
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 52:Earthquake

When Li Ya and Diana returned home that night, their uncle James was not there. On the table, they found a note that read, "On duty all night, take care of yourselves."

"I guess we can't rely on him for dinner," Li Ya said, shaking his head helplessly. He used to have the freedom to eat casually when he was alone, but now with Diana around, he couldn't do that anymore.

Luckily, James had given Li Ya a set of beautiful knives before, so even if they couldn't eat out, they had enough supplies to last for years. They didn't have to worry about money for now.

As soon as they entered the room, Diana ran to the sofa, holding the remote control and shouting, "Li Ya, come help me turn on the TV! I want to watch the last episode we saw!"

Li Ya smiled and asked, "Did I teach you how to use the remote control?" He remembered teaching Diana multiple times in Star City.

Diana retorted, "The remote control you taught me in Star City is different from the one at your home. There are many more buttons here!"

Li Ya chuckled and joined Diana on the sofa. He patiently showed her how to use the remote control, explaining which buttons to press to turn on the TV and change the channel to the one they had watched last time.

The TV series Diana enjoyed watching was an adaptation of the First World War. It depicted a US spy who embarked on a mission to stop a conspiracy and rescue his trapped girlfriend.

They spent the whole night on the sofa watching the TV series. When it ended, everyone was satisfied, except for Diana. She complained, "I don't understand. Shouldn't they be leading the army to victory and chasing the enemies instead of kissing each other?"

Li Ya, intrigued by Diana's dissatisfaction, tried to explain, "The kiss is just an expression of emotion. The protagonist is trying to save the heroine, and this moment is a small climax in the TV series."

Diana preferred war scenes on TV rather than romantic dramas. Every time the enemy's plans were revealed, she would grit her teeth and say, "Don't be fooled by Ares! These people are really dumb!"

Li Ya tried to analyze the plot structure for Diana, saying, "Not everyone is like you. It would be tiring if they fought all the time. There needs to be some variety."

However, Diana paid little attention to Li Ya's words. She expressed her confusion, "It's a meaningless act. I've read 12 monographs on physical pleasure written by Clio, but I still can't understand how kissing and lingering bring personal pleasure. I don't understand why humans have this desire. I haven't felt it for hundreds of years on Paradise Island."

Li Ya looked at Diana, a mischievous smile forming on his face. He asked, "Is that so?"

Without warning, Li Ya leaned in and kissed Diana's lips. The touch of their lips sent a spark through their bodies. Li Ya's kiss was gentle, but Diana's body stiffened, and her face turned red.

Even without super hearing, Li Ya could feel Diana's heartbeat pounding like thunder.

Li Ya whispered in Diana's ear, "Do you still think kissing is meaningless?" His warm breath made Diana shiver with an electric sensation. Her mind went blank, and her body grew weak.

Seeing Diana's reaction, Li Ya continued to kiss her, his hands boldly exploring her waist. Diana's breathing grew quicker, and her entire body felt numb and weak.

Diana had never experienced such feelings before, having never left Paradise Island in this universe. She resisted initially, but Li Ya didn't give her a chance to resist. Soon enough, Diana gave up and surrendered.

Since resistance was futile, Li Ya became even more passionate. He kissed Diana's lips, then moved to her cheek and down to her delicate neck.

Diana, blushing and feeling weak, couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. She sensed what might happen next and weakly placed her hands against Li Ya's chest. Her body wriggled on the sofa, and her breathing grew heavier. Her vision blurred.

Just then, a magnitude 3.5 earthquake struck the town outside the house, shaking the residents throughout the night. The earthquake lasted for about two hours, followed by intermittent tremors.

The townspeople were terrified and couldn't sleep. Some even took their blankets to the streets, where they were attacked by mosquitoes. It was a miserable experience.

A few days later, at the Metropolis Planet Daily, Lois Lane was busy investigating the aftermath of Joel's destruction. She had gathered numerous clues and was about to submit her report titled "Shocking! The Mysterious Redeemer." However, when she handed it to her editor, he dismissed it with a few glances.

"This is nonsense!" the editor exclaimed impatiently. "Lois, you can't use blurry internet photos and low-resolution videos as evidence. You're a journalist, not a science fiction writer. Journalists need to rely on solid evidence!"

Lois picked up her manuscript from the floor and argued back, "Can't these photos be considered evidence? Can't you believe what I saw with my own eyes? That man at the North Pole had incredible powers! It wasn't just some terrorist act like ZF claimed!"