
Chapter 12: Family

The week of Charlotte's birthday had finally arrived. The entire castle had been made over, under Queen Haven's supervision. Elegant vases had been filled with red peonies and blue gladiolus, Queen Deandra's favorite flower and Vasilvael's national flower to symbolize their alliance. The floors had been waxed and the finest china laid out. Even the servants had been given new uniforms made of finer fabrics.

As Ashton walked past the decorations he couldn't help but wonder whether his mother had done it to make their guests feel welcome or if it was done to flaunt their wealth. Either way, he was sure Charlotte's family would be impressed.

Ashton approached the foyer, where his family was already waiting, dressed in their best clothes. He smiled watching his mother straighten out his father's collar and smooth back his hair. When she was satisfied with his appearance she nodded to herself and turned to Ashton, giving him the same treatment. When she approached Alther he noticeably stiffened, but she ignored it and continued with her work, smiling to herself.

"Presenting the royal family of Harthington!" The footman announced, opening the doors. Charlotte's sisters entered first in order from youngest to oldest. From a distance it was hard to see their resemblance to Charlotte. The three princesses had neat blond hair and light colored eyes as opposed to their sister's brown hair and dark eyes. They carried themselves with an air of elegance, each strand of hair perfectly pinned back, their every move graceful and thought out. For a minute Ashton was worried they'd find his family uncouth. However his worries were dispelled when the girls' eyes landed on Charlotte. With loud squeals the three princesses rushed towards her and hugged her, the four of them landing in a heap of giggles on the floor.

"Girls," Queen Deandra called quietly as she walked in, the spitting image of her eldest daughter. As soon as the princesses heard her come in they shot to their feet, straightening out their gowns and fixing their hair before curtsying.

"King Selwyn, Queen Haven, thank you again for allowing us to spend the week in your lovely kingdom," Queen Deandra smiled. "Unfortunately my husband had to stay home to care for the people while the king is away."

Ashton and Alther shared a confused look. If Queen Deandra's husband wasn't the king, who was?

The queen's smile grew wider as she noticed the reaction her words had had on them. "Allow me to introduce my son, King Camdyn."

The footman opened the doors once more and a handsome young man entered the room. If Ashton had any doubts of the royal family's resemblance to Charlotte before, Camdyn dispelled them immediately. He had the same dark hair and eyes as his sister. Though he also carried himself in a manner befitting his status, his eyes betrayed a hint of mischievousness. As he exchanged pleasantries with everyone, Ashton couldn't help but wonder how he would be once he became king. To be so young yet have so much responsibility on his shoulders. Ashton tried to ignore his worries as he followed both families into the dining room. This was a week for celebration, not pointless concerns.


Though each of her sisters had been given their own rooms, within an hour Charlotte found them sitting on her bed together.

"I don't see why we all need seperate rooms," Cassidy laughed, flopping down on the center of the mattress. "We all fit perfectly on this bed with room to spare!"

"Especially since we haven't seen you in ages, Charlie!" Krystina added, laying her head in her younger sister's lap.

"It hasn't been that long, has it?" Charlotte asked, smiling as she stroked Krystina's hair.

"To you, maybe. Mom hasn't stopped nagging at me since you left. 'Your sisters are all engaged! When will you learn to behave like a lady?'" Krystina imitated her mother's disapproving look. The girls all laughed at her impression.

"We tried to convince her to stay home too. Once dad said he wouldn't be able to come Camdyn tried convincing her that we could come alone," Kaitlyn said.

"It went about as well as you'd expect. With her going off about how we can't handle being in public without her yet and how we'd just embarrass ourselves," Cassidy finished.

"Well at least you're here," Charlotte smiled. "We'll make the most of this week."

"I heard there's a tournament happening between all the knights and noble sons," Krystina sat up. "Think they'd let me in?"

"Even if the King lets you participate mom definitely won't," Kaitlyn stated. "She'll only get mad at you for trying."

Charlotte thought about it for a moment. "Maybe I can ask someone to sneak you in somehow. If you're disguised mom won't recognize you and stop you from participating."

"Where would you get the disguise from?" Cassidy asked. Charlotte just smiled. She knew the perfect person to ask for help.