

Altoz is an 18-year-old teenager who finds himself in a pirate-era world.

senhordogamerplay · Action
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27 Chs

Chapter 16

Balazs: I'll be waiting for you then.

Altoz: good luck!

Balazs: you too

Altoz: bye!

Altoz closes the door behind Balazs and leans against it. His heart is pounding. Soon, he realizes that he's shaking, and his hands are trembling.

Then he hears the sound of the door opening.

He jumps up.

The door opens, and Balazs steps in. He looks at the chains and frowns.

Balazs s Altoz from the chains and carry Altoz on their back they run out of the dungeon, but a sailor sees Balazs is Altoz, The Sailor plays the signal to warn other Sailors that an accomplice is a fugitive they are escaping from prison, but they are caught by the guard.

Altoz: what are you doing?

Balazs: We're getting out of here before the guards notice us

Altoz: I know that, but what about you?

Balazs: Just be quiet and let me handle this

Balazs stabs the guard in the throat with the sword and kill him, they run

Balazs sight the ship where his pirate friends are

Balazs back carry Altoz

when a sailor's shot hits Balazs's leg causing him to fall to the ground, Balazs stabs him and finish the job, he gets up and runs to the ship

but two shots from sailorz hit the shoulder is Balazs stomach, he falls to the ground and lies there, Balazs stabs the second sailor and shoots the third, he gets up and grabs Altoz and puts him on his back, he picks up the sword and limps towards the ship

three more shots from sailors hit Balazs' chest, he falls to the ground and dies, but Altoz is safe, he makes it to the boat and the sail starts to raise, Altoz jumps on board and sails away

Altoz finds himself aboard the ship, but he is alone, all of his friends have left him, he finds a barrel of rum and drinks it all, he goes to sleep