
CHAPTER 26: A Change of heart

Cellica is still in the bed with a saddened and crestfallen expression while her eyes are quite puffy from crying and under her eyes are still red as she stared at the walls that reminded her former father and the memories. The time when she saw her father crying and hugging her after losing her mother is still fresh in her mind. The courageous and brave father that she thought is invisible was showing weaknesses and vulnerability that she will not forget about it. It was the first time she sees her father crying and she hates to admit it but both of them easily cries while not caring who is around despite being prideful and proud people. Still, she still remembered the memories of their childhood in this room together with the second princess and Melissa and that damned bastard.

Remembering the time when the crowned prince visited her when she got sick after playing in the rain as a child just filled her with disgust and anger as she grips the blanket that it crumples while tears slowly welled in her eyes. The time she spent with that bastard makes the room around her heat up and tightening. Before, this room used to be her safe space but now it's akin to a thorny cage that will always force her to remember these painful memories that she ought to forget. She tried standing up but she realizes that her legs are still weakened and slightly shaking that she can only sigh.

Three continuous knocks can be heard from the door as she thought it was Melissa or a maid bringing food or snacks. A slight smile appeared on her face to hide her crying fit and to avoid Melissa and others from worrying.

"Come in" she says cheerily with a smile in an attempt to not worry who is behind that door and to her surprise, it's Isaac with a white lily in his hand. Her thoughts can't comprehend what's happening that she showed him a shocked and stupified expression before coughing awkwardly.

"Why did come here? Are you here to mock me?" her shock turns to rage as she thought that he comes here to provoke and mock her weaknesses. Since it's the only thing their conversation turns to is provoking, mocking, and angering each other.

"No but it's quite refreshing to see a prideful woman crying her heart out that she nearly collapses." he smiled but Cellica just glared at him and frowned.

"I'm here to give you this" Isaac says as he hands her a white lily and confusing her more than ever before.

"O-oh, you must be happy to see me like this didn't you" she forcefully smiled while gripping the flower that nearly crumples and wither.

"Maybe, maybe not. Once i saw you cry, i just thought that i should give you this flower. It's like an instinct. This means sympathy in the language of flower but my feelings and emotions are numb that i still doubt what i'm doing or even if i understood why i'm doing this. Maybe i'm trying to regain those emotions or just a way to stop you from failing us from what we needed to do or maybe a way to hopefully cheer you." Isaac says with his usual deadpan expression as he attempted to sit on the bed only to be kicked by Cellica on the back.

"I thought you're not bad as i thought but you're worse. Go now, don't worry i won't take my revenge yet. " she cheerily smiled that it's clear that it's not fake. It feels that kicking Isaac is quite a refreshing and uplifting thing to do she thought with a chuckle.

"You're lucky you're still in bed or else….never mind. As long as you don't mess up my plan it's enough" He says while rubbing his back as he slowly leaves the room.

"Thank you…" she said with a warm smile and quietly that she doubts that Isaac can hear it as he leaves the room.

'I guess he's not an asshole than i thought. Still, a flower really? Does he not know what it means in Aleria' she stares at it for a while before gently laying it down on the table near the bed. She feels better than before as she forces herself to stand up before heading to the pile of parchment on the desk in her room.

"The revenge can wait but i'll make sure that it will be worse than death" she declared with a determined tone.

"Did you confess your love to her?" Kyle says while propping his back on the wall with a cheeky smile after noticing Isaac bringing a flower to Cellica's room before leaving and returning to the hallway.

"What do you mean?" he asked with complete ignorance and confusion as Kyle sighs while shaking his head with his hand on his face.

"Although it's true that offering a flower to a woman on earth can be a means of confessing your love but here it symbolizes undying love and loyalty. On earth, you can give flowers to your friends or someone you idolize and admire but here. Oh boy, it means asking for a hand for marriage" Kyle says with a smile while smacking Isaac's back in encouragement before flashing a thumbs up and a wink.

