
Altier; The Triology

It is said that when the Door of Truth is opened, immense power will be granted to those who were able to unlock it. However, it can only be opened by the keys "the world itself" has granted to seven heroes the gods themselves have chosen. An intelligent witch whose only purpose in life is to oppose the Demon Kings. An elusive mercenary who thirst for vengeance on demons and hell itself. A freedom fighter who struggles against humanity's slovenly nature. A prideful angel who wants to protect their home and place in Heaven. A powerful demihuman who yearns for justice and a world of equality. A kind elf who takes from the strong and gives to the poor. And finally, a young man who carries great ambitions. Exactly seven heroes, huh. And out of the millions of people that exist, I was chosen to be one of them. Not that I'm complaining. It's just that, fate really is a funny thing-... But I do wonder. What lies on the other side of this game that we play? What exactly is the dark truth of this world? I'll find out, no matter what happens. Even if it means exploiting those close to me. ~~~ The Thumbnail art is not my creation. All the credit however goes to the ones who first made this beautiful masterpiece. If you are the artist and you not like it, please contact me and I shall remove it at my earliest convenience. There is no NTR, per say. This story is one part of the "Trilogy" series because this book itself is one of the three main stories that makes up the true story of the Altier franchise, so please look forward to that. Now with that said. Get yourself comfortable with some snacks, music, toys( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and start reading!

Redacted_ · Fantasy
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72 Chs

A Weapon Has No Need for a Past or Future (REUPLOADED)

February 21, 1976

Holy Kingdom of Soreh, Riad's Estate

(One Week Before Present Day)

(Riad's POV)

"Did you get a lock on that signal yet?" I asked Yamir.

"Yeah. It just like you said. It feels similar to my essence." She replied.

"Didn't you also say that the last time we went hunting? I swear, this better not be another goose chase you know." Via said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Oh, shut it you. Shouldn't you be changing right now?" I told her.

In hopes of finding a "certain" somebody, I tasked Yamir in tracking down a mysterious energy source that only she could sense. But unfortunately, this chase had lasted about as long as the four years I had been in active service with the Holy Knights.

During that time frame, Yamir assumed its location four different times which led up to several pointless trips around the Kingdoms of Ytley and Wüder.

Unfortunately, all of her assumptions ended up in failure as, not once, did we ever find the source.

To put it simply, it was like what Via said, it ended up being a wild goose chase. Because of this, Yamir couldn't help but flinch at her words and grab her own arm out of regret.

"Well, it wasn't exactly a total waste. I did manage to grab some allies along the way." I said, trying to give Yamir some leeway.

"...Still, it's not what you wanted though right?"

While it was true that I managed to gather some useful pieces for the "plan", none of it would matter until after we found that "someone" and take what we need. Knowing that, I couldn't help but fall silent.

Unwilling to answer, I turned my attention to Yamir.


"Somewhere down south. Probably somewhere tropical, if you ask me."

"That's too vague. Give me something more to work with." I asked.

"Fine. If I had to make an educated guess, I would say somewhere in Wüder."

"Somewhere tropical in Wüder, huh. I think I might have a few ideas. Via, go grab me a map, would you."

"Hm? Uh, alright." She replied.

Running back to her bedroom to grab a spare adventurer's atlas, she sped past Yamir, but didn't leave without tossing her a sideways glare.

It was a glare that said; "You better not be lying."

Although understanding the meaning behind that foul look, Yamir chose to ignore it. Unfortunately, it wasn't only her who was thinking the same thing.

Once Via disappeared from sight, I slowly approached her.

My face was still calm with not much emotion showing, but for some odd reason Yamir could sense the little bit of impatience that lingered off me.

With every step that I took, Yamir noticed that it was slowly turning into anger. Unsettled by this, she took a few small steps back out of caution.

However, I did not stop until her back was completely pinned to the wall behind her.

And once she felt her back touch the table, her hand subtly wavered over the hilt of the katana that she had at her hip.

Ignoring the fact that she was armed, I lifted her chin with my hand and looked her directly into her captivating eyes. My eyes were like a single flame that was ready to burn even brighter than before.

And with the most chilling tone I could possibly muster, I gave her a warning she would never forget.

"In case you forgot, allow me to remind you of something, Yamir. I'm a very busy man, one who works under a very, very tight schedule. As you can see, I don't have much time or patience when it comes to running around the world and playing fetch. Even if my prey just so happens to be my "golden goose". So you had better be right this time."

If you was in Yamir's shoes, you would understand that while I may seem like a nice and friendly guy on the outside, I actually suppressed a great desire to reduce all of creation to ashes and dust.

Even if, and I must admit, such dangerous ambitions may be influenced by a "third party", my hatred towards society itself was genuine.

Each time that she failed to find what he wanted, a bit of that desire would become more apparent.

Despite knowing that, she was curious enough to ask me a single question without hesitation.

"You're breaking down aren't you?"

For a second, my face of subtle ferocity changed into something of surprise, which was all the confirmation she needed.

It was true.

Slowly but surely, I was having a lot more difficulty trying to hold back my anger towards creation itself.

With every setback that appeared in my plan, that anger would only magnify.

