
Altier; Trilogy - (Discontinued)

For generations, Cerulean Academy has been known throughout the world as a cutthroat school. One to which that possesses political power no ordinary school should ever have, while upholding twisted and absurd values no school should ever embrace. To them, competition and rivalry is the foundation of growth. Separating the weak from the strong is the essence of life, and transforming the youth into potential elites is their whole purpose for existing. The reward at the end of it all is the right to fulfill any wish, so long as it's humanly possible. Money, fame, status and even power can all be granted. But to Dazai Crowley, such rewards were simply an afterthought. The only reason why he has come was to settle the score against a certain someone. In pursuit of the revenge that he seeks after, Dazai begins to walk down the path of a predestined fate…

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25 Chs

The Undefeated Fencer King, Part 1

(Dazai Crowley's POV)

Cerulean Academy, Present Day

"And then this guy jumps down and says, "It's the big bad boss. Boo!" Funniest shit I've seen all day."

After finishing our lunch back in the cafeteria, me, and the boys, (feels great saying that), still had some time left on our hands before break period ended. Therefore we decided to take a detour and swing by outside the school to catch some fresh air and relax.

On our way back, Asura started talking about some popular RPG based game he had bought last week. Seems like he was enjoying it quite a bit. In fact, he even almost tempted me into buying it for myself.

—Actually, speaking of which…

As we were talking, I noticed something in the corner of my eye, so I stopped for a moment.

"Something wrong, Dazai?"

"I noticed there are a lot of ATMs in this school."

From the auditorium that hosted the ceremony to the school and even out here by the food court, there seemed to be plenty of them.

"Oh, those. Those machines are for the students to make special transactions and whatnot."

"Special transactions?"

"Class Points. What else?"

I raised my eyebrow.

"You heard what Mrs. Gwein said, right? Our "Black Cards" are similar to any normal credit card. Therefore, it would make sense for us to also be able to withdraw or deposit money as well."

"And that's what those ATMs are for, huh."

"Yep. Although it's still true when they say Cerulean Academy doesn't accept any other currency besides the Class Points that they issue you, you can still think of this method as just another way to reward the students for their hard work and whatnot."

"—Not only that, it gives the students even more incentive to strive for Class A." said Asura.


"I see."

In this school, each of the four classes are given a weekly allowance. The amount varies by their Set Amount which also determines their placing.

For example, Class D's Set Amount right now is 500 CP.

I pull out my phone and check my bank account.

After that purchase I made earlier, 485 CP was left. (Thanks, Gideon).

1 CP is equivalent to 1 dollar. This rule was amongst the first things that Mrs. Gwein, or rather, the school established.

Looking at it from that perspective though, you can say that 485 dollars was left in my account. However, in retrospect, that's nothing compared to Class A who apparently have access to a grand total of 1500 points to start with.

Something isn't right.

This seems almost too good to be true.

"You're skeptical, aren't you?"

"Can you blame me?"

"Nope. We were the same way when we first got started here too. However, there were plenty of students who naively took it all for granted, so it's nice to see people with some common sense."

"I'm assuming the money they print is legal?"

"Of course it is. They got approval directly from the Ministry of Finance. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?"

"True. But you can't deny that there is still a lot of money being moved around in such short periods of time. I wonder. Is there any specific limitation of how much money we can draw out at once?"

"Not necessarily. The only one I can really think of is those ATMs. Apparently there is a set limit to how much you can withdraw in a single transaction. But they do have authorized banks located on campus that specialize in larger withdrawals or deposits. You know, for the sake of safety and all that jazz."


"What's the matter? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet, now?~" Asura teased.

Was it that easy to tell?

"Something like that. I'm just not exactly used to dealing with that much money."

Violence is something that I'm used to.

Money on the other hand, is not.

"Don't worry. Like I said before, we were confused at first too so we understand."

"However, it's better you start wrapping your head around this sooner rather than later. After all, this is only just a taste of how truly absurd Cerulean Academy can be sometimes."

"I don't doubt it."

"Besides, if you don't like having all that money on hand, then all you have to do is simply don't withdraw it from your wallet. Me and Victor nearly saved up about half a million points since last year but even to this day, we barely even touched it."

"Exactly. Plus, there's always the option of transferring those points to someone else who would make better use of them rather than letting them get terminated on the day of your graduation."

"Yeah, I suppose that's true. It seems like there are plenty of ways in terms of how I should handle them. I see. Thanks for the explanation."

"Oh yeah, no problem."

"Right then. Now, where was I....?"

As we continued making our way back to the classroom, I noticed a certain blond haired girl running off towards another ATM in the distance.

I couldn't exactly tell you what she was doing from way over here, but it seemed like she was withdrawing a large amount considering how much time she spent counting change.

Regardless, seeing as how that was completely none of my business, I simply ignored her and continued walking with Victor and Asura.

Ding dong, dong ding. The school bell had finally rung. Around this time students from various classes began making their way towards the school lockers. As such, the nearby hallways became cluttered with people and students.

—Now, where was my locker again? Let's see. If I recall correctly, I think it should've been recorded somewhere on my phone.

