
Chapter 4: Someone Like You

King Selwyn led everyone back inside as the crowd's cries grew louder. Once safely within the castle walls, Queen Haven whirled around to face her husband.

"How could you think of doing something so reckless without consulting me first?" Her usually lovely features were contorted with rage, and Ashton could tell it was taking all her willpower to keep from shouting.

"I knew you'd never agree if I told you what I was planning!" Selwyn replied, his tone unusually harsh.

The queen turned away from him and towards the children, smiling forcefully. "I'm very sorry to cut your celebration short, princess, but I have important matters to discuss with the king. Please head back to your rooms." She faced Ashton. "I'll come see you shortly for today's lessons, alright?"

Ashton nodded and led his brother and betrothed down the hall. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Alther was trying to keep a smile off of his face, and Ashton's heart felt warm. It was great for his brother to finally win something.

The tense silence between them was only broken by the echo of their footsteps on the marble floor, and Ashton hated that something so trivial had ruined the joyous mood of the day. Looking out the window towards the gardens, an idea formed in his head.

"I know that we're supposed to head straight to our rooms, but would the two of you care to take a small detour with me?" He asked, smiling mischievously.

"Depends," Charlotte smiled back. "What's in it for us?"

"It's a surprise. But a worthwhile one, I promise," Ashton assured her.

Alther and Charlotte shared a look, then nodded. "Alright, give us your surprise," Alther grinned. "Where are we going?"

Ashton stopped walking. "You two meet me at the bench under the mermaid fountain in the garden. The one with the lotus flowers. I'll catch up in a minute!" He ran off in the direction of the kitchen, proud of himself for coming up with this.


"What do you think he's planning?" Charlotte asked Alther. They'd been waiting for Ashton for several minutes, and the older boy still hadn't showed up.

Alther shrugged. "Knowing Ashton, something extravagant." He smiled to himself. "I wouldn't be surprised if he brought the whole castle outside with him."

Charlotte laughed. "Well it would explain why he's taking so long."

At that moment, Ashton stepped out from behind the neatly trimmed hedge, a crooked grin on his face. "Sorry for the wait. I had to make sure everything was perfect." Several servants stepped forward and set to work setting up a large blue blanket with golden trim on the grass. Various platters of foods, desserts, and appetizers were nestly placed in the center of the blanket.

Three glass goblets floated in a circle around the food, a bottle of grape juice filling each to the brim seemingly on its own until Alther spotted the young man who was causing the magic show, his glowing gray eyes full of delight. The young man gently set the goblets down, shooting Alther a wink before rejoining the rest of the staff.

"Your royal highnesses," the head chef bowed, "we hope you enjoy the meal."

"Thank you," Ashton smiled, and the staff went back indoors. Turning to his companions, Ashton asked, "So what did you think?"

"That was amazing!" Charlotte beamed, seating herself gracefully on the edge of the blanket.

"Truly," Alther agreed. "Though if you brought us out here just for a picnic I'm going to be a little disappointed."

"Ah, but it's not just a picnic," Ashton assured him. "I'd like to welcome you both to the first annual Next to the Mermaid Fountain Picnic! There are no titles here, no princes, or wizards, or troubles. Just three friends who can freely express themselves and enjoy each other's company."

"The name's a bit of a mouthful, don't you think?" Alther pointed out.

Ashton waved it off. "The name's not important. But I'm glad you offered to speak first! Tell us, oh wise Alther, how do you feel right now? What's your opinion on today's events? There is no judgement here. Speak your mind."

Rolling his eyes, Alther muttered. "This is stupid." Ashton's joy didn't falter however, and he waved for Alther to continue. "...I guess I feel happy? It's...nice being out here, in the garden. And I'm really glad father freed the wizards. He should've done it ages ago." Even Alther had to admit he was surprised by his own honesty. Maybe there was a method to his brother's madness.

"I'm glad too. Maybe now you can have someone teach you how to do all those fancy spells." Ashton waved his hands in the air, pretending to move things with his mind.

"You're a wizard?" Charlotte asked Alther, who blushed bright red at her amazement.

"No one's supposed to know."

"Can you cast any spells?"

Alther shook his head. "I don't really know any. I made a flower grow once...but it might've been a fluke. I still don't know how I did it."

"I'm sure you're better than you think," she assured him. After a moment of silence she said, "I'm glad that the wizards were freed too. It's really none of my business, but from what I've seen and heard of Vasilvael, it seems like everyone's constantly fighting. Over blood, land, magic...and it's not my place to say, but I think this kingdom needs someone better to rule than King Selwyn. Someone who can unite everyone: the nobles, the wizards, the fae, and the common folk."

Both she and Alther turned to face Ashton, and he felt a heavy weight on his shoulders as he realized what they were implying.

Someone like you.

A few hours of laughter and lighthearted conversation later, Ashton returned to his room, a small smile still on his face.

He froze in his tracks as he spotted his mother, the anger evident on her face.

"Where were you?" She asked immediately.

"We...I was in the garden, with Princess Charlotte," he stammered out.

"I instructed you to return to your rooms immediately, did I not? I've been waiting for you for hours. This is not the proper behavior for a future king, Ashton!"

Ashton flinched, unaccustomed to his mother raising her voice at him. Upon seeing this, Queen Haven's expression softened and she quickly pulled him into her arms.

"I'm sorry, Ashton. I'm a little worn out today. Let's get some rest and we'll continue with your lessons tomorrow, okay?" She brushed his blond hair away and kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

As Ashton got ready for bed, he thought of his brother, who always saw the worst side of their mother, and in that moment he regretted deeply that she hadn't stayed mad at him.