
Alternative Naruto World: Post-Apocalypse

What if the Naruto world, specifically the Ninja world, suddenly received uninvited guests from another world? At some point after the Fourth Great Ninja War, after Naruto and Sasuke defeated Madara and Kaguya, peace was achieved. However, the peace did not last long. In the modern era, when forces from a new evil organization emerged, chaos began to unfold. Boruto, Naruto's son, was declared a criminal, while Kawaki, Naruto's adopted son, was seen as a hero. War broke out once again, but this time it was much larger. It was a war of god-like proportions. Despite this, the world was saved once more. However, after the Fifth Great Ninja War, various monsters started appearing from the sky. The sky seemed to crack, and powerful monsters emerged, causing destruction and slaughter. The Five Great Nations tried to survive and accommodate everyone. Hundreds of years passed, but the war against the monsters did not cease. In the end, only five places remained to shelter humans and ninjas from the attacks of the monsters. These were the Five Great Nations. But this is the story of me, Yuya Takeshi! A modern man from Earth who came to this alternative Naruto world! If you want to read ahead of Webnovel, you can read on my Patreon, there are more than 10 chapters there: Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki.

Alex_Fabianoki · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

22: Introduction

Why is Yuya in the second team? It's because before Yuya arrived, all the Carriers had already been assigned to their respective teams, and only the second team had four Carriers, unlike the first and third teams, which already had five Carriers.

Why does only the second team have four Carriers before Yuya's arrival? It's because the destination of the second team doesn't require too many Carriers. However, with the addition of Yuya as a Carrier, the second team will try to find more things to bring back to the Village.

That's why Yuya is placed in the second team. Now, after running for a while, each team separates and heads towards their designated locations.

Yuya follows the second team, where Miki leads as the Team Leader. Seeing the dense trees around, Yuya realizes how much has changed over the hundreds of years.

During the journey, the second team stops several times to gather some herbal plants in the surroundings. They also encounter monsters three times, encountering three different types of monsters.

First, there is the Giant Grasshopper Monster, which has a speed equivalent to a Jonin. Then, there is the Giant Purple Ant Monster, which can release poisonous saliva. Lastly, there is the Giant Monster that can shoot lightning from its tail.

Only these three types of monsters are encountered by the second team. Although Yuya and the other Carriers only watch silently as the other members fight, their task is to carry the looted items.

As time passes, in the last few hours, Yuya and the second team only encounter a few monsters. Nevertheless, they obtain many herbal plants.

Yuya benefits greatly from being a Carrier. First, he can determine the usual locations where herbal plants grow. Second, he can assess the number of monsters in an area. Third, he can observe the fighting styles of the monsters directly.

These three benefits are excellent for Yuya and greatly expand his knowledge. Moreover, Yuya also makes some surprising acquaintances.

[Name: Taiga Atshu]

[Age: 20 years old]

[Level: F]

[Stage: 3]

[Chakra Amount: F2]

[Physical: F1]

[Mental: F2]

[Stamina: F3]

[Name: Reiji Taka]

[Age: 30 years old]

[Level: F]

[Stage: 5]

[Chakra Amount: F4]

[Physical: F3]

[Mental: F5]

[Stamina: F5]

[Name: Asho Yonta]

[Age: 32 years old]

[Level: F]

[Stage: 8]

[Chakra Amount: F4]

[Physical: F6]

[Mental: F8]

[Stamina: F6]

Taiga is a man who has just graduated from the Ninja Academy. He doesn't know what job to pursue, so when he saw the Information Sheet, he immediately tried to join.

Then there's Mr. Reiji, a man who has been working in this Company for a long time as a Carrier. He can be considered experienced and skilled in his field.

Lastly, there's Mr. Asho, an old man who is quite noisy but kind-hearted. He has been working as a Carrier before Mr. Reiji because he didn't know what else to do for work, so Mr. Asho decided to stay and work in this Company.

Yes, Yuya works part-time in a Material Management Company, whether it's monster bodies or herbal plants. The government is no longer the only provider of jobs; now there are also Companies that offer employment to the Ninja.

If asked which is more profitable, working for the government or a Company, the answer is undoubtedly the government. However, if asked which is more flexible and comfortable, the answer is a Company.

[Note: Yo! Now you can access the chapters before Webnovel by following Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki

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