
Always? Forever!

A teen had a secret one night thing with her intern english teacher. she soon finds out that she's catching feelings for him. will she be able to resist them? or will they take over her leading her to carry this not so normal relationship!

Daoistsa1rYF · Teen
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2 Chs


A loud bang of something falling on floor woke Elle up the next morning. she didn't want to open her eyes still in disbelief that it was some kind of dream and nothing else. she didn't want it to end.

she slowly opened her eyes.

"It actually Happened" she thought while laying naked on a someone else's bed wrapped in sheets.

she got up, put on her panties and one of Elliot's Blue billowy shirt and made her way to kitchen downstairs. she could smell fresh bacon and eggs and lime, a smell which will always remind her of Elliot.

when Elle entered the kitchen, shirtless Elliot was busy making breakfast and swaying on "In my life by Beatles" which was playing on stereo. He looked beautiful than ever, like an actor straight up from movies, someone you wanna have but can't have; someone you wanna touch but can't touch kinda person.

" James Dean or Andrew Garfield or Maybe Logan lerman.." Elle thought.

Elle got a little closer to him and wrapped her hands around his naked body. He smelled of fresh lime straight up from garden.

"how?" Elle thought.

Elle gently kissed his neck.

"Thank you for everything" Elle said softly.

Elliot turned around and put his hands around her neck; gently stroking her ears, kissed her on head.

" we can't do it again it's dangerous for you and for me too" Elliot said

"I borrowed your shirt I hope you don't mind" Elle whispered and kissed his ear.

Elliot chuckled.

"Dance with me Elliot"

Elle put her hands around his neck, Elliot held her by her waist drew her close to his chest and fell in step, letting the rhythm control their movements.

Elle's emerald eyes glistened, and a smile spread across her beautiful face.

Elle's lips went to his ear as she whispered ever so softly

"we don't owe anything to each other, we're still same... you're my ever so handsome English teacher and I'm just your student, this won't happen again and thank you for everything Elliot"

She set her head on his shoulder and continued to dance, thinking she wanted alternate to everything she just said but she couldn't force anyone to stay. That just wasn't Elle. Elle wanted Elliot but maybe Elliot didn't after all he did everything Elle wanted him to do. He wasn't the first to ask her for kiss or sex... It was Elle.

she just didn't want him to go now that he was so close to her, closer than most but maybe it might have brought them closer together if only to remind them how far apart they needed to be.

It was over before it even got started and that thing hurt Elle.

Elle brought her head up and sleepily opened her eyes. She leaned in and planted her lips on Elliot's. Elliot wrapped his arms around her neck in return and held her tight in a passionate kiss.

" Maybe it was over" Elle thought.

Elliot broke from kiss and hugged her.

"I'm sorry if I ever hurt you" he said softly.

It was like he could listen to her thoughts.That was one of the things that drew Elle toward Elliot, he was not just a pretty face on pretty neck but he had this amazing beautiful mind Elle desired.

"sshh... you don't have to.. you don't owe me remember, I'm noone to you now" Elle whispered.

lies.... all lies! All she wanted now was to belong to this person named Elliot.