
Memory 1

"Raise and shine scholar"

A voice so familar and recognizable arouse Umnatu from his blanket in bed reclining from

his mat.

A wooden house with hand-crafted chairs and tables, cold and chilly windswept throughout the inside of the house.

Snowy and futhermore freezing weather conditions happening all year, she carried Umnatu while he rose upwords.

She asks a requested to him

"We can't stay furthermore in this rimy icebound landscape that I can see humans packing bags to hunt, a world too crucial a world too caution. Take this WCA (World Corresponding Amber) so you can be safe in peace."

"But mother! I can't leave you

I can't just abandon my mothe-"

5 year old Umnatu became slient after loud bang was heard afterwards the shot was missed to hit Umnatu and his mother afterwards his mother responded

"Just go Umnatu..

I'll be fine! After knowing so much and you yet small

you know how to write large novels at a very young age!

Now active the stone and heres some papers and read thoroughly." As she took her son outside with a bunch of hunters holding long crafted rifles and were ready to shoot Umnatu.

"Ok it says to quickly step forward."

he quickly step forward, missing a snipe shot from the hunters

He jumps twice as the paper told him too, dodging the blades from the barbaric men.

He went side to side, avoiding the fists and kicks from the men as the humans hit the other ruthlessly knocking each other down.

"Now step back" While he steps back as the men fell upon each other infront of him that scared him to death as he actives the Amber teleporting him to Ryusei's realm with papers in his hand.