
Alternate Naruto.

Boruto: My dad is Hokage, my grandpa is Hokage, my grandpa's master's master is Hokage, my dad's master's wife is Hokage, my dad's master's wife's grandpa and uncle are also Hokage, and my dad's teacher is also Hokage. My whole family is Hokage! Shikadai: Can we not talk about Hokage? Boruto: The Six Paths Sage is my brother. Shikadai: ... Let's talk about Hokage. Boruto: My whole family is Hokage! Shikadai: ... This is a story about Naruto who accidentally broke the seal when he was a child, leading to Naruto having two dads. (Chapters every Friday and Monday)

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28 Chs

Chapter 26: Meeting Between Enemies

"Zabuza, how are you feeling, sir?" At Zabuza's hideout, Haku gently helped Zabuza up from the bed and fed him some food to replenish his strength.

Softly, he asked, "You're almost recovered." Zabuza clenched his fist, without bandages concealing it. Haku saw his smile.

"Zabuza, are you happy?"

"Haku, you've been with me for so long. Do you know why I haven't taught you the Silent Killing Technique?"

"Because I am Zabuza-sama's tool. Tools only need to obey commands." Haku lowered his eyelids and said in a deep voice.

"No, your personality isn't suitable for the Silent Killing Technique. You're too tender-hearted. Even if it's my order, you would only kill the mission target and spare the witnesses."

"But he's different. That boy's gaze is purely untainted. For the first time, I felt the impulse to take him as my disciple and teach him everything I've learned, all the assassination techniques." Zabuza recalled a certain day when he saw Naruto's gaze.

Ten years ago, during the ninja assessment in the Hidden Mist Village, a boy with the same gaze had killed a hundred classmates without any hesitation, without confusion, killing anyone he saw.

"Do you think he would agree?"

"He won't, but it wouldn't be so bad to die by that kid's hand." Someone like Zabuza, who faces the risk of losing his life every day, has long been indifferent to life and death. It wouldn't be bad if he could choose his own grave.

"Zabuza, you have a sense of humor. I'll go gather some medicinal herbs that can aid in your recovery." Haku smiled, left Zabuza's room, and entered the adjacent one.

He removed the hairpin from his hair, and his waist-length black hair cascaded down. Changing into a pink kimono, he left the hideout.


In the early morning, before the sun had risen, the air was filled with a white mist, different from the mist of Zabuza. It made Haku's exposed arm feel cool.

"We're here."

Haku squatted down, gently pinching off the medicinal herbs and placing them in a basket. The beauty of the surroundings seemed to merge with Haku. A bird flying out for food landed on Haku's shoulder, eliciting a faint smile from the young girl.

"Chirp chirp!"

The bird didn't stay on Haku's shoulder for long, and with a chirp, it flew away. It was then that Haku noticed a boy lying on the ground, just a few steps away. It seemed he had fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

"It's him, what a coincidence?"

Haku found it somewhat incredible. They had come out to gather herbs, and yet they encountered this lone and defenseless child, as if his face was saying, "Come and kill me."

Haku walked gently towards Naruto's side, extending a hand slowly toward his tender neck. With just a little force, Naruto's neck would snap like the medicinal herbs. Unfortunately, a ray of sunlight broke through the clouds and shone on Naruto's dazzling golden hair, causing him to wake up.


The sound of clothes being torn was heard as Naruto grabbed Haku's kimono and pulled him in front, looking at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong, little ninja?"

Haku wasn't panicked being pulled in front, and looked directly into his eyes. The pupils of both reflected each other's eyes, their noses almost touching. Naruto could feel the warm breath of the young girl.

"Wah wah wah, sorry, sorry, I dozed off."

Naruto quickly let go and rolled backward. He had sensed a faint killing intent, prompting his instinctive reaction.

"I thought it would be cold to sleep here, so I kindly woke you up, but I received this kind of treatment."

Seeing Naruto's flustered state, Haku smiled brightly, unable to resist teasing him, and pretended to look pitiful.

"I'm really sorry, about your clothes... I'll compensate you."

Naruto apologized repeatedly, glanced at the torn clothes and the exposed bandage underneath Haku's kimono, blushing furiously, he turned his head away, too embarrassed to look at her.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, it's the last time I'll wear it anyway."

Haku shook her head and whispered with a voice only she could hear.

"Why is sister here?"

"I came to gather herbs. How did you end up sleeping here?"

"Well, last night I was practicing tree-climbing with Sasuke. I collapsed from exhaustion, and oh! That guy didn't wake me up to go back and sleep. How annoying!"

Seeing the basket of herbs in Haku's hand, Naruto no longer doubted and clenched his fists, cursing Sasuke for making him choke while eating.

"Your hand is injured."

Haku noticed a red wound on the back of Naruto's hand where he clenched his fist. Although not deep, it could still be dangerous if left untreated.

"Oh, it's probably from a branch scratching me. It's fine."

"How can it be fine? What if it gets infected? Ahh..."

Haku took out a herb from the basket and put it in her mouth, chewing it slowly. She gently pulled Naruto's hand closer, spat the crushed herb onto the wound, and then used a bandage to wrap it up.

"What's wrong? Do you find it disgusting? In emergencies, this herb and saliva can heal wounds!"

Haku saw Naruto's surprised expression and raised her index finger to"It's not that, it's just that it's the first time someone has bandaged me so gently. It makes me feel like crying."

"Usually, parents would do this, right?"

"I don't have parents."

"Oh, I see."

"Not only parents, but I didn't have any relatives or friends when I was little. People in the village looked down on me, ignored me, and hated me."

"But that was in the past. Now, I have many people behind me. I have friends to compete with, friends to play with, and most importantly, I have Hinata."

"Even with those experiences, you can still show such a sunny smile."

When Naruto mentioned Hinata, his smile radiated like the sun, captivating Haku, who had lived in darkness. Their experiences were so similar, both treated like abandoned dogs, yet Naruto was able to forge a path to happiness with his own strength, something she couldn't compare to.

"It's because of Hinata. From the moment we first met, she accepted me. And ever since then, she has always been by my side. If it weren't for Hinata, I might have truly become a jerk."

"You are truly fortunate."

"Yes, this time we made a promise to return safely. No matter what happens, I will return to Hinata's side. For that, I must become stronger!"

"But I think you're already strong, little ninja."

"Not strong enough. I have to become even stronger, much stronger, strong enough to...

Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

I am not the author. I am just translating the story.

If you like my editing/translations, consider visiting my kofi for additional chapters, and please comment on mistakes that I missed!


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