
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 24: Diana

Li Ya stared at Fura O, who was wiping off the sea water with a smile, and spoke with a smile of his own, "Thank you for helping me get the spaceship up. If you surrender now, I can consider sparing your life."

"Spare me? In my opinion, your fighting skills are a complete mess, while I have been trained in combat since birth. I have a hundred ways to kill you and all your allies!"

Fura O cracked her neck, making a sound like frying beans. She looked around coldly, as if gazing at a group of lifeless bodies.

Li Ya shrugged and pulled out a lead box from his pocket. "I have only one way to defeat you, but it will be enough."

Unconsciously, he removed the Superman card equipment and opened the box, revealing a green necklace inside.

At first, Fura O had a mocking expression upon seeing the necklace. However, in the next second, she suddenly felt her strength draining away, unable to stand any longer, and collapsed to the ground.

"What... what have you done to me? My powers disappeared... what did you do?"

"As a kryptonian warrior, you've met your end in the blink of an eye. Consider it a well-deserved death!" Li Ya said as he brought the necklace around Fura O's neck. The ore's corrosion caused her immense suffering. The girl who had shot an arrow at Li Ya dismounted her horse and quickly approached him.

"Please, tell me more about these demons," she pleaded.

"I don't know much, and you won't be of any help!" Li Ya replied, not in the mood to deal with them. Fura O and her Kryptonian companions were merely Zod's men. If two of them had died on Earth, Zod would undoubtedly descend personally, leading his army of Kryptonians.

If Clark could return in time, everything would be fine. But who could guarantee that?

What if Clark couldn't catch up with this parallel universe?

Zod killing Clark's parents, Superman turning evil, and establishing a tyrannical regime.

Or perhaps, in this parallel universe, Zod would prevail and rebuild a planetary civilization on Earth.

There were countless parallel universes in the DC continuum . Li Ya knew that he couldn't predict the next step by simply assuming. Fortunately, he still had the ore in his possession. If he made some preparations in advance, even if Clark didn't arrive in time, he could manage.

"Diana, let's not involve ourselves in this matter. This gentleman will handle it," the Amazon queen stepped forward, understanding her responsibility towards her entire tribe and trying to avoid getting entangled in the conflict.

However, the girl shook her head and stubbornly defended her position, "Look at her. She can effortlessly lift hundreds of tons. Can you imagine the kind of power she attracts? Only Ares, the god of war, would incite such conflicts and endanger the world!"


Li Ya looked at the girl before him with a perplexed expression. "You're Diana? The daughter of Hippolyn, the Amazon queen?"

As soon as those words left his lips, everyone fell silent.

The faces of Diana and the queen became extremely solemn.

"Stranger, how do you know the names of me and my daughter?" Hippolyn, the Amazon queen, questioned Li Ya, her gaze filled with doubt.

As an invisible Amazon, it was impossible for outsiders to know their names.

Li Ya's thoughts were in disarray, and instead of answering Hippolyn's question, he stared directly at Diana. "Answer me this: are you Princess Diana, an Amazon and Hippolyn's daughter?"

Diana fluttered her long eyelashes and then nodded, saying, "Yes, I am Diana, the daughter of Amazon Hippolyn."

Wonder Woman?

Li Ya couldn't help but marvel at how extraordinary this world was. He had chased a Kryptonian starship beyond the ozone layer, crash-landed on Earth, and ended up on Paradise Island.

But falling onto Paradise Island wasn't the most astonishing part. The truly astounding part was that Diana, the future Wonder Woman, had aimed an arrow at his chest.

According to the mainstream plot, Diana wasn't on Paradise Island during World War I. Instead, she left with an Air Force officer named Steve Trevor and participated in the war.

So why was Diana still on Paradise Island in this world?

Had she returned after the war? Or perhaps... she hadn't been involved in World War I at all?

Li Ya leaned toward the latter possibility since he hadn't sensed any signs of divine awakening in Diana.

As the daughter of Zeus, Diana possessed demigod lineage and was an incredibly powerful female superhero.

"This doesn't make sense!" Li Ya found it baffling, but after a moment of contemplation, he felt a sense of relief.

All the inconsistencies could be explained by the theory of parallel universes.

Compared to the Hydra America team or the corrupted Superman of the Injustice League, the fact that Wonder Woman hadn't left Paradise Island seemed less significant.

Diana observed Li Ya's hair bun, reaching out to playfully shake his gaze before placing her hands on her hips. She demanded, "Now it's your turn to tell me why you know my name."

Li Ya rubbed his temples, realizing he had to think about how to explain things to Diana. After all, this was a great opportunity to unlock the Diana Character Card.

"Because I received a prophecy, Diana. The world is on the verge of catastrophe. Ares, the god of war, has manipulated a powerful demon—General Zod. He will soon arrive on Earth and annihilate all of humanity. The key to preventing this apocalypse lies with a girl named Diana, which is you. It is your destiny, your purpose to save the world!" he declared.

Upon hearing Li Ya's words, Queen Hippolyn rolled her eyes in disbelief, but the young and naive Diana became tremendously excited.

"Is what you're saying true? Is this my destiny?" Diana eagerly asked.

She turned to her mother and spoke earnestly, "Mother, do you remember the story you used to tell me? You mentioned that although Zeus had defeated Ares, the god of war, one day he would return to fulfill his mission, plunging the world into catastrophe!"

"That was just a bedtime story, Diana. The age of the gods is over, and Ares won't come back!" Queen Hippolyn raised her hand, now regretting the myths she had shared with her daughter.

They had lived on Paradise Island for hundreds of years, and all the gods had long vanished. The era belonging to the gods had concluded.

However, Diana refused to accept her mother's statement. Since she was young, she had been waiting for this day. "But Mother, you told me that the purpose of our existence as Amazons is to stop the god of war. As an Amazon, it is our responsibility!"

Queen Hippolyn let out a heavy sigh and exclaimed, "Diana, you can't simply listen to someone and believe everything they say! We don't know if his words hold any truth."

"Allow me to interrupt. If you wish to know the truth, you can interrogate this... servant of the demon!" Li Ya interjected, pointing towards Fura O, who was now on the verge of losing consciousness.