
Bab 12 : infinite

Rika had been missing for 18 days, ever since she was kidnapped by an organization and taken away on a ship. She had no idea where she was or what was happening to her. All she knew was that she was scared and alone.

Finally, the ship arrived at a place called Coleus. When Rika was taken to see the leader of the kidnappers, she saw a lot of strong-looking people training, servants, guards, and slaves working as cleaners in the city. Upon entering the leader's place, they saw many people at first busy with their work but stopped as soon as they saw Rika being brought by the kidnapper. Then, someone came down with his two female assistants, including four very strong men who came down with their leader who exuded an aura that made Rika feel scared.

The leader was named Infinite, and his organization was called Infinity. Infinite wanted Rika to use her power to give anyone the ability to have any power for the benefit of Infinity.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Rika asked, her voice shaking.

Infinite chuckled. "My dear, you have something that we want. You have a unique power, the ability to grant others any power they desire. We want to use that power for the greater good."

Rika's eyes widened. "What do you mean? I don't understand."

Infinite smiled. "You will, my dear. But first, you need to come with me."

Rika tried to resist, but the kidnappers were too strong for her. They took her to a room where she was held captive. Rika knew she had to find a way out of there and escape.

As she was sitting in her cell, Rika heard a voice whisper, "Don't worry, Rika. I always with you."

Rika looked around, but there was no one there. She was confused but relieved to know that someone was looking for her.

Days turned into weeks, and Rika was still in captivity. She was tired, hungry, and scared. But she never gave up hope. She kept trying to find a way to escape, to go back to her normal life.

One day, while Rika was sleeping, she heard a sound at the door. She looked up to see a woman with a kind face standing in front of her cell.

"Come with me," the woman said. "I'm here for you."

Rika didn't know who this woman was, but she knew she had to take her chance. She got up and followed the woman out of her cell.

As they were running through the hallways, they heard alarms going off, and they knew they had to move quickly.

"Who are you?" Rika asked as they ran.

The woman just run and not answer Rika , after a few minutes, they arrive at a place that full with white, Rika now is scare and don't know why the woman take her here

Apparently it was just a fantasy generated by Rika while being watched by Infinite who used a machine to see the contents of her brain that could find a place for experts to absorb Rika's strength by poking a needle in Rika's body so that Rika would not die if they absorbed a large amount of power.

Vell struggled to open his eyes as he slowly regained consciousness. The pain was excruciating, and he felt a sharp ache in both of his arms. He tried to move them, but they were immobilized by casts.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Oga's voice broke through the haze in his mind.

Vell looked up to see Oga and Lina standing beside his bed. "What happened?" he managed to croak out.

"You were injured when you try stop a ship" Lina explained gently.

Just then, Kuza walked into the room, and Vell's eyes widened in surprise. "Kuza, what are you doing here?"

Kuza walked up to Vell's bedside, looking serious. " Why? Did I can't come here? You need to know that I the one who shot the arrow to save your kid."

Vell was stunned. "Why did you help us?"

Kuza hesitated for a moment before answering. "The people who kidnapped Rika are part of an organization called Infinite. I want to know why they're after a kid like her and what kind of that kid? What kind of her power ?"

" We cannot answer it , but we're here want to protect Rika from those who would use her for their own purposes."

" So, I think that kid is really dangerous "

" What do you mean? "

" If you guys are a bad people and use Rika for yourself and then make something that can shake a world "

" I know, but still we can't tell you why they want Rika, right Vell? "

Vell sit in the chair while hold his chest that still hurt

" You right" Said in a weak voice

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just didn't expect to see them again"

"Do you mean infinite? "


"So you know them!"

"Not really but I have fight once with their leader and lost to him"

"Infinity has a unlimited power so no suprise if you lose to him"

"Wait how do you know his power?"

Everyone in silent

"Do you think just Vell fight with infinity?"

"You right"

While they all talking, Vell has missing in room to go somewhere

Vell walked up the hill. After a few minutes Vell arrived on the hill and arrived Vell's mind was filled with memories of his daughter with himself ... Then, vision of Rika appeared on his mind... Not on a minute suddenly appeared vision that show Rika death on his eye.. When Vell step back suddenly a vision has turn to battlefield and when Vell look back he saw himself while holding him child.. A visions has disappear