
Always In My Heart

When I first met you, you were so beautiful that I was unable to move away my eyes from your smile. Everything around me seemed to brighten and I feel as if the time around me stayed still and I forgot to even breathe. But why after he came, you seemed so distant, or was it always has been an illusion that I created for myself for my own self-satisfaction? Why when everything is getting worse, you did not look at me? Was our relationship means nothing to you? Why? I can feel in my heart, feeling stifled, as I feel severely depressed. I really cannot help it, even if I will lose my life, I will never let anyone tarnish you. No matter.

Aniel_Clorwine · Teen
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Counting the days, it should already been almost a whole week since he last come to school. And today, with Qiza leading him at the front they finally reach the school gates. Oh how he wish to cover his face, and his lips become flat as he thinks that. No matter how unhappy he is, from what people see, he looks calms as he walks in.

None of the students recognize him, so they whispers to each other and pointed at him, eyes full of curiosity. The girls took out their cell phones and took some picture from far, as they squealed, marking him as a new target of love. And feeling how their eyes are, Raikal could not help but feels some chills and that make him shudders subconsciously.

He was still a bit embarrassed when he though of how his rejection has been widely known, because Qiza had informed him yesterday, though not feeling ready to face this, he still went to his class together with Qiza.

Qiza make sure to hold his hand firmly, to tell him that it will all be alright, and though she was a bit happy when everyone whispering about her and the unrecognized Raikal, she ignored them as she led Raikal to their class.

"Hey, Qiza?" Hearing that voice, Raikal stiffened up, but because it was not him that was called out, he huffed a small sigh of relieve.

"Ah, hi Wani… Well, excuse us yea" Qiza said with a smile and tugged Raikal hand and finally they entered the classroom, and everyone in the classroom was looking around curiously when they saw Raikal.

However the exception is that the group of girls that were an actual fanatic of Raikal, or to be exact is his fans, all staring at him with a shiny sparkling eyes, like a wolves staring at their prey, which once again making Raikal shudder.

"Don't worry, just be confident" Qiza said as she patted Raikal cheek a bit before smiling at him, "No matter what everyone say, I'll always be right next to you for anything, okay?" She checked his clothes and makes sure that everything is neat and proper.

"O-Okay Qiza…" He nodded his head a bit and took a bit of breath, he put his hand on his chin and turned to look at the window, trying to ignore the now noisy classroom, while Qiza gave a thumbs up to Raikal for not trying to cover his face.

Qiza walked to her seat and happily sit down, before a bunch of girls came to her with questions about Raikal that they had finally recognize. They were asking her how she manages to convince Raikal to return back to school and also gave him a big makeover.

"Shhh, its my trade secret, and Raikal is always always someone I liked. Humph, no one believed me when I keep saying that he was a handsome guy." Qiza looks away while crossing her arm.

"No, we guessed that he might be handsome, but when everything was covered, then we would be unable to clearly see him…" One of them said weakly.

"Well, are you and Raikal a couple now?"

"Yea, you looked super sweet just now while comforting him"

They asked with a much more curiosity, but Qiza shook her head as she opens her mouth, "No, I'm just his friend and I'm here to support him until he is okay" She smiled, taking out the text book for the soon to start lesson.

"What, really?" They asked with a disbelief expression.

"Hey, teacher is coming…!" The person at the door announced before everyone went back to their seat hurriedly. Wani had heard what they girls taking about and she blinked her eyes and turned to look at Raikal, she herself was quite unable to believe that this is how would looked like once everything as uncovered.

He looked well and seemed like he had moved on from the rejection, making Wani felt a bit slight regret, but she soon sighed a relieved sigh as she felt glad that Raikal was able to move on instead of staying depressed.

Takero watched everyone reaction and then turned to Raikal too.

The teacher who came in was their homeroom teacher. She came to take the attendance and paused when she saw Raikal. With a serious face, she walked to his table and knocking in it, taking in the attention of Raikal.

"…?" Raikal looked at his homeroom teacher with a questioned face.

"Are you a new student? Are you in the wrong class?" She asked with a frown, looking super serious as she asked him.

Raikal blanked out and stared at his homeroom teacher with slightly frozen face, he then slowly spoke, "Teacher, I-I'm not in wrong classroom or a new student…" Raikal said while covering his face, "I'm Raikal…" He added with a bit wronged tone as if complaining.

"Ah? Raikal? That broken hearted boy?" The teacher asked while blinking her eyes, and then she can hear that the other students were stifling their laugh as they tried to hold back from laughing aloud.

"Yes… Teacher please, t-this is so embarrassing…" Raikal muttered, as he was unable to move away his hands that was covering his face.

Couching a bit, the teacher tried to cover her own embarrassment, and complimented Raikal, "Well, sorry teacher was unable to recognize you, you were too much handsome, so… Ahem." She coughed again, "Anyway, its good that you came back. During break time, come see me at the office, I have something to speak to you about." She said with an awkward face and then continued to call for the attendance as she pretended to not make that mistake.

Raikal still covering his face as he took a deep breath to calm down again, while Qiza looked at their homeroom teacher with a somewhat unsatisfied face before she looked at her text book. That group of fanatical girls were also staring at their own homeroom teacher, eyes looked vicious as if they were thinking of bad things toward their teacher.

The teacher looked around when she felt some chills. "?"

-To Be Continue-