Oh, here we go.

After making my way to my locker, I pressed my thumb on the fingerprint sensor and unlocked it. Huh, so apparently they use fingerprint recognition technology for protection. How interesting. Inside my locker there were a couple of books and other items like school shoes that would come in handy for one's life here in school. But besides that, there was so much space left behind, you could practically stuff an entire person inside. Granted, that is if you remove the several bolted-in bookshelves of course.

Right then, now what's next on the agenda? Curious, I took out my phone and checked today's schedule. P.E, huh. Yeah, I can handle that. Slam. After slipping into my new gym shoes and putting my old ones away, I close my locker.

Around that same time however another person to my left closed theirs as well.

Seems like we had both finished preparing.

I briefly shoot a glance at them.

Wait a second, I know that person.

It was the illustrious elf of Class D and the running candidate for our class's Student Representative, Ryoku.

Wow, what a coincidence. To think that the two of us would have lockers right next to each other.

Sensing my gaze, Ryoku looked towards me.

"Is there something you need?"

I advert my eyes.

"Just surprised to see we're locker mates."

"I see."

With that, our conversation ended.

Putting her aside, I begin making my way to Class D's gym locker room. In this school, each class has access to two gym lockers, which are then divided by genders, leaving eight rooms in total.

As soon as I arrived however, I glanced over at some of the boys here. As expected, many of them beheld very average or subpar physiques with a few exceptions in between.

I'll be honest. I have never liked the boy's locker room. The atmosphere here makes me feel out of place. It's smells and it always gets quite rowdy.


I'd better hurry up and quickly change.

After finding a secluded corner to hide away in, I changed into a jersey and shorts.

* * * * * * * * * *

Traditionally, PE is held in one or two places in school. Outside by the track field or in the school gymnasium. In this case, it was supposedly both.

While the gymnasium was reserved for students in indoor sports clubs, the rest of us went out onto the track field and waited for further instructions.

Shortly after we arrived, an older looking adult, who I assumed was one of our instructors for today, had climbed up onto some raised platform with a loudspeaker in hand. Screech. A very unpleasant wave of audio feedback echoed throughout the air. Apparently he was testing to see if it worked or not.

"Alright, everyone. Since there isn't much time left in the day, we are simply going to start off with some very basic drills and light stretches. For this task, please find a person nearby to pair up with in the next five minutes. Those who fail to do so will induct a small penalty of 20 CPs off their accounts. For those who choose not to participate will have another small penalty inducted as well."

Wow, that's a little harsh don't you think?

Well, as we were instructed, one by one students scrambled to the other and began establishing pairs. Oh well, seeing as how this was easy for people who already had friends, I did consider asking my close relatives.

Let's see.

Out of the people I know, who would be the best to exercise with?

Well, in this case, it would be none other than Yamato, so I should go ask her.


"Hey, Roy? Let's pair up."

"I'll pass."

"I wasn't asking."

"Tch, fine. Just don't hurt me."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be very gentle with you~"

As I approached the two of them from behind, I realized that I came a little too late.

Well, if I really wanted to, I probably could convince her into changing partners, but I'm not that desperate or anything.

Besides, I can still ask Alice.

"Yo, Alice. Wanna team up?"

"Ah, sorry, Dazai. I already promised somebody else."

As she said that, she pointed to a certain blonde haired girl standing a few feet away from us.

"I see then. Forget I said anything."

Alright, so Alice isn't free either, huh. Maybe I should just go ask Asura or Victor.

But then again—

"Sorry man, the two of us already teamed up."

"Yep, I figured as much…."

"Hey, don't be like that. Maybe if you ask the teachers nicely, they might accept us as a trio."

I highly doubt it.

"No, it's fine. We still have some time left, so I'll just keep looking around."

"Hope you find a good partner, dude."

"Yeah, me too. Oh, but before I go, there's something I want to ask you guys."

"What's up?"

"Do they host these types of events often? With P.E, I mean."

"Yeah. Why?"

"Just curious was all. Thanks."

That said, I left them to it.

Still though, at this rate, I might be in trouble. Usually in situations like this, after all the social people began establishing pairs and the like, those who would be doomed as the future loners of the school become clear to see.

Personally though, I couldn't care less. Being alone or being with friends makes no difference.

That said though, I don't want to lose any of my points either. Sigh. In that case, maybe I should just hurry and pair up with somebody random in our—

"—Having trouble finding somebody?"

I glanced a little at the person who suddenly stood at my side. To my surprise, it was Ryoku.

"It's a little difficult when all your family and friends already have people to pair with."

"I understand the feeling."

"Oh really? That's surprising."

"Why's that?"

"No reason. I just thought that the boys from our class would have flocked over to you by now."

"I see. Well, either way, the fact of the matter still stands. I have no partner. And neither do you."

"Seems like it."

"In that case, do you want to pair up with me?"

I turned my gaze towards her. From there, I observed her every action, down from the rate of her breathing to the way she was looking at me.

And then I arrived at a single conclusion.


—Atleast, that is what I would like to say anyways, but unfortunately, I have no other choice.