"Well, what do you know? You're surprisingly perceptive for a person who doesn't know their way in life. But I guess that's my doing, since I "raised" you up to be like that." I replied.

Yeah, that was really was a low blow.

Flinching from the painful truth, Yamir could only advert her gaze.

Unlike those her age, Yamir doesn't possess a past she could call her own. She has no memories, no ordinary childhood, a family that loves her, and most definitely, no place that she could truly call "home".

It was all null and void. She was a girl who possessed no past nor no future. A person who only "needed" to exist in the present.

Because at the end of the day, "weapons" have no need for backstories.

Even the mightiest sword will break once it's lived long enough. And when it does, it's just but a matter of replacing it. Until then, all that matters is that it gets the job done.

Bearing no proper academic education, Yamir was about as clueless as a child, but her psychology as a weapon made her much less afraid and naive, not to mention extremely sharp and perceptive as an assassin.

Seeing great value in her as a tool, I took her in as my "personal companion". Though I may have claimed to do this out of the goodness of my heart, I'm sure she knows otherwise.

As time passed, she must've understood the real intentions of how I was treating her.

To me, Yamir is nothing more than a weapon at my beck and call. One to which I will treat nicely so as long as she continues to produce results.

But that clearly begs the question.

Did I truly value her deep down? Or did I consider her to be absolutely expendable? Curious of the answer, Yamir risked it all with yet another question.

"And if it is?" She asked, her voice showing no sign of fear or intimidation.

Making sure to maintain eye contact with me, she met my glare with a gaze forged by her own silent resolve.

A small moment of silence fell in between us, but the air grew incredibly thick with tension.

Personally, I was conflicted with whether to respond verbally or "physically". But then, I figured how exactly I wanted to go about this.

A minute later after making his decision, my face slowly approached her lips while bearing a smile of his own.

Concerned by my rudely timed approach, Yamir turned her face to the side to where her ear faced me.

However, she played right into my hands.

"You know, there's plenty of guys my age who would just love to have you served up to them on a silver platter~" With a devilish tone so cold that it would give demons and gods alike frostbite, I whispered directly into her ear.


"Oh, Riaaad!~ I brought what you wante~–"

Suddenly, Via later returned back into the kitchen with a fresh pair of pajamas and a large map in hand. It wasn't until a moment later she noticed me invading Yamir's personal space.


"Oh!?~ She finally let you make a move on her?~" She asked with a naughty tone.

Her hand covered her devilish lips that whispered a naughty "fufufu~".

Her smugness told them that she gravely misunderstood the situation.

Hearing her lovely voice, I quickly suppressed any of the malicious aura I may have been exerting earlier.

I later removed my hand away from Yamir's chin before walking back towards the kitchen island, all the while striking up a joke of my own.

"Yeah. I'm surprised she can kiss better than you."


"Yep, it's just like we thought. Her lips are really juicy."

For a little added emphasis, I even licked the corners of his own lips with a naughty smile.

"You're lying!"

But I shook my head in denial.

"Damn it, I'll be the judge of that! Come here Yamir! Pucker up!"

Via passionately began rushing towards her with open arms and lips.

"Stay away from me."

"Cold shoulder, huh? Tch. It's just a kiss. Don't gotta be so mean about it…."

Thanks to their jovial chatter, the thick tension from before disappeared as the atmosphere as it was replaced by the energy of Via's stupid antics.

Perhaps thanks to my efforts to change the conversation, Yamir may have been able to relax a little bit.

But I'm sure, from this day forth, she will never forget the words of her quote-unquote "partner".

"Now, now. Let's not get distracted. We still have more important matters at hand…" I said, eventually cutting myself midway.

In that pause of a moment, I looked back towards a certain someone.

"Right?....Yamir?~" I asked with a suggestive tone.

She in turn understood what I meant by this.

This was clearly my final straw.

Fail this and she'll be thrown into the core of the same corruption that I swore to destroy.

"Anyways. Here we go." Via said.

From her hand, she unfolded a condensed scroll onto the kitchen island.

It was a neat and well detailed map large enough to cover the center majority of the island table.

Showing off countless cities and various locations of the world in legible writing, it was a necessary piece of equipment for travelers such as themselves to carry around.

"You said Wüder, correct?" I asked again, subtly giving Yamir a second chance for her to recheck her calculations.

Catching that cue, she took a moment to recheck the general positioning of the signal's original location.

However, there seemed to be no doubt in her mind.

While she was unable to pinpoint the exact location, she was positive. Somewhere in Wüder lied something, or rather, "someone" who gave off an energy reading far too unique to mistake.

She must have intended to tell the two of us that, but I spoke up before she could speak.

"Remember what I told you earlier." I replied, reminding her of her fate in a very casual manner.

Although Via was curious as to what I meant, she was smart enough not to ask.

For Yamir however, these words carried great weight.

It was a reminder of her current situation.

She needed to choose her words carefully as they could decide whether she continues to live on, or suffer a fate far worse than death.

Instead of speaking, she decided to close her eyes and take a well needed deep breath.

During this moment, she checked the signal for a third time. This time, with greater concentration and focus.

Because after today, she now knew that her life was on the line. Leaving her behind no reason to play around.

Failure was simply not an option.