
CHAPTER 8: Blood Rush and Searing Blood

"I only needed someone to deliver a letter to a noble in the Demer Kingdom just south of the forest of doom, about 10,000 steps away from here" The witch said with a smile

"10,000 steps?" Isaac asked

"Oh, in your world. It would be 150 to 200 kilometers" the witch replied

"What's the name of the noble?" Kyle butted in the conversation. The nobles of this world are arrogant and prideful to the bone just because they were born into rich and powerful families. Although there are some who are humble and kind, they were rare as most of them were originally warriors or knights who contributed largely to the kingdom and have given nobility. It's annoying to anger any of the prideful nobles and the more annoying fact is that they are quick to anger when something happens that they didn't like.

The worst is because they have the bloodline, special arts, and spells that they only have, they grow stronger than normal people and with the help of their wealth, they are almost dressed in different magical artifacts and items that boost their powers to another level. Right now, he didn't want to meet and anger some nobles because he's not powerful enough to fight back.

Another thing is, the Demer Kingdom has 3 sacred weapon wielders which means that if their weapon was discovered. They would probably be imprisoned or killed. Their sacred weapons ego would tell the wielders if there are any cursed weapons or cursed artifacts around them, making it harder to use the weapon in case of emergency.

"She is in the family of Venir, a duke nobility and one of the sacred weapon wielders and the wielder of the sacred wind rapier Eolemed. She has been heralded as the heir of the Venir family and the future wind hero of the Demer Kingdom. Melissa Von Venir" the witch said in a friendly tone with a wink and a thumbs up, like it was fine to meet someone who wields a sacred sword who can distinguish them easily.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, your highness. That noble can distinguish us quite easily that we own a cursed weapon, they'll probably kill us on sight" Kyle sighed while shaking his head.

'No way lady, even if you give me the power of an ancient dragon as a reward. I will still not do it. The artifacts and items will not help you if you die' Kyle scorned inside in his mind

"It's fine, the both of you will meet her at a banquet of the inauguration of the crowned prince as envoys of the witch of calamity 3 months from now. You'll be safe since envoys and messengers have diplomatic immunity all across the human kingdoms." the witch informed while glancing at Kyle who was currently busy making excuses and Isaac who looked absentmindedly at her.

"Besides, i'll lend the mask of deceit so you can change your voice and face" the witch continued on persuading Kyle.

"Why us? what would you get if we are the ones who show up at the banquet? Why not your maid or someone who is working for you. " Kyle asked, he was confused why the witch is so adamant about letting them go to a human kingdom to deliver a letter to a noble who wields the sacred sword. Kyle's plan would be to try looking for excuses to refuse the task despite its rewards. The problem is, the witch has planned it already which is giving them diplomatic immunity. The diplomatic immunity in this world is stronger than on earth since killing envoys and messengers is frowned upon by every kingdom, it is also a sign of disrespect and unwillingness to cooperate which has started many wars and caused catastrophic damages. Since the show of reputation, influence, and strength is very important in every kingdom. The rulers would rather start a war instead of letting it go since it might be a sign of cowardice, fear, and weakness that the other kingdoms would use to conquer their kingdoms.

"Since the other witches will send their own otherworlders to see which is the strongest and wisest of them. I already have a bet and it's on the both of you" the witch flushed with an embarrassed smile. Kyle squinted his eyes while gazing at her if the witch has any underlying reasons that might harm them.

'I think it's only one of the reasons since i was not invited to the banquet in my last life. I didn't know what happened there and there are no news or information after that night except the crowned prince was inaugurated to become king' Kyle pondered for a while, it's still suspicious but as long as they have diplomatic immunity no one can harm them besides Kyle still didn't give the location of the pearl of purity so the witch can't afford them dying.

"Fine, but let us gain access to the forest and give us the rewards early so we can practice it" Kyle said

"Thanks! you better not embarrassed me okay?" the witch winked before vanishing, the maid bowed towards the both of them before leaving the room.

"Hey, you're the first one who agreed so why did you stay quiet" Kyle glared at Isaac

"Because you seem suspicious about the witch, so i didn't want to disturb" Isaac said

"You should at least help, i didn't really want to meet the wind hero" Kyle sighed before continuing

"They might be able to kill us you know by letting us attack them first. So our plan is not to show anger at all and don't pick a fight. Yes, i'm looking at you" Isaac just nodded

"We have 3 months before the banquet so we should level up as much as we can" Kyle smirked while revealing two books that were given by the witch. He gives the book about blood rush to Isaac while keeping the spear style to himself.

