
The Proposal

Yoon's Mansion

Eldest brother ,I'm here( Yillan knocked the door)

Come in ( Inside his brother standing near the window)

What are your plans brother? if this situation drag on you will likely to go to prison. The slush fund you already know about it?

A year ago father made some mistakes and I already anticipated this coming but it's just too soon to happened.

Then what should we do now, should we tell the Old masters?

For now ,we don't have to tell them, Father just had a surgery recently and is recuperating , I can't tell him this news.

How can I help brother?

Let me handle this for now ,I know you already guessed it why it is we are in this situation, but we can't escape this time, Sooner or later I have to face it , I already had a plan ,For you just stay put ,I'll let you know if I needed you, just stay at my back and support me for now okay?

I'll understand brother

Don't go back to the company, Secretary Yen will there just stay at home and rest, I had to go somewhere

Zai's Office

this is not good for them (watching the news) if Yoon Corporation will be down it may have a big effect in our industry (Louie's opinion)

slush fund and embezzlement is just a normal issue in every company but thier case seems to be causing a big issue.

Yeah that's right somethings not normal, it just someone behind it and this is not simple as it seems (Zai tapping his hand in the table)

Do you think we should do something? Louie eyes to Zai

What should we do? Zai cold stare

Ah...I just saying, you know (scratching his head?)

Not for now , we have to wait.. Zai cold answer

Back at Yoon's Mansion

What are you doing dear? You're been sitting here facing your computer for an hour , here drink some juice

Thank you Auntie Tess, I just wanna do something to help my brother, I can't just do nothing.

Your brother know it, you are the only one by his side helping him all this year's , just trust your brother okay! everything will be okay dear.

Lee's Mansion : Lunch time

Mother is Zai coming for lunch? Aya asking

He sent me a message ,his coming, any minute he will arrived

Okay mom ,I will prepare the table and foods

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Uncle Zai! Troy running towards Zai

Hello little guy Zai patting Troy head and carry him

Hi Mom! kissed his mom then put Troy in the chair beside him

Hmmm I miss your cooking Sister!

You should come home often so you can eat a proper meals! (Aya scolded)

I shouldn't mentioned it ( Zai smiled brightly)

Hmm..He's always busy with work at the company He should have time for himself and time to date right my child?

Here we are again Mom! (Zai laughing) Let's eat okay I'm really hungry!

Then they eat together happily while chatting

After Lunch at the Sala..

Do you want coffee or tea Zai ( Aya asking)

Just tea please..

I heard the news about the Yoon's ( Zai's Mother talking)

this is something big , were not so close but Tao is one of your father and I long time friends and also his eldest son was your brother close friend, It's just a sad news to hear

Uncle Tao and mostly his family are in Paris only Aion is managing the company

How can he handled it alone (Laura at bit worried) I heard this last few years the company is doing well, and this things suddenly happened it's a big burden for him

Don't worry mother I'll look it. I'll see what I can do

Inside the car phone ringings..

Yes Louie?

Zai , the President of Yoon Corporation is here at the company and want to meet you , what should I do?

Please bring him to "The Place" I will meet you there it's not appropriate in the office to talk

Okay I got it Boss! (Louie end call)

Driver Yang let's turn around to the place

okay sir! driver Yang respond and change thier route

The Place (VIP room)

he's inside Zai waiting for you

You go back to the office with driver Yang.

Your key! I'll drive your car back( Zai open hands)

Okay! (Louie with hand sign)

VIP room

President Yoon!

CEO Lee! hello ( hand shake)

please sit, what would you like? tea or coffee?

just tea CEO Lee

ok then tea also for me Zai said to the waitress waiting at the side

ok sir ! then leave the room

silence for a while, then the waitress bring in thier tea and serve them then left the room

What would you like to talk about President Yoon? Zai sipping his tea ,why are you want to see me? I heard your matters at the news.

(Aion putting down his tea) Ten I just go straight to the point of my purpose here.

Please help us CEO Lee (with pleading tone) I know you already know, our company matters is at as bad as it is ,in this situation we can't possibly go through with out your help.

Then tell me President Yoon why would I help you?

(cold tone)

A year ago after I take over the company I find out my father made a mistake and create a slush fund, I tried my best to keep it while finding a solution, and I know that someday it will resurface and create a problem , I didn't realize it will be this sooner.

Your company matters create a bigger concerns in our industry and made every company be warry

I'll be bold to ask you, Who did you offended to take this in a large scale Pres. Yoon?

You really stand up in your reputation CEO Lee your brother will be really proud of you!

I made some initial investigation about your case and something fishy about it, that's why I ask you.

You already notice it that maybe someone are manipulating this.

Then tell me all the details ,

then you will know my answer