
A Freak of Nature

(Midoriya's POV)

"I want to ask you a simple question, ever since you found out you were quirkless. What have you done to make your dream come true, except for feeling sorry about yourself?" He said.

My mind ground to a halt. My mouth moved, but words didn't come out. I didn't expect his question, nor was I prepared for it.

He stared at me for a bit and then left.

I could only look down and tighten my fists in frustration. Ever since it was found, I was quirkless, everyone started looking at me differently.

I always wanted to be a hero, ever since I could even remember that's all I thought about doing, I wanted to become like All Might.

But now, that I think about it.

'Did I give up on my own dream, at some point without even realizing it?'

(POV End)

A couple of years passed as an endless cycle of training, and going to school went by.

Much has changed over the years, and I could feel my quirk coming closer to it's second awakening.

Most people could live their whole lives and never experience a second awakening, for some it was simply impossible.

For others, training your quirk to it's utmost potential was rarely touched upon, even by the so called Pro heroes.

A first awakening from it's name, refered to the first time a quirk manifested.

I wasn't present for my first, since I took over this body after his quirk already manifested.

Mental quirks were really rare in MHA to the point, I think I only ever heard mention of a handful.

Nezu's high spec quirk was an example, but it could also be considered more of an enhancement type of quirk, but instead of enhancing strength or speed. It enhanced his intelligence.

The second of such quirks would be Mandely's from the wild pussycats hero team. Her quirk's name telepathy was more of bootleg version of it's original counterpart.

I mean if I remember things right, she could only transmit her thoughts but not receive them, interestingly her partners quirk could also be considered a mental quirk albeit would be best described as a sensory ability.

I assumed she was able to sense her targets through their brainwaves.

I studied various fields related to the mind and the psyche.

Ordinary people back at my world, could through various means and manipulations effectively hypnotize people or even at some extreme cases, brainwash them.

And that was without using a quirk.

I felt giddy at the prospects at what could one achieve aided by a quirk such as mine.

I started small and decided to work my way up. I wanted to see if I could manipulate someone to do as I pleased by merely using words.

I still hadn't found an appropriate target, while I could choose one from my school, that would draw too much unwanted attention.

Having said that, I couldn't help but mess with Bakougo a few times.

Minor stuff, like making him trip and fall, and making him spill whatever he was drinking on himself.

He always threw a hissy fit afterwards, which amused me to no end.

Making him fall for it was always fun. I even got him one time by saying 'Oh My God! Is that All Might?! ', pointing at the sky.

Suprisingly it worked everytime. It didn't matter who, whether it was a teacher, a student, a pro hero or even a villain.

All Might had that kind of effect on people. Most responded with a " What?" or " Where", when hearing the question.


I was walking home, back from school, while thinking about all of this. I reached my destination shortly, and walked inside.

Ever since we moved, so we could be closer to my school.

My mom started putting in effort in getting to know our next door neighbors.

My mother had dragged me over to the apartment next door, practically vibrating with the hope that the neighbor's kid, could become my friend.

And here I was a few minutes after getting back home, trying to keep a straight face through this current exchange.

" Oh stop it, you're too kind."

" No I'm serious, I love your taste. I wish I was as fashionable as you."

" My husband travels a lot, so I have a lot of free time, I like to mix and match whenever I can."

Noticing my bored expression," Tell you what, why don't we continue this tomorrow. Little Shinso looks to be already falling asleep. "

" You're right. Let's have a get together tomorrow,"

We finally got back home, and I plopped down on the couch.

" Come on, was it really that bad? " She said.

" No, you're right. It was worst. " I said.

" Shinsoo.. "

" Mom you were talking for like 20 minutes. At least leave me out of it. " I said.

" Fine, fine. Maybe you have a point, but you have to come with me tomorrow. Mrs. Toga and I are going out to the park tomorrow, she's bringing her daughter for a play date . "

" Mom I'm 11 not 5, can we please not call it a play date. " I said.

" Just promise me to be nice. And if you're good, I may even reconsider your request. " She said.

I eventually relented and promised her to behave tomorrow and do my best.

I haven't been progressing for a while now, and had reached a point in my training where bodyweight training just didn't cut it.

I needed to get some martial arts training, or workout at some kind of specialized gym.

Unfortunately they just didn't let 11 year olds get a gym membership without their parent's permission, not to mention join a dojo.

I've been pestering her for the last few months, and it seems I was finally able to make some progress.

The next day me and my mother were at the park.

Mrs. Toga had brought her daughter with her, Himiko.

Who I had to admit was kind of cute, she was a petite girl, with ash-blonde hair which was tied into two buns with unruly strands of hair poking out of each.

Her eyes were yellow with thin black pupils that somewhat resembled that of a cat.

She was wearing a seifuku school uniform coupled with a red scarf as well as a dark blue skirt.

Her socks were knee-length and wore a pair of shoes that were commonly worn as a part of a school uniform.

" Why don't you go say hi, to Hitoshi-kun." Mrs. Toga said.

Himiko came over looking at me from top to bottom, when a blush came on her face.

