

"Wait a minute, I didn't mean it like that." August said in defence, he was just stating the obvious but the party took his words as an insult.

seriously this old man is way too hot tempered August thought to himself.

The mighty pressure disappeared, but old man Xi was still Glaring at him with immense hatred.

August slowly stood up while groaning with  pain , it was just for a second but he feels like that he might die if old man xi haven't retrieved the pressure.

He cleaned his clothes which were now covered in dust and gibberish.

"What I mean to say is that you can't be a  tamer, cause you already have a cultivation base!"

 August corrected his word , his tone was also changed from cold to being somewhat formal.

Old man Xi who was confused by the August word " how so?" demanded an explanation.

"Taming an baby  ceaseos isn't as hard as an adult one, but that doesn't guarantee that you will successfully tame one, and become an tamer."

 August said, but his answer wasn't really being that helpful and he noticed by the complexion of the old man xi in front of him.

"Let me explain it in a simple world, if one wants to be a tamer he must fulfill two requirements."

"First, he shouldn't be a cultivator, but that does mean trash is also qualified for it."

"And the second and most important one, the person should have a special body type, That could store an immense amount of natural essence within it and can also refine it later on."

"Mystical body." August and old man xi both said together.

But while August's tone was normal, old man Xi became thrilled by the revelation.

Mystical body isn't an rare body type but instead it is quite normal and has been often deemed as trash body type, unworthy of cultivation.

The mortals having mystical bodies were regarded as wastes , as they required too much time to even progress in their cultivation.

Old Xi himself refused many talented individuals that were quite good with weapons and temperament but possessed mystical body type.

But now as he came to know the true use of a mystical body he was beaming with joy.

"So that's why they took so much time to progress in their cultivation, it's because they have too much space in their spiritual sea."

Old man xi thought to himself and then looked at August `` so you also possess mystic body type." He asked.

August was quite with surprise, but then he nodded his head simply in agreement.

"You could say so." His words contain right and wrong both, of course he can't just say he didn't have a mystical body type it will make it more harder to explain about the ceaseos then.

And if he continued to tell the truth, that he just picked the ceaseos on his way to the city just because he thought it was cute, the old man xi might as well choke him to death.

"So, these are the requirements for being a tamer." old man xi mumbled to himself.

He then casted an look toward august and asked " what after it, then what are the prowess of a tamer." 

August shook his head at this " I don't know as you can see, I am also a mortal still you know, an ordinary human  who still hasn't persuaded cultivation , as a tamer."

"So I am totally unaware of the capabilities of a tamer." August lied he knew everything about the prowess and capability of a tamer.

But he kept them secret, for the future.

He was aware of his identity , and not really.

though old man xi that he will take care of his basic necessities in turn of tamer knowledge.

August never believed him.

 He was only safe until he had his value , the moment long xi found August  was no more valuable to him,  August  would surely be  killed  by old xi  without exception.

it was normal , and August was aware of the cruelty of the cultivation world.

Old man xi looked at August with squinted eyes.

"Is he telling the truth?."

"Or is he hiding something for me," Old xi thought to himself.

He can't tell if August was lying or not , not from the look on August face


"Why does he have such a confident look on his face?!"

"How come he is so fearless."

"I'm not scared even after seeing my powers."

"Is he not afraid of death, or does he have the  confidence to survive?" Several thoughts surfaced in old xi minds.

For the first time in his life he was having a hard time to deal with a person in city 23 , and a child on top of that.

No, I can't kill him, not know what if someone happens in the future , then I am afraid none would be able to help me , I have to keep him alive.

 After some consideration, old man xi came to a conclusion.

He won't kill August, not at least now. 

But he can't say that he won't kill him in the future too.

Old man Xi stood up from his seat and approached August. August also stood up the moment old Xi arrived in front of him.

Old xi smiled and said " I like you quite a lot boy, my offer is still there be my disciple and I will treat you equal to my son."

August's expression didn't change at all, and so was his answer.

but his thoughts were " seriously old man will you ever stop that act of yours, i refused you already so why do you keep bugging me , with the master disciple bullshit."

of course he can do something like that out loud.

August cupped his hand and lowered his head slightly.

"Thank you for your generosity senior, but I am afraid I  can't accept it as I already have a master." He said with an apologetic tone.

"Tsk, you are no fun." Old xi sneered.

He was annoyed,  it was his  first time to chose  an disciple but the other refused his proposal twice.

It was something he never imagined.

Who was he?He was the most powerful man in all of the city 23 , no one In the city 23 will refuse or stand against his word.

If he wanted , he could have  easily chosen a disciple for himself from hundreds of top-tier students and martial warriors.

In the past he has always thought that his disciples would be the luckiest person to have a teacher like him.

But now he was refused by a 15 years old boy who doesn't even have a cultivation base and possesses a trash body type.

It was like karma.

It was just unbelievable.

"Whatever , let's go back. I will send your students' token to your house , with that you would officially be a student of the martial academy."

"As for magic ores you could collect them from Ron by tomorrow."

August nodded in satisfaction.

And after they both exited the hall and ended and went back to the martial academy.