
Altier; Trilogy - (Discontinued)

For generations, Cerulean Academy has been known throughout the world as a cutthroat school. One to which that possesses political power no ordinary school should ever have, while upholding twisted and absurd values no school should ever embrace. To them, competition and rivalry is the foundation of growth. Separating the weak from the strong is the essence of life, and transforming the youth into potential elites is their whole purpose for existing. The reward at the end of it all is the right to fulfill any wish, so long as it's humanly possible. Money, fame, status and even power can all be granted. But to Dazai Crowley, such rewards were simply an afterthought. The only reason why he has come was to settle the score against a certain someone. In pursuit of the revenge that he seeks after, Dazai begins to walk down the path of a predestined fate…

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25 Chs

The Circumstances of Class D, Part 1

(Dazai Crowley's POV)

Cerulean Academy, Present Day

What does it take to be a good leader? Is it kindness? Boldness? Influence? Perhaps power?

The list certainly goes on and on.

Ideally, a good leader would be one who possesses all of these traits, but even then, that alone wouldn't account for one being a "good" leader. That's just describing a person with a large skillset.

It's not just about the skills that they have that is important, but rather, the methods in which they use to apply them. As such, there are various ways a person can "lead" somebody. It's just a matter of whether or not it is either practical or efficient.

For example, "tyranny" is a type of leadership that is built off fear and intimidation, thus creating a defining line between the strong and the weak. A "democracy" however is built off the power of the people and the united, thus inspiring a friendly environment to act and improve upon teamwork.

Of course, needless to say, both versions of "leadership" come with their own fair share of pros and cons. But right now, none of that matters. What does matter is the fact that we of Class D are lying dead last at the bottom of the totem pole.

Right now, the four classes, Class A, B, C and D are in a competition for Class Points, or CP. Each class has a certain amount of CP to start with, but it differs accordingly, with Class A starting out with the highest amount and Class D with the least.

The amount of CP each class has in comparison to the other three also determines their placement within the competition. For example, the one class with the most amount of CP will ascend to Class A. And once graduation day comes, the students of Class A will be given the right to have one wish granted to them, so long as it's humanly possible. In other words, while becoming somebody rich or famous is within their capability, bringing a person back from the dead or becoming immortal is not.

Obviously as Class D, who stands in 4th place, we are nowhere near from receiving that privilege. Now when the competitions start and the classes really get to fighting however, the amount of CP each class has will change accordingly, giving us atleast the chance to fight and hopefully ascend to Class A.

—Of course, if we are to continue down our current course without changing ourselves however, then even that opportunity will be all for naught.

To fix this, a plan of action is necessary. In order to take that first step however, we must properly organize our ranks. In other words, it is imperative that Class D establishes a government of their own.

And, of course, the sooner they do, the better.

The question is, who should be Class D's leader?

Thankfully, Mrs. Gwein, our homeroom teacher, had immediately brought this topic to our attention.

"Right. Now that we knocked that discussion out the way, we can finally turn to the matters at hand. The school will be introducing you to your first trial."

"Already!? But the school year just got started!"

Some students complained like that.

"Relax, relax. It's nothing intense. In fact, this "test" is there to simply help push the classes along in terms of progress, so pay attention and listen up."

With the classroom now quiet, Gwein walked over to the chalkboard and began writing the following:

—(Student Representative Event)—

1. Over the course of one month, each class must discuss amongst themselves and decide who to choose as their class's Student Representative.

2. Each class is free to employ any tactic or method to decide their leader, (so long as said methods doesn't openly violate school rules and regulations).

3. There can only be one Student Representative.

4. In order for the nominated candidate for Student Representative to win, their decision for candidacy must be supported by atleast the majority, (or roughly 75%), of the overall class.

5. In the event that a class has yet to nominate a Representative for themselves by the end of the deadline, the homeroom teacher in question will randomly decide one for them. However, in this situation, the class will also incur a small penalty.

These were the words that Mrs. Gwein wrote.

"As you can see here, this test in particular is quite simple in concept. Either way, any questions?"

One student raised their hand.


"What exactly is a Student Representative?"

"Think of them like class presidents, except with more power so to speak. As the name suggests, they're basically the person who "represents" your class as a whole, and takes on the role as a leader."

Suddenly, one student scoffed.

"Class presidents? Hah. Why should we bother with that title? It's not like they are even important, let alone necessary in the first place."

In response to those words, Esmes threw that person a harsh glare.

"Shut up. Nobody asked for your opinion."

A sharp retort. Although somewhat offended by her words, the boy was silenced out of intimidation. While she dealt with him like that, Ryoku turned her attention back to Gwein to ask her a question.

"Sensei, just to be certain, is the role of "Student Representatives" that important?"

"Very. As to what extent, that will be up to your interpretation. Regardless, as I said before, the role is not that much different to the duties of Class President, just with some added responsibilities."

Groan. Most of the students here sighed annoyingly at the concept of it. Understandably too. Class President. A role that is usually introduced sometime in middle school. It serves only one purpose. To embody the will of the class and act upon their collective wishes as its mouthpiece.

