
Always: A Tamaki Amajiki X Reader

***Mature Content*** 18 + readers only Profanity Violence/Abuse Sexual Content Lemons LGBT relationships Y/N = Your Name L/N = Last Name H/L = Hair Length H/C = Hair Color E/C = Eye Color F/C = Favorite Color F/F = Favorite Food or Flavor ( Depending on context) Story assumes Dabi is Toya and everyone knows Story assumes Shinso made it into class A and Mineta was moved to class B Story assumes everyone knows about One for All Y/N is a third year Student at UA. She is the cousin of famous pro hero Emi Fukukado, hero name Joke. Her quirk comfort: gives her the ability to suppress adrenaline and cortisol in others around her. Her hero name is Solace. Y/N is a sweet and caring girl who looks up to her older cousin as someone with a quirk that isn't very flashy, but found the strength to become a pro. Your best friend and classmate is Toru Hagakure whom you've known since 7th grade. The two of you have become quite close to all the other girls in your class over the three years that you've been there. Now that it is your last year it seems like most of your friends have coupled up while you have still yet to kiss a boy.

HyungKimsMin · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

On Patrol

As I approach Suneater I realize I want to hug him. Not sure why, there's just something about him. I stand in front of the shy man "Fat Gum says you've agreed to allow me to use my quirk, can you please just confirm or deny for me?" The blushing mess nods his head I smile and activate my quirk tension in his body visibly reducing. I smile at him "How do you feel Suneater?"

"T-Tamaki" He sputters out. "M-my real name, it's T-Tamaki, you can call me that if you w-want to."

"Hi Tamaki" I smile feeling the blush rise on my cheeks "My real name is Y/N and my hero name is Solace, I'm really looking forward to working with you." I smile at him trying not to stare. Now that he was calmer I can really see his face. He wasn't just attractive, he was downright perfect. Dammit.

"Well now that we've all met lets break into groups and go on patrol" Fat Gum announced. "Suneater, you go with Solace since she has to be within 20 feet of you for her quirk to work. Red you're with me."

"Yes sir." The three of us spoke in unison. Being on patrol is difficult I can't stop sneaking looks at Tamaki. How could such a beautiful man exist? It doesn't help my brain is playing tricks on me because I swear it's like he's sneaking peeks at me when I'm not sneaking them at him. The only thing that makes sense is he's wondering about my quirk.

"I can lower the adrenaline and cortisol levels per person separately. This allows me to balance the hormones in a way to assist others to move with a clearer mind when upset, nervous, afraid, so on. I can also place the hormones I remove from one person onto another, increasing their levels exponentially which can cause many villains to stop in their tracks unable to act while I wait for others to arrive." I inform him dutifully. He didn't respond and we continued to walk in silence for three blocks.

"My quirk is k-kinda gross" Tamaki says "It's called m-manifest, depending on what I eat I can m-manifest different characteristics. I eat a lot of t-takoyaki and clams, they provide a powerful combination for offense and d-defense." I could barely hear him, but I was happy he was talking. "I don't think that sounds gross, sounds amazing." He shakes his head blushing "You haven't s-seen it yet. I get giant octopus arms." I laugh "So what, that doesn't make it gross. Sounds useful, I can't wait to see you in action." I give him a sweet smile and try not to swoon at the sight of his beautiful Indigo eyes.

"Solace!!!" a familiar small voice yells causing me to turn. "Oh, hey Chikako, aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" I ask the pink haired girl. "I have to go to the dentist, my mom is inside the store picking up something first. Is this your boyfriend?" she asks, gesturing towards Tamaki. You both turn a deep shade of red. "N-no" I stammer out. "This is Suneater, he is Fat Gums side kick and were on patrol." "Oh, that's too bad Solace, you guys look super cute together." I feel myself sweating, I chuckle and rub the back of my neck nervously giving her a closed eyed smile. "Well, we have to be going now Chikako, behave for the dentist."

"Sorry about her." I say blushing. "She's at that age where little girls romanticize everything."

"O-oh. It's ok. How do you know her?"

"Oh, about a year ago Endeavor was fighting some villains, some of his flames reached a shop. Chikako was there and had been separated from her mom. I was with Backdraft and used my quirk to calm her after he pulled her from the building. She gave us details that helped Backdraft find her mom." Tamaki looks at me almost admiringly.

"You're still a student and already a h-hero for at least three people."

"I'm no hero, besides, that was only two people."

"Yea that story had two, but you're also m-my hero. I've never felt this calm and c-confident before. I feel like I could do anything." He pauses then continues just above a whisper "W-well with you by my side anyway" I look away to hide the red of my face. "Thank you, Suneater."