
Altier; The Triology

It is said that when the Door of Truth is opened, immense power will be granted to those who were able to unlock it. However, it can only be opened by the keys "the world itself" has granted to seven heroes the gods themselves have chosen. An intelligent witch whose only purpose in life is to oppose the Demon Kings. An elusive mercenary who thirst for vengeance on demons and hell itself. A freedom fighter who struggles against humanity's slovenly nature. A prideful angel who wants to protect their home and place in Heaven. A powerful demihuman who yearns for justice and a world of equality. A kind elf who takes from the strong and gives to the poor. And finally, a young man who carries great ambitions. Exactly seven heroes, huh. And out of the millions of people that exist, I was chosen to be one of them. Not that I'm complaining. It's just that, fate really is a funny thing-... But I do wonder. What lies on the other side of this game that we play? What exactly is the dark truth of this world? I'll find out, no matter what happens. Even if it means exploiting those close to me. ~~~ The Thumbnail art is not my creation. All the credit however goes to the ones who first made this beautiful masterpiece. If you are the artist and you not like it, please contact me and I shall remove it at my earliest convenience. There is no NTR, per say. This story is one part of the "Trilogy" series because this book itself is one of the three main stories that makes up the true story of the Altier franchise, so please look forward to that. Now with that said. Get yourself comfortable with some snacks, music, toys( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and start reading!

Redacted_ · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Dazai - Lost But Never Found

A Day In The Fated Future

Location - Unknown

(???'s POV)

The story I am about to tell you takes place some time in a distant future.

A future that at the time, I did not know was something predestined by the gods themselves.

It all started with the moment I realized I was somewhere in a place that I did not recognize.

Where am I? What am I doing here? These were the two most important questions that circulated throughout my hazy mind.

These thoughts echoed so loudly inside my brain, I thought I was actually talking.

But since I couldn't feel my mouth moving, I guess I wasn't. Another thing I noticed was that I couldn't see anything either. It was as if I was covered underneath some veil of pure darkness. 

I try to open my eyes and atleast blink, hoping for a speck of light to pierce through. Unfortunately, my eyebrows wouldn't budge an inch. But that should be impossible. I would understand if my body was physically being restrained, but I should atleast be able to open my eyes, right?

Focusing my attention towards my head, somehow, I try to feel if there was anything obstructing my vision. To my surprise though, I didn't sense anything that would resemble that of a blindfold.  

And wait, why would my body even be restrained in the first place? Did I get kidnapped? Did somebody drug me and lock me in some dark room?

It didn't take much, especially since nothing happened as of yet, but my thoughts were quickly taking a turn for the worst.

I understand I'm a little scared right now, but I need to calm down and reassess my situation. Trying to stabilize my panicked state, I recalled a random yet quite helpful piece of advice I had heard in passing. 

Basically it went along the lines of this; when you're confused, it leads to paranoia. Which, of course, leads back to greater confusion. 

It's a simple cycle yet quite unbreakable if you don't stop to take the time to relax, recognize it and approach your situation with a more rational mind.

After doing so, I decided to do check up on myself again. Perhaps now that I'm a lot more calm, maybe I'll see some details I didn't notice before?

And what do you know? The very moment I thought that, I had answered the most important question of all. I still had my sanity and rationality.

Though I thought that with confidence, that answer may still be in the air for right now. In any case, the fact that I can talk to myself choreently and utilize logic and common sense means I'm atleast conscious and aware of my own existence.

Of course, since I couldn't feel my body, there was also the question of "Am I still alive?", but let's not think about that for right now, okay?

Wait, feel? 

That's right, I don't feel anything right now. I can't feel any of my body parts. Does that mean I'm numb?

If I was sedated to some degree, then that would explain why I can still think, but am unable to atleast move my body.

Actually, well, I don't know why, but I feel like the word "sedated" was improper to use in this context. 

Praying to the gods above, I "forced" my body into trying to recognize what this feeling was exactly.

It was then, I finally realized what it was. 

It was simple exhaustion or fatigue, except to an extraordinary degree. The more I was able to describe this tiredness I was feeling, the more my body was able to recognize it. 

Crazy, I know, but I have no other way to describe it without relating it to that of numbness, despite the fact this inhumane fatigue felt similar to physical strain rather than that of drugs. 

Well, I guess in a way, that's better right? 

Regardless, the fact that I know this information doesn't change anything about my situation.

If anything, now I'm just more aware of my own vulnerability. And with that said, I could practically feel all of my worst fears creeping up closer to me.

Ever so slowly closing in on my spine, breathing down upon my neck, before approaching my ears and whispering to me in its devilish language.

"It's time to wake up, darling~" 

That's not the sound of the devil.

Perhaps I'm just imagining things.

Actually, no, I'm not. That voice was too close to my ear to mistake it. I could practically feel somebody breathing softly down my spine.

Although I felt happy that my sense of hearing was still intact, I was more concerned by the fact this mysterious voice called me, "darling".

But the very next moment, I could feel something resembling a hand grab my lower chin. The second those fingers grabbed what seemed to be my face, it tilted my head to the side by a few degrees.

Although my sense of direction was about as good as a compass in a room full of magnets, I could tell that I was being aligned to interact with something.

As I wondered what, my question was answered a moment later.


Somebody tell me why I'm being kissed.

Every corner of my lips was met by an opposing force of passionate skin. The person, who I assume called me "darling", had one hand on my right cheek while softly lifting my neck into a slight supine position.

This not only supported my head from the discomfort of my opposser's advances, but even made it easier for them to force their tongue in.

So this is what a french kiss feels like. Gotta say, it's alot more perverse and lewd then what I saw in the magazines. That's what I atleast thought to myself as I practically got lost in this unexpected pleasure.

Considering how I didn't exactly ask for this, isn't this pretty much sexual assault?

I really should be worried about trying to break free and restrain the woman doing this, but the lewd sounds from our kiss was a little too distracting.

Suddenly though, as my mind indulged in the pleasure, I was met with yet another unexpected sensation. However, to my surprise, this feeling wasn't related to anything sexual.

As her tongue dripped with saliva, I could feel magical power burst into my mouth. The more that came in, the more revitalized I began to feel.

I see, so this woman was trying to nurse me back to health. Gotta say, I appreciate it.


I'll be sure to give her my thanks.



Finally! After nearly half a year worth of writing, mitakes, planning, failures, preperation, aruging, blood, sweat, and FUCKING tears.....I hereby and HAPPILY declare; "LET THE MAIN STORY BEGIN!!!!"

Redacted_creators' thoughts