' Did she just blush?'

" Hi, Hitoshi-kun, my name is Himiko, nice to meet you." She squeaked.

She then ran and hid behind her mother's leg.

" I'm sorry she's a bit shy. Why don't you go play over there, while me and your mom chat." She said.

" Okay Mrs. Toga. Come on Himiko-chan let's go over there by the trees. " I said.

I grabbed her hand, and dragged her to a spot a bit far off. She yelped in surprise and blushed even harder.

As soon as we were far enough, I slowed down and let go of her hand.

I turned to look at her and found her slightly panting and heavily blushing.

" Cut the crap, I know you're faking it." I suddenly said.

She frowned a bit before her expression changed to a huge smile, she giggled to reveal two sharp canines.

" What are you talking about Shinso-kun? What am I faking?" She said.

" This whole act you're putting on. The innocent little girl act. I can recognize the signs of a personality disorder, from a mile away. Don't think I haven't noticed. That cold look your mother gave you, the way she looks at you as if you're were a nuisance. " I finished.

By this point I was standing only a few inches away from her face.

She was shaking, and her breathing was ragged. I got even closer and whispered in her ear.

" They probably say stuff like 'Act like a normal little girl!' or 'Why can't you just be normal!' or am I wrong? Hi.. mi.. ko... chan..." I drawled.

Her pupils dilated, and her breathing changed.

My neck was centimeters away from her exposed fangs, and I could sense her trying to control herself but quickly losing.

All it took was a few sentences for whole facade to crumble.

I could recognize the signs, as soon as I saw them.

The way her mother's expression slightly changes, when she talks about her daughter.

Her wording, and body language. It was obvious, she didn't love her daughter, at least not unconditionally.

Add to that my meta-knowledge, and it wasn't hard to deduce the situation. Absent father, cold mother, a little girl who craves love and attention.

Her own parents basically treated her as a freak. They wanted her to be "normal"– something which would involve suppressing/ignoring her Quirk, since her Quirk was deemed "abnormal".

But it's part of her, so of course it's going to feel normal to her.

Rejecting Himiko's Quirk essentially boils down to rejecting her as a whole.

Growing older, keeping her Quirk under lock and key because she was raised being told it was wrong and awful.

I feel like she probably began to envy people who had friends and family who genuinely loved them.

Regardless of who they were or what their Quirk was, not conditional love like her parents gave her.

" Come on. Just do it, I won't tell if you don't." I whispered into her ear.

That was all it took, she instantly bit down at the base of my neck and started drinking to her heart's content.

I grunted in pain after she bit me. And waited for a few seconds without moving.

" Okay that's enough."

I said as I slightly pushed her away, that seemed to snap her out of her current state.

It only took her a few moments to realize what she just did, and a look of horror appeared on her face.

I took a bandage I had prepared before hand and put it over my wound.

I then raised my collar to cover up the bandage.

" Geez Himiko-chan, you're too rough. It's my first time you know, so please be gentle." I said.

She calmed down a bit after seeing my non-chalant attitude, and tentatively asked me.

" You.. You're not disgusted?"

" Why should I?" I asked.

" I'm a freak. My parents say, I should act normal, and that I shouldn't drink blood, because it's wrong." She said.

" Do you also think the same?" I asked.

" I don't know... I..I" she mumbled.

" Look, the way I see it, quirks are a key part of everyone. No one should tell you what's normal, and what's not. There are always ways to utilize your Quirk without being too dangerous, plenty of other people have weird/gross/dangerous Quirks and are still allowed to use them, so I'm sure something could be worked out. " I said.

" So you're not afraid of me? " She asked.

" Not really. You're not the only one, with a 'potentially dangerous' quirk. " I said.

" What is it then, your quirk I mean? " She asked.

" My quirk is called Brainwashing. It does pretty much what it says. " I said.

People usually got uneasy around me as soon as they found out about my quirk.

Noticing the lack of any kind of reaction, I said.

" What about you? Aren't you afraid of me? "

She quickly shook her head" I'm not, I swear. My quirk is called transform. I can transform to look like, whoever's blood I drink. "

" Cool, so since you drank my blood can you transform into me. " I said.

" It's a bit embarrassing. I need to remove my clothes if I want to transform. " She said.

" Oh that's a shame. Your quirk is so cool, so I wanted to see it. " I said.

I heard her mumble something about showing me later, but I brushed it off and pretended I didn't hear it.

I kept talking to her, trying to get her to open up to me.

Her personality was quite different to what I expected.

In the show she was shown to be this unstable maniac, who had a fetish for cutting people and drinking their blood.

Basically a ' sexy yandre' archetype.

But contrary to that image, all I could see was a sweet girl, who was misunderstood and struggling with what her instincts told her and what was deemed acceptable in society.

Having said that, I could see how she could eventually become that person in a few years.

No doubt complicated by Quirk counselling and her shoddy upbringing.

In addition to her bloodlust. I wouldn't be surprised, if she one day reached a breaking point and turned to murder.

Thankfully, I got to her early. And I could shape her to whatever, 𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁.

( Chapter End)