So I'm basically forced to say otherwise.

"Sure. You can go first."

"Thank you."

"What exercise do you want to start off with?"

"Toe touches, if you don't mind."


Although we were given a basic guideline, we were free to stretch in whichever manner we pleased. As such, once Ryoku had got into position, I stood behind her and began leaning forward on her back.

Of course, that is not to say she wasn't capable of touching her toes without me, but this was more so a way of warming up without straining ourselves. I have to say though, Ryoku is incredibly limber. Even without me applying much force, she was able to reach her toes with hardly any strain or resistance.

It makes me wonder if she exercises daily.

"Alright, your turn."


After having warmed up in that particular set, we changed positions and repeated the actions.

"What's next?"

"You can pick."

"In that case, let's do some crunches."

"Sounds good."

While Ryoku held down my feet, I got into a supine position. To my surprise, the lawn felt softer to the touch than I expected. It must have been grass that they imported from out of the country.

The reason why I say that was because I have heard in the region of Ytley, (our kingdom's neighboring country), the lands there are far more fertile and prosperous then here, giving way to luscious and softer greenery. Or something like that, I guess.

But that doesn't matter. Putting aside the texture of the ground, I began my exercises. About a minute or two later, I had knocked out about five sets of tens. To be honest though I was in the mood for more, but I didn't want to keep my partner waiting either.

"Okay, let's switch."


Ryoku nodded and then laid down on the ground.

"Hmm, the ground is a lot softer than I imagined."

Looks like I wasn't the only one who noticed.

After getting comfortable, Ryoku began. A little after she had started, however, I noticed that, unlike most people here, her technique and form was surprisingly well developed for someone her age.

—Such thoughts of mine were unfortunately interrupted when I suddenly started seeing her bosom sway to the beat of her athletic rhythm.

Although they were fully concealed underneath her shirt, that didn't stop her breasts from revealing their true figure—Ah, I probably should look away before she calls me a pervert…

Seeing as how that would be troublesome, I made sure to avert my gaze towards the crowd ahead.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long until she finished.

"Done already?"

"Yeah. I'm not exactly too big a fan of crunches myself to be honest."

"I see."

Despite replying indifferently like that, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. It's a shame really. Crunches just so happen to be one of my favorites.

I remember when me and a certain friend of mine used to do it all the time. Ah, those were the days.

"Right then, I guess the next would be shoulder stretches?" Ryoku asks.

"I suppose."

After placing our backs against each other, we locked arms and began taking turns stretching.

When I did mine, I noticed that Ryoku was very light for a person. Now this is not to say she was a complete featherweight, but she didn't feel heavy either. Because of that, I had to be extra conscious of leaning forward with her in tow, lest I would accidentally lift her off the ground if I wasn't careful.

Once I was done, it was her turn.



Ryoku's arms tightened drastically, eventually revealing a type of strength I didn't expect from her. As she leaned forward, my body was forcibly dragged along as if I was some sort of luggage, almost to the point I was practically being lifted.

Although it was but for a brief moment, it was undeniable that my feet were no longer touching the soft ground beneath. It was actually incredible.

After we were finished, Ryoku began rotating her arms in a wheel-like fashion, as if trying to relieve some tension in her shoulders. Meanwhile, I couldn't help but stare at her a little in curiosity.

"Is something the matter?" she said.

"No, it's nothing."

"I see."

Bang. A loud gunshot echoed throughout the air. Around that time, the crowd nearby bursted into various cheers and other excited commotion.

"It seems like they're doing relay races too, huh."

Off in the distance, dozens of students had begun lining themselves up at the starting line. Once an instructor had fired the gun, each student raced against the other in a competitive one lap twenty meter dash around the track course.

In addition to that, it seemed there were no specific limitations as to who could race in this specific relay. Girls could race against boys, the first years could go against seniors and lower class students could challenge the upperclassmen. In short, these races were undoubtedly fierce and competitive.

"Are you interested?" Ryoku asks me, perhaps noticing my onlooking gaze.

"Not really, but it's not like I have a choice."


As we were exercising, I noticed that there were a couple of students who had chosen to abstain. Judette and Emmel were amongst them and I'm quite sure Roy would have joined them had it not been for Yamato roping him along into her antics.

Aside from those who were most likely lazy, there were some students who seemed genuinely sick, in poor health or outright suffered from physical disability. Now as to whether or not they were still penalized is something I simply don't know.

"Right then, if you don't mind, I'm going to take part in the next race. Are you coming?"

"No, there's something I want to do first."

"That's unfortunate. I wanted to race against you."

Oh, I'm sure you do.

"Maybe next time."

"I see."

"Good luck."

"Thanks, but I won't need it."

Such a bold yet certain response. I wish I had atleast half that much confidence. Eh, oh well.

As for me, I did consider the thought of going up in the next race and getting this over with as soon as possible.

However, I noticed there was something odd about this crowd that I couldn't seem to shake off. Because of that, I had chosen to delay my part in the race for just a little bit longer. Atleast until after I had ascertained what that "something" was.