
Prologue :The Unexpected Journey of Two Souls

The world of paralel is the place that has many creatures that we never seen before and we don't know why a war between mankind and demon it has been start for the past 286 years

7 years have passed after a war and Vell is one of the soldiers that fight with mankind and now he has become a hunter, but with less than impressive skills. He kept his powers a secret for lived a quiet life. That was until he was approached by a mysterious man named Toga.

Bab 1:

Vell was sitting at a tavern, enjoying a drink when Toga approached him. Toga was a tall man with a stern look on his face. He was dressed in a long, black robe and had a golden emblem on his chest.

Toga: "Vell, I have a job for you."

Vell: "Who are you? And what job?"

Toga: "My name is Toga, and I represent the kingdom of the sacred. We need someone to deliver a young girl named Rika to the kingdom, which is 297km away. We have heard of your skills as a hunter and believe you are the right person for the job."

Vell: "I don't know. I prefer to keep a low profile."

Toga: "The reward is substantial, and you will also gain the respect of the kingdom."

Vell thought for a moment and then nodded. "I'll do it."

Toga: "Good. Rika will be waiting for you tomorrow morning at the east gate. Be careful on your journey. The land is treacherous."

And with that, Toga disappeared into the night. Vell finished his drink and headed back to his room to prepare for his journey. Little did he know that this was the beginning of a new adventure, filled with danger and discovery.