"Any idea on how we can level up quickly?" Isaac asked

"It's called deadly leveling, where we find a monster who simply overwhelms us to fight" Kyle smiled with his squinted eyes

"Since the witch won't allow us to die because we have the only thing she wants, we can use this as a safety precaution so we can fight, heal and fight again" Kyle knows how risky it is but to level up in a short period of time, it's the only thing they can do. The witch controls the forest of doom so she can safely and easily rescue them from any deadly harm.

"Will the witch allow it? it would be annoying to keep on rescuing a person who wants to die" Isaac said

"If she truly doesn't want to embarrass herself by sending weak otherworlders, she would allow it. Besides, we need to do it so we can escape in case of emergency" Kyle replied


"Yes, you're not planning on killing someone do you?" Kyle was more concerned about this. Isaac might ridicule the nobles and anger them just like what he did to the witch of calamity and the maid. Kyle started to get a headache from this as he glared at Isaac

"No, we won't be killing anyone" Kyle exasperated with an irritated tone

"So, should we start now?" Isaac asked

"Not right now, read the book first to gain the skill. It would take a day or two for you"

"Fine" Isaac opens the book and started reading it silently while Kyle walks towards the door with his spear before leaving with the book.

"The blood rush is created by the strongest and most majestic creatures in this world, ok skip" Isaac changed the page until he sees the instruction on how to gain the skill.

"Let the blood inside you boil while supplying the heat in your muscles to gain extreme speed and strength. By boiling the blood inside your arm, your arm would be stronger while boiling the blood inside your leg would allow your legs to gain extreme jumping ability and speed. The art of controlling your blood without looking and only using the feeling of your veins throbbing is the hardest thing to do but to supplement it, the vampires need the blood of the vampires who have achieved using the blood rush since their blood is fundamentally different. A painful event will start once the infusion of blood started as the blood will change to gain the ability to boil itself without burning the organs or muscles. " Isaac read from the book. He finally knows why blood rush can only be used by vampires since they needed the blood of the vampires who can use blood rush. Still, it doesn't mean Isaac can't gain the skill. It would only mean that he will suffer more pain than the vampires. With the help of his new talent Paragon of blood magic, he can learn any skill, spells, weapon art, and styles as long as they use the power of blood.

Paragon of blood magic

Allows the user to control the blood of his enemies and himself without the use of mana. The user can only use the blood of others once the user can see it except the blood inside of the user's body. The blood inside of the user will have a rotting effect on all living things but the user can control if the blood contains the rotting effect or not. The user can learn everything related to blood despite the difference in race or kin. The user has 200% faster learning capabilities related to blood and has a 5% chance of awakening the stronger versions of spells, skills, arts, techniques, and style if it's related to blood.

So even without the infusion of the blood of vampires who can use blood rush, Isaac can still learn the spell. Learning and understanding his new talent, Isaac hurriedly boiled the blood inside his body. With full control, he started increasing the temperature of his blood slowly to let the organs and tissue muscles get used to it. To a normal person, it would be like burning your insides as each of your organs and muscles started to heat up but with the skill Pain Immunity, Isaac can ignore the pain and push through the heating of his blood as he closed his eyes. This continued for hours as the bed and sheets are covered with sweat that there are small puddles of sweat in the ground.

The smell was damp and unpleasant as the room darkened with only the moonlight giving light inside the room. It seems that Kyle didn't return yet so Isaac is still sitting at the edge of the bed with sweat all around his body. He slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face, he was successful in gaining the skill Blood rush as the organs and tissue muscles can withstand the boiling blood inside his body. He felt stronger and lighter like he can punch a tree to bits or destroy a concrete with a kick. He was satisfied but his hunger creeps in as his stomach rumbled. Before he can stand up, a light blue holographic wall full of text appeared in front of him.

Awakening the skill Blood Rush.


Congratulations on the skill Blood Rush has awakened to a body technique Scorching Blood.

Scorching Blood

Can be used twice a day to increase the temperature of the blood and temporarily upgrades a user's chosen stat by a rank for 30 minutes. Has a 20% of activating the special skill Fiery Sense once every 3 minutes.

Fiery Sense

Gives the user an extreme sense that slows down everything around by 10x for 3 seconds.

Isaac was elated once he reads the texts in front of him. His luck was soaring right now that a 5% chance of awakening happened. It might be the only awakened skill that turned into a technique so it must be very rare to happen. Still, he revealed a satisfied smile. He finally has something of a trump card to use while fighting. Although he doesn't know the difference between ranks and tiers, he can just ask Kyle later. The bigger problem is that he was hungry and the room has an unpleasant odor that annoys him. Deciding to go outside the room, he tried standing up only to fall to the ground before losing consciousness.

'Dammit, my mind and body is too tired…to continue' he falls asleep to the ground covered with sweat.