On paper, it doesn't sound all that difficult. And generally, it's not. The problem however lies within the title of it. Being the Class President means you are forced to stand out. When that happens, on the off chance that the teacher may require additional help from a student, the president will immediately be their first target. In other words, it means that, more than likely, you may be susceptible to other tasks that exist outside your original responsibility.

Because of this, being a Class President doesn't amount to hardly much in terms of benefits. If anything, it would be detrimental to the student in question seeing as how they would most likely be reduced to nothing more than a mere errand boy.

No human wants to be an errand boy. And no student wants to work more than they should. That's why most students find the occupation to be completely useless, if not, a horrible curse. A curse to which one could only pray to not be caught by.

To that extent, I agree with them. However, we must not also forget that this is Cerulean Academy, and not your average school. Here, we must consider that even the slightest, most insignificant detail holds some sort of meaning. And I'm sure the role of Student Representative should be no different.

As I got myself into that mindset, I turned my gaze to Mrs. Gwein. I don't know why but there was just something about her expression that told me she was hiding all sorts of information from us.

In fact, as she was standing there silently, it was as if she wanted to see how the situation would unfold.

One person raised their hand.


"What is it?"

"You said that usually the competitions and tests that the school gives out will be accompanied by some sort of reward. Is there any for this event?"

"No, I'm afraid. This test in particular is a special exception. However, it's not something you should easily neglect either. If you fail to nominate one by the end of the month, I'm afraid I will have to deduct 100 points from our class's Set Amount."


Many sighs of disappointment were uttered from across the room. Understandably too. The fact that there was no special reward would make this test quite underwhelming. Regardless, judging by how this system is set up, 100 CP is by no means any small amount. If Class D loses those points right here and now, our uphill battle will only get worse.

Therefore, we have no other choice but for us to put in some degree of effort into this trial.

—Besides, if everything goes well, Class D may be able to profit from this in other ways…

"Well then, who wants to be Class Prez?"

"What's the point in asking? I doubt anybody here would be willing to take it, right?"

"Yeah, no, I'm good. Somebody else can have it."

One by one, students participated in the conversation. Unsurprisingly, it descended into it being a way to pass off the buck to someone else.

"Maybe we should let Mrs. Gwein decide?"

"Dude, what are you even talking about?" said another student who believed the idea was idiotic.

I wonder. Would that tactic even be allowed?

"Hey, it's not like it's against the rules, right, Sensei?"

"No, not exactly. As the rules stated, you are free to use whatever method necessary to decide. As such, using your teacher to decide is also a viable option. However, despite that, I will still have to decline your proposition. I'd much rather you all come to a consensus on who to choose on your own accord."

Well, regardless of whether it was or not, apparently that option wasn't open to us since our teacher wanted us to figure this situation out on our own.

"Damn, we really aren't going to get anywhere at this rate, though…"

"True. But why the rush? Don't we have a month to decide? Shouldn't we just take our time?"

"I mean, that's fine and all, but I rather we get this over with as soon as we can. I really don't want to risk losing my precious points."

"I agree."

Seems like some of the more money loving students have already grown quite attached to those points.

"—Ugh, fine."

Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I agree with you. I too don't think this is a test we should be rushing.

"Right then, now that's settled, let's put our heads together and brainstorm a way to decide that."

"Let's see… How about we try hosting a rock paper scissors tournament?"

"Nah, I'm pretty bad at that, believe it or not. How about a game of spades? I got enough cards."

"No way, that would take way too long. And what if you tried cheating? I don't trust you or card dealers."

Wow, rude much?

"Oh, I know! Back at my last school, we used to draw lots to decide our Class President. If we put our names inside a box and draw one at random then we'll have our answer." said one girl in particular.

"Hey, that's a great idea!"

Drawing lots, huh. Certainly that is one easy way to settle this matter.


"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Ryoku's question cut through the air like a blade.

"What? Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

"I didn't say that exactly. I'm just asking if drawing lots is really a wise idea."

"I mean…it's a quick and easy way to decide this, right? I don't see a problem with it."

"You're right, it would be easy to just up and decide like that and get it over with. However, in a situation like this, I don't recommend we should rely on a probability based method to decide. Why? Just stop and think about it for a moment. Let's assume that the Student Representative role is something akin to being the official leader of your class. Therefore, let's say that if we were to draw someone who is incapable of leading Class D to victory, then that in itself would be problematic for all of us, correct?"

"T—that's true."

Indeed. Putting a weak person into a position of power would certainly cause a lot of trouble for us.

"In that case, allow me to ask you again. Are you sure it's wise to rely on a method based on luck?"

The short answer is no, most certainly not. If this was under normal circumstances, then regardless of how we handle this situation, I suppose it wouldn't matter. However, our circumstances are different seeing as how our dreams are at risk.

As it stands right now, Class D cannot afford to be so careless.

With that said though, this conversation just ended up right back at square one.


"So then, how should we decide to do this then?"

"There is no need. If there aren't any objections, I will happily volunteer for the role myself."