"Really? Well, it's her problem if she misunderstands it. I just hope that she will not hinder us in the banquet since we still need to convince that woman" Isaac says without a change in expression and giving the idea that he simply didn't care about it. Kyle sighed as Isaac walks away towards the training area once again but Kyle notices something. It seems that Isaac doesn't bring his weapon this time.

"Maybe he just forgot or…the voices of the ego returned. Crap, if he got tempted most of my plan will fail and go haywire." Kyle quickly runs up to Isaac with a spear in his hand for self-defense.

"Why are you not bringing your katana?" Kyle says cheerfully as Isaac frowned.

"The katana has been quite annoying since it's always shouting and talking nonsense." Isaac says before walking away but Kyle grabs his shoulder as Isaac's frown was accompanied by a glare.

"Chill, i have a way of stopping it from speaking but it's only temporary" Kyle explained

"What is it?"

"We need to find a sheath made of anti-devil aura called the Ustrium but it's a very rare metal and needed to be custom made only for cursed weapons. I doubt we can find anyone willing to do it except you know, use your handsome face to persuade the hero girl you gave a flower to" Kyle with his teasing laughter but Isaac pondered for a while.

"I doubt we can persuade her right now. The voice is only speaking out loud for a few hours a day so i only plan to walk around this mansion" Isaac says with complete disregard to Kyle's teasing.

"Can you tell me what it's saying?" Kyle asked but Isaac ignored his question as he walks away and knowing that it might be a private issue, Kyle thought that it's best to not press on. Kyle has experienced the nonsense and falsehood of the egos by twisting the truth and forcefully guilt others until they gain depression from it and slowly suck out their hope and motivation from the person that is wielding them. There are cases where people are convinced and tempted to do evil and disgusting acts of violence just to give the egos entertainment and pleasure. Kyle just shivers by thinking about it, the idea of Isaac becoming an enemy will make saving the world harder since the both of them are on par in regards to spells and skills that even with his experience, it will be a hard-fought battle to win.

"I guess i need to work on the requirements for my class" Kyle sighs before walking away as a blue holographic screen appeared in front of him.

[The user can choose the class, Spearman of Destruction and Chaos]

[Will the user pick this class?]


'A lengthy name for my liking but i guess it's better to stick with the usual. It did wonderful last time so maybe it's better to pick the class i'm familiar with' he pondered for a while before pressing the button saying yes.

[Spearman of Destruction and Chaos] [Unique Class] [Forbidden]

The forbidden ways of the demonic spear god that it taught to its henchman for a way to reach the apex of the way of spear and the way of destruction to help the old god in its quest for destruction and chaos. The ten spearmen are chosen from birth in random parts of the Aleria to act as the vessel and the eyes of the god to share despair and pain everywhere they pass through. After the death of the demonic spear god, most of the spearmen lost their power and were promptly executed. Despite this, the fear created by the ten spearmen is still etched in everyone's heart for their innate ability to destroy and kill anyone they want with the spear that can pierce anything and a spell that can destroy anything. Beware for those who tread my path as it carries destruction and chaos everywhere the spear god says to the believers.


Level 30 [Obtained]

Spear Mastery (A) [Obtained]

Destruction Magic Mastery (A)

Destruction of a church of light

Give fear to 100 creatures

Participate in a war

Worship for the spear god

'Geez, i guess i can start by destroying an abandoned church of light since for some reason the system accepts it. I already achieved the spear mastery while i'm still working on the destruction magic. Giving fear to a hundred creatures is gonna be a pain in the ass since my reputation will drop immensely but i guess it's quite easy to do. I don't have to worry about the war since there will be one in a couple of months and lastly worship the spear god. There should be an abandoned spear god temple nearby so i can visit there.' Kyle smiles while heading to his room but he notices Melissa walking towards him with a glare and her fangs bared.

"Hello~" Kyle waves his hand with a smile but Melissa didn't react to him.

"Hello?" he asked once more before Melissa stops in front of him. Melissa is still wearing the maid outfit so he thought he's blocking the way towards Cellica's room as he moved out the way but to his surprise. Melissa is trembling slightly while clenching her fist.

