
Alverian Adventure

Rescued by the Adventurers' Guild, Marcus a young Half-elf’s, life takes an extraordinary turn when he discovers his unique affinity with wind spirits. This newfound power thrusts him into a labyrinth of challenges, forging unexpected alliances and revealing untapped strengths. His journey leads him to the grandeur of the Sotera Kingdom, where noble intrigues and the shadows of his past converge. Torn between the adventurous life of an explorer and the duties of a royal knight, Marcus must choose his path while facing the enigmatic forces shaping his destiny. Author's note: Hey everyone! This is the first story I have ever written, so please leave a review and let me know if there is anything I can do to improve. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy! Cover art: Jee-Huang Lee

Urameshi93 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The first rays of dawn filtered through my window, gently coaxing me awake. I lay there for a few moments, letting the significance of the day wash over me. Today, I was meeting Adilynn at Darius's shop to see her new staff. The thought sent a ripple of excitement through me.

Pushing off the covers, I got out of bed and began my morning routine. The guild was unusually quiet, the usual morning clamor subdued, giving the hallways a serene atmosphere. I dressed in my comfortable tunic and trousers, attire that had become a second skin to me in my time at the guild.

As I made my way to the dining area, the scents of breakfast filled the air - a comforting blend of freshly baked bread, sizzling bacon, and brewed tea. The dining hall, usually a hub of activity, was peaceful, with only a few early risers scattered around the tables.

I spotted Elara and Emir sitting at their usual spot, deep in conversation. As I approached, they looked up and greeted me with warm smiles.

"Good morning, Marcus," Elara said, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Join us for breakfast. We have something to discuss with you."

Curiosity piqued, I took a seat across from them, helping myself to some bread and cheese. "What's on your mind?" I asked, eager to hear what they had to say.

Emir leaned forward, his face breaking into a rare grin. "We've been talking, and we've decided you deserve a little celebration for your official guild registration."

"A celebration?" I echoed, surprised and intrigued.

"Yes," Elara chimed in. "Just a small gathering tonight. Consider it a welcome into the ranks and a congratulations on your progress."

I felt a warm surge of gratitude. "That sounds great. Thank you," I replied, genuinely touched by their gesture.

As we ate, we chatted about the guild, the upcoming celebration, and some light-hearted stories from their own early days in adventuring. It was comforting, this sense of belonging and camaraderie.

After breakfast, I thanked them again and made my way out of the guild. The city was waking up, the streets slowly filling with the hustle and bustle of daily life. Shopkeepers were opening their stores, and the aroma of fresh goods wafted through the air.

As I walked towards Darius's shop, a sudden realization hit me – Adilynn and I hadn't agreed on a time to meet. I quickened my pace, hoping she would be there already or, at least, arrive soon after me.

The walk was pleasant, the early morning air crisp and refreshing. The city was vibrant, full of life and energy, and I found myself absorbing the atmosphere. The sounds of the city, from the distant chatter of people to the clinking of shop signs in the gentle morning breeze, created a melody that resonated with my mood.

Passing by various shops, I admired the displays – from intricately woven fabrics to skillfully crafted metalwork. Each shop was a world of its own, a showcase of the city's diverse talents and trades.

Finally, I reached Darius's shop. The familiar clang of metal greeted me as I pushed the door open. The interior was a testament to Darius's skill – weapons and armor of all sorts lined the walls, each piece shining with care and craftsmanship.

Darius, engrossed in his work, looked up as I entered. "Ah, Marcus," he greeted me with a nod. "Here for Adilynn's staff, are you? She's not here yet, but you're welcome to wait."

As I waited in Darius's shop, the gentle rhythm of his work lulled me into a state of contemplation. The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the array of weapons and armor lining the walls. Each piece, from swords to shields, gleamed with the promise of adventure. My eyes occasionally drifted to the door, anticipating Adilynn's arrival.

Finally, as the clock struck noon, the bell above the door chimed. Adilynn strode in, her gaze immediately locking onto the staff Darius had prepared for her. She noticed my slightly irritated look and quirked an eyebrow.

"Been here long?" she asked, a playful edge to her voice.

"Since morning," I replied, trying to mask my frustration. "We didn't really set a time."

Her response was a nonchalant shrug. "Next time, set one."

