
Am I a System?

Void was a human that died tragically and was given a second chance at life. This is not like the other rebirth novels that you have read. Ever wondered what it would be like to be your own system. Imagine the endless possibilities. Well, come watch as void shapes his own future. Join me and watch this novel transform into one of your best reads. P.S don't own the image

DeathCreepGod · Games
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38 Chs


Crow and Cruden had just had an intense battle. They did not have time to waste either. Crow threw a pill in his mouth to help replenish her Qi.

Cruden had used a lot of energy as well. He asked for one of Crow's pills and he handed him one. He remembered how Cruden had helped him and his view of him had changed slightly.

Even though Cruden's power was recovering faster than crow's because of the cruel energy in the atmosphere. He still wanted to try the pills he never had a chance to try such a pill.

The pill entered his mouth and was very sweet but other than stirring his Qi. It didn't do anything to his darkness power

After taking care of the brothers. It didn't take long for them to find their target. They did not want to spend any more time. They knew the commotion must have alerted the others. They didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of cultivators in their predicament.

This was not the way Crow would have wanted to handle the mission but he couldn't have watched the vermin die. He knew how much importance the warden had on the boy.

Crow shifted his position and faded into the shadows. Cruden on the other hand rushed upstairs.

It was a beacon calling to Cruden. There was only one room that possessed cruel and heavy energy. It was the room at the top of the house. The master's bedroom.

On the way, he met a few weaklings but quickly disposed of them. He saw the big brown door ahead.


The door exploded into bits. The first thing that greeted him was the heavy malicious energy. His energy rose nonstop and so did his level but he did not care about that the next thing to greet him was the stench. His eyes looked around hastily and Blood quickly left his face.

The room was dark but his eyes had long been superior to the disadvantages of the dark. There was blood marks and body parts everywhere. Legs and arms sprawled were the only ones he could identify. The only clean place in the room was the bed. Looked like they were from two different worlds.

How was this a human's bedroom? The maliciousness in the room was stifling. He now knew that places could store and emit malicious energy when a lot of evil deeds have occurred there.

Crow had long since entered the room behind Cruden. "There's the girl we need to complete the mission, let's retrieve her and get out of here"

The girl was in a cage in the master's rooms with a bunch of other young ladies. Cruden had noticed the cage but the scene surrounded the cage was too much for him to ignore.

The ladies could hear the commotion happening outside but they had lost hope. Some of them have even been there for years. Going through different subjects of torture and humiliation. This was evident in many of the girls. They had listless eyes.

Cruden looked at them but he wasn't sure if they were looking back. Their eyes were Devoid of any life. His anger further soared. Crow stood hidden in the darkness and he felt his anger.

Crow thought Cruden was being a bit too emotional. He had seen many scenarios like this before and had become accustomed but she didn't say anything.

"You will have to get used to stuff like this. This is how evil humans can be" crow made sure to inform the Cruden of this fact. He was still young's me had much to learn

"We will save all of them"

Crow wanted to reject it but he knew Cruden would do whatever he wanted. He slowly scanned the room for any hidden enemies or traps. He was disappointed but his response was simple. "At the first sign of danger. I will not help you like the last time just know the damage is done and some of them will never be able to recover".

He had long sensed the dangerous energy in crudens body increase when he entered the room. So he decided to play along

Cruden could not believe a human could be so evil. But this was another truth he will have to accept.

"I know we can't bring all of them away. We will just destroy their cage and set all of them free. We will also kill every living evil cultivator here. They must pay" Cruden could barely release the words out of his clenched teeth.

His foot moved but to crow's surprise, he didn't move towards the cave but a wall on the other side of the room.

Cruden's shadow rose up and rushed out, piercing the wall before him with multiple holes. A piercing cry sounded out.

Cruden retracted his shadow, blood present on the tips but he did not pay any attention to it. His shadow rushed out again, destroying the wall before him. As the wall fell, there it could be seen a fat ugly man clutching his neck, blood spewing from his mouth.

It was the master of the mansion. He heard the commotion outside and hid from danger. He saw everything from Cruden entering and walking towards the wall but he knew he was well hidden.

He didn't know that his attempts were futile to cultivators with a spiritual sense. Although Cruden found him through other methods.

But now his throat was pierced. He wanted to say something but Cruden's earlier attack had pierced his neck

Cruden moved his shadow again and it rushed into the fat man's open orifices.

His body quickly enlarged and he exploded, his body parts spraying everywhere. Some had splashed on Cruden but he had his shadow encasing him. His shadow moved again and the blood slid to the ground.

Cruden looked emotionlessly at the human scum. He had long noticed the energy. He sensed the evil energy coming from the man and instantly knew who he was.

He watched as the man's body became disfigured and exploded.

Crow took the time to the cage and retrieved his target luckily the girl has not harmed aside from the few bruises on her face. She was definitely more lucky than the other girls.

The girl was in a daze and did not know how to respond. She had seen countless horrors these past few days and knew her life was gonna come to an end.

Initially, when she was captured, she had hoped her father would rescue her but had the days passed and she saw how cruel the man she was supposed to marry as well as how he treated and dismembered his other wives. She knew it was hopeless to dream.

She tried speaking to the other girls but other than screaming they could not mouth any words. It did not take long for her to end up like them. She was only there for a few days but the shock was too great.

As crow has said before, the girls were too mentally broken. Even with the cage destroyed they still did not move.

Cruden was about to leave them but one of the girls spoke. It was one of the girls who had both her arms removed. She had scars all over her body and a disfigured face.

He did not know if she knew what was happening or if it was something she said instinctively but as she said the words. All the girls started screaming as well.

Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!!!

Cruden's heart sank. Tears ran from his eyes. It was unimaginable what they went through

Crow did not care. He just wants to return the girl in one piece but he knew this would be a good learning moment for the kid.

Crow instructed Cruden that he would be taking his leave first and he would rendezvous at the forest.

Their bodies both shifted

Cruden activated his ****** skill and quickly made his way back through the passage to dispose of the cultivators

The cultivators did not even know what had occurred. All they saw were their comrades falling down one by one. Blood leaking from their throats.

None of them were able to escape.

He then quickly made his way back to the room where the girls were. By this time they had already calmed down. Some had even lost consciousness.

He wanted to bring them to the other mansion. He's pretty sure the town folk will realize what happened and investigate and the girls would be found. But he was not gonna humiliate them like that.

He knew it had to be done so he strengthened his resolve

He did not want them to suffer anymore. So he did it painlessly. He used his shadow to inject a small needle into all their heads.

After that, he dug deep holes and buried them. After burying them. He realized there were 16 girls in total.

He did not know them but he prayed for each of them