"I can't say it to you right now since you hurt Cellica and caused her great pain but someday i will. Once my anger subsides maybe i'll be able to give back the favor" she says in a low tone that Kyle can barely hear her as she walks away and leaving the confused Kyle.

"Does she mean that she can't say thank you because she hates me? I guess i'll wait for her thanks. Still, she's really worried about Cellica and they cared for each other….I'm quite jealous" Kyle says with a smile before walking away.

It has been one of the Venir family traditions to let the guest sit and eat at the table together with them and although Melissa disagreed at Cellica at first, she still respected the tradition and was also forced to eat together with the people they don't particularly like as the dinner was awkward than ever before. With Cellica sitting at the head of the table and beside her to the left are Melissa and Ciaran to the right. While Kyle and Issac are sitting away from the three of them and facing each other, Alrich sits beside Kyle as he still fears Isaac from the sparring in the morning.

The sound of spoons and forks hitting the plate and the chewing of the food is the only thing that can be heard. Cellica is eating with a smile on her face but it's clear to everyone that she's still in pain and added by the fact that she forced herself to work, she looks weaker and sickly than before as Melissa can't help worrying about her as she continually stared at her and fussing about any small inconveniences to Cellica and Ciaran's continued glaring at Kyle is making eating near unbearable for Kyle and Alrich.

Out of all of them, Isaac is the only one who is eating with a pure smile on his face. Like he was in his own world, savoring the rich flavors of food given to him by the maids. Out of all the things Isaac cares about, eating and fighting are the top of his priorities.

"So uhh, i have something to talk about" Kyle breaks the silence as everyone stared at him except for Isaac.

"How dare you! Can't you see that Lady Cellica is under the weather?!" Ciaran shouted angrily immediately but Cellica shakes her head before giving a refreshing smile.

"It's alright Ciaran, the rest of the maids can go now" Cellica says as the maids bowed before leaving and closing the door. Kyle stares at Ciaran before giving Cellica a confused look

"What is it?" Cellica asked

"I wanted to talk privately if you get what i'm saying" Kyle insinuated as Ciaran slams the table while glaring at Kyle.

"What do you mean by that?! Are you saying you don't trust me, as you can see i'm a loyal retainer and knight of Lady Cellica" Ciaran shouted while gritting his teeth and his eyes permanently glaring at Kyle.

"I'm aware of that but i indeed don't trust you. No offense but i know you cared for your lady but you're weak, weaker than Alrich even. We have killed knights when we were just summoned in this world and weakness is not an admirable trait. " Kyle sighs

"SO?! You are saying i'm weak? I train a lot of time and my effort didn't disappoint me and i'm confident enough to destroy you in the arena. I'm sure i can protect Lady Cellica better than you deceiving demons" Ciaran says with a proudful grin on his face.

"Well, i'll accept you if you can remain standing if Isaac uses one of his sword art" Kyle smirks while grabbing Isaac in the shoulder before flashing a thumbs up.

"I accep- Ciaran was about to shout but Melissa throws a fork near his face while glaring at him.

"Stop! Can't you see that Cellica is upset!" Melissa says with a frown on her face.

"Don't worry, i can handle whatever he throws at me Lady Cellica" Ciaran ignores Melissa as he smiles brightly at Cellica.

"Just stop Ciaran, his sword art is terrifying that we can't even do anything about it. Please leave" Cellica says with a pained expression as Ciaran was confused about what he heard. It hurts his heart that he has to leave the room because the one he loves and admired didn't believe in his strength and simply didn't trust him. He felt suffocated and he wanted to ask why she doesn't believe in him but he can already see his feet is in front of the closed door. Pain turns to sorrow before eventually turning to hatred as he walked away cursing the otherworlders who changed her. His lips reddened with blood as he declared to himself that he will take revenge. After that day, Ciaran was never found anywhere in the mansion with only a letter full of asking forgiveness and saying thankful messages to others especially to Cellica but the eye-catching word is that he will travel the world to gain power so once she needs his help, she will trust and believe his strength written with red ink but it's a story for another time.