I was about to retort when Darius interrupted, presenting her with the staff. It was a masterpiece – dark wood inlaid with runes that seemed to dance in the light. Adilynn's eyes sparkled as she took it, her usual reserve melting away in the face of such craftsmanship.

"It's perfect, Darius," she breathed out, clearly impressed.

As she familiarized herself with her new staff, she turned to me. "Alright, Marcus. Your turn. Anything up to 20 gold."

I nodded and began to peruse the shop's offerings. My first stop was the armor section. Darius had several sets on display, each with its unique features. One set was lighter, offering more mobility, but it looked like it wouldn't offer much protection. Another was heavily plated, almost certainly durable, but it seemed too cumbersome.

After some deliberation, I picked up a medium armor set. It struck the right balance – sturdy yet not overly heavy. It felt right, a good compromise between protection and mobility. "I'll go with this one," I decided, though the 10 gold price tag gave me a slight pause. Survival was paramount, after all.

Next, I moved to the ranged weapons. A new short bow caught my eye. It was sleek, with a smooth draw and made from high-quality wood. Along with the bow, I selected a quiver for 1 gold and a pack of 50 iron-tipped arrows for 50 silver. The arrows were simple but effective – exactly what I needed.

Finally, my attention was drawn to a set of throwing knives. They were compact, well-balanced – perfect for situations that called for discretion and speed. I added them to my selection, despite Adilynn's raised eyebrows.

"Throwing knives?" she commented, "Isn't that like buying something just to throw it away?"

I laughed at her remark. "It's about having the right tool at the right time. They're useful, and they're not that expensive."

Darius tallied up my choices – the armor, bow, quiver, arrows, and knives. Adilynn watched, a slight frown on her face, but she didn't comment further. When Darius announced the total, she handed over the gold without hesitation.

I turned to her, a genuine smile on my face. "Thank you, Adilynn. This means a lot."

She waved off my thanks, but I could tell she was pleased. "Just make sure you put it all to good use."

As Adilynn and I parted ways at the bustling town fountain, the sun was high in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. The fountain, a popular meeting spot in the heart of the town, was surrounded by people chatting, children playing, and vendors selling their wares. The sound of water cascading down the stone tiers added a soothing undertone to the vibrant scene.

Turning to Adilynn, I felt a slight hesitation. "Hey, Adilynn," I began, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "There's a small celebration at the guild tonight. It's for my official registration as a guild member. I... uh, I thought you might like to come. It would be nice to have you there."

She paused, her gaze drifting over the lively scene around us before settling back on me. "A celebration, huh?" she mused, her expression unreadable. "I'll think about it, Marcus. Thanks for the invite." With those words and a casual nod, she turned and walked away, her new staff in hand, disappearing into the crowd.

I watched her leave, feeling a mix of hope and uncertainty. Would she come? Shaking off the thought, I decided to head back to the guild. The streets of the town were alive with activity, the air filled with the sounds of merchants calling out their goods and the laughter of children playing. I took my time walking back, enjoying the lively atmosphere and the sense of belonging that had begun to grow within me since joining the guild.

Upon returning to the guild, I made my way through the familiar hallways to Elara's office. She was seated behind her desk, which was piled high with various documents and scrolls, yet she still managed to exude an aura of calm authority.

"Elara, do you have a moment?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe.

She looked up from her paperwork, her face breaking into a warm smile. "Of course, Marcus. What's on your mind?"

I hesitated for a moment before diving into my query. "I've been thinking a lot about magic and mana. It seems like a vital part of being an adventurer, and I realize I know very little about it. Could you teach me?"

Elara let out a soft chuckle, setting her quill down. "Me, teaching magic? Oh, Marcus, I'm afraid I'm the last person you should ask for that. My magical abilities are quite basic, nothing more than simple tasks, really. But, I do know someone who could help you."

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes reflecting a thoughtful glint. "How about I arrange for you to meet with a mage tomorrow? Today, you should take it easy and enjoy the celebration in your honor. It's not every day one becomes an official guild member."

I nodded, slightly disappointed but appreciative of her advice. "That sounds great. I'll look forward to meeting them. Thanks, Elara."

As I left her office, a sense of excitement bubbled up inside me. The prospect of delving into the world of magic was thrilling. But for now, the anticipation of the evening's celebration took precedence.