All eyes suddenly fell to her. And just like that, Ryoku openly made her first move. It appears she too has understood the true value of that position. And being the first to realize that, she took advantage of the unfavorable reputation that was casted upon it and moved in to take the role of leader for herself.

Not only that, she also manipulated the timing of the conversation to her advantage and spoke in a natural and selfless fashion that would make others not suspect the idea of her wanting to claim power.

It was a quite simple yet near ingenious method she used to suddenly rise to power.

—Of course, it should also be said that Ryoku was not the only one to realize this fact.

"You will do no such thing. I'm afraid that role should fall onto me and me alone."

The one who suddenly interjected her proposal was none other than Esmes Montoya herself.

"Excuse me?"

It seems Ryoku wasn't expecting a sudden rebuttal.

"You heard me. I said that role should fall onto me."

"And why's that?"

"You said it yourself didn't you? If we chose a person who is incapable of leading Class D to victory as our leader it would be problematic for us. Therefore, it's only logical for us to place somebody who already has leadership experience as our Representative."

For a moment, Ryoku narrowed her eyes at her.

"I agree. However, would it truly be wise for us to place you of all people as our leader?"

"I don't see why not. After all, I fail to see anybody else in this entire school, let alone in this class of ours, who would be a better leader than I am."

I rolled my eyes.

"Truly a conceited opinion." said Ryoku.

"Conceited or not, it is the truth. And if you know what's good for you, you will back down. Now."

"Is that some sort of threat?"

"And if it is? What are you going to do about it?"

Those were some very bold words, to which neither side showed any hesitation or fear. Their gazes met and sparks flew from their eyes. Conflict is brewing.


I couldn't help but sigh and mumble that aloud.

"—Alright, that's enough out of you two…."


Suddenly, one boy rose from his seat with a somewhat displeased expression on his face. His words interrupted the previous standoff, causing him to garnish some attention from the two girls.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Esmes.

"The name's Victor."

"Well, "Victor". You stay out of this. This is between me and this holiday elf over here."

"I beg your pardon?" asked a very offended Ryoku.

Victor sighed and adjusted his glasses.

"Trust me. I would be more than happy to stay out of your business. However, as a student, I cannot abide by your acts of conflict here in our classroom."

"Are you trying to say you got a problem with me?"

"Something like that, yes."

He didn't even flinch.

"Oh yeah?—"

Suddenly, Esmes lit her left hand ablaze with magic fire before looking towards the boy above her.

"—Then why don't you come down here and do something about it?"

"I appreciate the offer, however I have absolutely no intention of fighting you."

In the face of those words, he replied in a calm and collected manner while staring down at the girl below him with a soul piercing condescending gaze.

"Then why the hell are you even talking to me? You should just shut up and mind your own business."

Scoffing a little at him, Esmes dispelled her magic and flipped her brown colored hair in displeasure.

"I will. But only after I present to you all a solution. That is, if you're willing to hear me out, of course."

"And pray tell, what is this solution of yours, Victor?"

Thankfully, being the more reasonable one, Ryoku sighed and decided to hear him out.

"If we're deciding who to elect as a leader, then I see no other problem resorting to basic politics."


"This is what I propose."

To further explain his answer, Victor walked down the stepway and approached the chalkboard.

From there, he borrowed a piece of chalk from Gwein and began writing the following:

—(Class D's Election Event)—

1. Each person will be given the right to vote. That vote will be written onto a small slip of paper which will be collected by Gwein and stored in a tally box.

2. Once a person votes, their choices are permanent and cannot be redacted.

3. You cannot vote for yourself.

4. People are allowed to abstain from voting altogether, however their decision is permanent.

5. Right before the end of the month, all votes will be counted by Mrs. Gwein. Whoever's name has the most votes will be declared the leader of Class D.

"A voting system, huh."

"Hey, this is a little similar to my first idea!"

"Yes, that's because I borrowed a little from it. Your idea was actually pretty good as a general baseline. It just needed a little change in terms of concept."

Thanks to those words of his, apparently the girl who first suggested the tally system earlier was happy to see her idea get put to some use.

There was another thing that I noticed. It seems he also built the idea in such a way to where there is no immediate rush to decide a leader. By building it the way he did, he made it in a way we could settle this right before the deadline, while still giving others a chance to rise to power before it becomes too late.

A simple idea, yet powerful all the same.

Gotta say, I'm impressed.

"I see. So the way to victory would be through accumulating the most votes, correct? In that case, then this is quite an effective way to decide this. I say we should go for it. What about you, Esmes?"

Esmes thought for a moment, but after reaching a certain conclusion, she sighed and spoke.

"Sure, I don't mind. No matter how we choose to settle this, it will end with my victory all the same. In that case, I suppose I can let you entertain me."

Seeing as how she truly believes this battle was all but hers, it seems as though Esmes saw this situation as nothing more but a way to kill time.

How egotistical. Sigh. Either way, now that the two running candidates of Class D have agreed to Victor's idea, there seem to be no more complaints. In that case, we can now follow through with the plan. Our future course of action has been decided.

—Right then, it's about time I make my move too.