
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 15: Collapse

He was able to investigate the meteorite so quickly that Li Ya had to admire Lex's professionalism as a villain.

The combination of the kryptonite meteorite and Lex is not a friendly one for Superman or Li Ya.

At this time, Lex was still excited, completely ignoring Clark's serious face and Li Ya's frustration.

"Although we haven't figured out the specific role of these meteorites, I have a bold hypothesis. If I use a meteorite to make a key that can be inserted into this hole, does it mean that I can unlock the secret behind this wall?"

Are you suggesting using a vermiculite key to open Superman's ancestral family wall?

Oh, do all you villains play like this?

Li Ya really wanted to tell Lex that he was wasting his time. The real key is in Clark's pocket, just five meters away from Lex. Yet, he wants to use harmful kryptonite vermiculite to create a fake key.

Soon enough, Lex found a metal box in the assistant's bag. Li Ya couldn't see its contents because the box was made of lead.

Considering what Lex just said, I hope it doesn't contain a flint key!

However, reality is often harsh. The moment Lex opened the lead box, a green light burst out. Clark turned pale as the box opened, draining his strength and leaving him extremely weak.

As for Li Ya, he only possesses 40% of Clark's power, so the effect of the kryptonite on him is much smaller. He only feels slightly dizzy and unable to summon his strength.

"This is the meteorite key. I scanned the inside of the cave with a device and then made it. Once I insert it into the cave, everything will be revealed!"

Lex held the kryptonite key in his hand and noticed that Clark's face didn't look good. He approached and asked, "Clark, are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy. Maybe... the air here isn't very good!" Clark stepped back instinctively, realizing that the green stone in Lex's hand was making him weak and uncomfortable.

Li Ya closed his eyes and entered the system space, removing the Superman card. Instantly, the influence of the kryptonite vanished.

Although he took off the Superman card, Li Ya could feel a significant improvement in his abilities. His power now surpassed that of an average adult.

This confirms that when Li Ya equips cards, he experiences growth, and the rate of growth is closely tied to the specific card equipped.

During this period, with the Superman card equipped, his abilities soared to the limits of mortals. If the card were replaced with an ordinary person like Whitney, Li Ya's power would remain stagnant without any growth.

After removing the Superman card, Li Ya stood in front of Clark and directly addressed Lex: "Lex, you can't just insert a key without understanding the role of this meteorite. It's best if nothing happens, but what if something goes wrong? I think it's better to be cautious!"

After hearing Li Ya's words, Lex frowned. "Do you understand this meteorite? I assess risks, and everything is under my control. No problems will arise!"

I understand this meteorite better than you, thought Li Ya. However, the current situation exceeded his expectations.

Even though this scene doesn't exist in the main plot, it's obvious that inserting vermiculite into a star's creation is extremely risky.

"Lex, you can't do this!"

Clark clearly sided with Li Ya. Everything here is directly linked to his life experiences, so Lex Luthor cannot cross the line.

Clark's words only made Lex more displeased. His expression darkened completely as he muttered, "I thought you also wanted to explore the secrets of the Cavavaci caves. I thought we could still be friends..."

Lex glared at Li Ya and Clark, and continued, "I admit it was wrong of me to investigate you in private, but I've destroyed all the data. Now that I want to uncover the secret of this cave, you're stopping me again. Don't you think everything I do is wrong just because my name is Luthor? Are you biased against me because of my surname?"

However, in the next moment, Lex raised his hand and inserted the vermiculite key into the opening.

Clark was affected by the kryptonite and couldn't use his super speed, while Li Ya, unaffected by the kryptonite, had temporarily removed the Superman card from the main slot. He was now merely a slightly stronger human being.

There was no time to stop it.

The green vermiculite was inserted into the wall. Instantly, the wall seemed to be energized, and the star symbols on it emitted a bright green light.

Green is truly an unfavorable color for Superman!

"Uh uh uh..."

As the green light erupted, Clark's forehead became even sweatier. It was clear that the entire wall was contaminated with kryptonite, and some sort of energy was escaping.

Click... click...

Cracking sounds echoed through the rock wall, and cracks formed, allowing the green light to shine through. A dangerous and ominous atmosphere seemed to be building within the wall.

"This wall is about to explode! Let's get out of here!"

Li Ya supported Clark and helped him leave. Clark needed to stay alert in the presence of the intense green light.

Luckily, Li Ya now possessed more power than an ordinary person. Carrying weakened Clark was not overly difficult.

After they left, the two researchers also detected the energy outburst in the wall and hurriedly pulled Lex outside.

Moments after the group exited the Cavavaci cave, a loud noise rang out behind them.

A green light shot up into the sky and disappeared into the depths of the universe. Simultaneously, a massive explosion rocked the Cavavaci caves, reducing them to rubble.

A powerful shockwave rippled outward, causing a multitude of rock fragments to be flung into the air before crashing back down like meteors. One of the white-clad researchers standing next to Lex was crushed to death.

As they emerged from the cave, Clark finally recovered, as if he had recuperated from a severe illness. He took deep breaths, savoring the fresh air.

Li Ya re-equipped the Superman card in the main slot, regaining his superpowers. He shielded Clark from a boulder that came hurtling towards them.

Once the explosion subsided, they looked at the grasslands west of the town, which had been completely transformed.

Having survived the falling debris, Clark had only suffered minor injuries.