The rest of the day passed in a comfortable routine, punctuated by friendly banter with other guild members and light-hearted preparations for the evening. As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the guild hall slowly transformed for the celebration. Lanterns were lit, casting a warm glow throughout the hall, and tables were set with an array of food and drinks.

I found myself periodically glancing towards the entrance, wondering if Adilynn would show up. Regardless of her decision, the night promised to be a memorable one, a celebration of a new chapter in my life as a guild member and an adventurer. 

The evening of the celebration unfolded with a jovial air, transforming the guild hall into a lively hub of laughter and camaraderie. As I mingled among the guests, I recognized the familiar faces of those who had become integral to my journey. There was Elara, our esteemed guild master, her presence commanding yet warm. Emir stood by her side, his quiet strength as reassuring as ever. Darius, the skilled blacksmith, was sharing a hearty laugh with a group of adventurers, his booming voice adding to the festive atmosphere. Tina, the guild's cook, was near the banquet tables, her face beaming with pride at the spread she had prepared.

As the night wore on, Elara stepped forward. The chatter subsided as she began to speak. Her voice, clear and imbued with emotion, captured the attention of everyone in the room.

"When I first found Marcus," Elara began, her eyes finding mine in the crowd, "he was a young man adrift, the sole survivor of a tragedy. Yet even then, there was a resilience in him, a willingness to face the future. Watching him grow, confront his fears, and embrace his life here with us has been a journey filled with joy and pride. Marcus, you have become like the son I never had the chance to have."

Her words resonated deep within me, stirring a mixture of gratitude and a sense of belonging. A lump formed in my throat as I looked around at the faces of those who had become more than just comrades - they were family.

"Tonight, we gather not just as members of this guild, but as a family," Elara started. "And it is as a family that we welcome Marcus into our ranks.." She paused, her gaze sweeping across the room before settling back on me. "Marcus has faced challenges that would break many. Yet, he stands here today, not just as a survivor, but as a beacon of resilience and hope. He has grown in skill and character, proving himself a valuable member of our guild."

I felt a rush of emotions, her words echoing deep within me. Around the room, nods and smiles of agreement were evident among my fellow guild members.

"Let us raise our glasses," Elara continued, lifting her own. "To Marcus, for his bravery, his spirit, and the journey that lies ahead. To Marcus!"

"To Marcus!" the room echoed back, a chorus of voices blending in a heartfelt toast.

As glasses clinked and the celebration resumed, I found myself scanning the crowd for Adilynn, hoping she had decided to join us. Weaving through the clusters of chatting guild members, I came face to face with Earl Wilson instead.

"Ah, Marcus!" Earl Wilson greeted me, a glass of wine in his hand. "A splendid celebration this is. Your achievements are commendable."

We exchanged a few words about the guild and the ceremony. The Earl was polite but I could sense his mind was elsewhere, perhaps on Adilynn.

As our conversation drew to a close, I excused myself, my eyes scanned the room, hoping to share this moment with Adilynn. My gaze wandered through the crowd, but her familiar figure was nowhere to be seen.

Disappointed but not deterred, I decided to mingle, making my way through the crowd, exchanging handshakes and pats on the back. The atmosphere was electric, the air thick with stories and laughter.

It was during this jovial commotion that I felt a hearty slap on my back. Turning around, I came face to face with Neil, the boisterous dwarf whose love for ale was only matched by his love for a good challenge.

"Marcus! You can't hide from me, lad!" Neil's voice boomed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "It's time for that drinking contest. Let's see if you can keep up with a dwarf!"

The crowd around us cheered, their excitement palpable. A table was quickly set up, and before I knew it, Neil and I were seated opposite each other, a line of filled mugs between us.

The guild members gathered around, their chants and cheers creating a lively backdrop. "To the guild!" Neil proclaimed, raising his first mug.

"To the guild!" I echoed, the excitement in the air infectious.

We both downed our first mugs, the cool ale a pleasant contrast to the warmth of the hall. The second mug followed, heavier but still manageable. Laughter and encouragement surrounded us, the guild members fully engrossed in our friendly competition.

By the third mug, my head began to swim, the edges of the room blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors and lights. Neil's laughter echoed in my ears, a distant but jubilant sound. The room spun, a carousel of faces and lanterns, the noise blending into a distant, indistinct hum.

And then, like a candle snuffed out by the wind, everything faded to black.