
Altier; The Triology

It is said that when the Door of Truth is opened, immense power will be granted to those who were able to unlock it. However, it can only be opened by the keys "the world itself" has granted to seven heroes the gods themselves have chosen. An intelligent witch whose only purpose in life is to oppose the Demon Kings. An elusive mercenary who thirst for vengeance on demons and hell itself. A freedom fighter who struggles against humanity's slovenly nature. A prideful angel who wants to protect their home and place in Heaven. A powerful demihuman who yearns for justice and a world of equality. A kind elf who takes from the strong and gives to the poor. And finally, a young man who carries great ambitions. Exactly seven heroes, huh. And out of the millions of people that exist, I was chosen to be one of them. Not that I'm complaining. It's just that, fate really is a funny thing-... But I do wonder. What lies on the other side of this game that we play? What exactly is the dark truth of this world? I'll find out, no matter what happens. Even if it means exploiting those close to me. ~~~ The Thumbnail art is not my creation. All the credit however goes to the ones who first made this beautiful masterpiece. If you are the artist and you not like it, please contact me and I shall remove it at my earliest convenience. There is no NTR, per say. This story is one part of the "Trilogy" series because this book itself is one of the three main stories that makes up the true story of the Altier franchise, so please look forward to that. Now with that said. Get yourself comfortable with some snacks, music, toys( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and start reading!

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72 Chs

Dazai - The Answers Is All That Matters

A Day In The Fated Future

Location - Unknown

(Dazai Crowley's POV)

The more I spend time with her, the more I realize Blair is a dangerous woman.

With an attractive body and her buttery warm and silky voice, one "ara ara" would render most men as mere primitives. 

Of course, while I may be able to resist it, I'm not saying I'm exactly immune to such effects either. 

But it's for that very reason as to why I'm so on guard right now. In a situation like this that requires a great portion of logic and valid reasoning, the last thing I need is to tap into my carnal instinct.

I refuse to fall into lust. 

Though in the eyes of a woman like Blair, perhaps such efforts are futile?


If my previous assessment of her is correct, then I would dare say that she is what many would call "submissive and breedable". This is especially true if you take into account all her countless signals.

Take literally right now for example.

When Blair had approached me with such a seductive tone and posture, I couldn't help but shiver for good and bad reasons alike. 

As a man, I did take pleasure in her eager willingness to be so close to me, but on the other hand, I was just as terrified by the fact how she could easily invade my personal space, and even render me immobile with a mere touch. 

Frightened by this fact, I couldn't help but shove Blair aside and shortly backstep to put some distance between the two of us.

Afterwards, I even assumed a reactive defensive posture out of sheer reflex. 

My cheeks were red hot with embarrassment, but according to Blair's smug expression, I guess she saw my flustered reaction to be somewhat cute. 

She had a cute smile, but annoying all the same..…

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear what you said."


Though I said that much to her, I'm pretty sure my words fell on deaf ears so I couldn't help but sigh.

Thankfully, a little after I re-established my personal space, Blair chose to respect the new distance I built so I wasn't met with any more distractions. 

Especially since I was in no mood to talk at the moment, she simply chose to sit down on the small bed and look elsewhere while maintaining the happiest look of accomplishment I have seen so far. 

Still, was teasing me that fun? 

Well regardless if it was or not, as I enjoyed our new silence, I took a moment to observe her yet again, just to confirm a few suspicions.

As Blair stretched herself out with a somewhat satisfied expression, I paid close attention to her hands and palms. 

They say that the state of your hands and feet reflect a person's health. So when I noticed there was not a single sign of callous or indentation of any part of hands, I learned that she took proper care of herself. 

Even from where I was standing, I could tell they were silky smooth. Kinda makes you wonder if this is caused by an excessive amount of foundation or was all this naturally genetic.

There also were no signs of scars or bruises. 

When I noticed that much, I unconsciously glanced back to the enchanted bedroom door.

This was when I realized just how important this observation was.

But putting that aside....

What really caught my attention was the fact how Blair wasn't wearing any type of jewelry on either hand, let alone a wedding ring of all things. 

I may not know her nationality but where I'm from, usually betrothed couples wear some sort of ring at all times to symbolize the relationship.

So to not see the woman who dared proclaim herself to be my wife to have one was alarming in its own right. Unfortunately, it didn't stop there.

Blair's reaction alone was practically a unique confession of sorts. I mean I literally just told her that she was a stranger to me. 

However, not only did she brush off such a brazen comment like it was nothing, she even flipped the script against me to try to gain affection via an unnatural reaction unbefitting of an actual couple. 

Not to mention, the latter technique was an indirect admission of her telling me that this was the first time we met face to face. 

If I had any doubts before, they were gone now.

There was no way Blair was my wife.

This I was certain of.

But now that just begs the question.

"Who are you really?" That was a thought I dared not voice aloud.

Personally, I couldn't care less who she is, because all that matters to me right now is whether or not you are a threat to me. Or perhaps....

...A tool I could exploit to my advantage.

Whatever you may be, I won't stop until I discern which one of the two she falls under. 

Sorry Blair, but I'm sure this isn't what you had in mind for "getting to know each other".

But I suppose it doesn't matter. Because no matter who you may be or what tactics I may have to employ, at the end of the day, I'll have the answers all the same. And that's all that matters to me.  

With that said, I muster the desire to speak up and break the peaceful silence.

When I redirected my focus on Blair yet again I noticed she had rolled to the side while relaxing on the bed sheets. 

"Ehehe~...Darling smells so nice~…." 

Apparently she was murmuring something to herself aloud in a euphoric sleep-talk like mumble.

Was this woman seriously sniffing my bedsheets....

Having a woman like her doing such a thing felt so awkward to the point I felt inclined to intervene. 

Ignoring my goosebumps, I took in a sigh and asked her a simple question, hoping that would be enough to catch her attention. 

"Hey, Blair? Are you by chance, a noble?"

When I asked that however, Blair had a rather interesting reaction. She immediately shot up to face me with an odd yet curious expression. 

"What makes you ask that?"

"No particular reason. It just seemed like you learnt quite a lot about royal etiquette so I couldn't exactly shake off the idea you're related to nobility." 

After saying that, I noticed Blair had averted her eyes for a moment as if to consider what to say. 

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call myself a noble. Atleast not anymore atleast, but the "school" I attended did place heavy emphasis on formal education, so that type of etiquette was practically necessary." 

I see, so she gained those traits through strict education. That would explain her near godlike elegance but I couldn't help but question a certain phrase she deliberately tried to skim over. 

"What do you mean, "not anymore"? Did something happen to your family?"

"More or less, yes. Some stuff happened here, some stuff there, and well, to make a long story short, I just gave up on my life as a noble. That is what led to me becoming a "teacher", I guess."

Gave up? What would incite a person to do such a thing? Though I may not be no noble myself, I'm pretty sure quitting nobility is an impossible feat under conventional means.

Not unless you did what "she" did....

Seeing the vague similarites between Blair's story and the story of an old friend of mine, I couldn't help but feel there was so much more to the story then what she led on.

I wanted to pry further, but despite the way Blair was casually speaking to me, it was clear that she had no intention on speaking further.

There was also the possibility she simply refused to reminisce on the past as well. 

As long as she chose to keep those personal secrets under lock and key, approaching this topic wouldn't be easy, so instead I decided to change the subject and gather information from a different angle.

That was when I recalled something else I wanted to ask.