
Alteration's Age

In the land of the forgotten, where the very earth moan with the weight of ages past, a child was born unto a village of rot and despair. A mark of the abnormal, a black marking on his right hand, did mark the child as an outcast, shunned by all. But fate did not always follow the path of man. For the child was no mere mortal, but a reincarnation of the final wish of the gods. "You are the chosen one, the vessel of god. Your destiny is to bring forth the age of the absolute will and wield the warp of reality." Thus did the child set forth on a journey, a journey beyond flesh and blood. A path wrought with danger and death. The fiends, born from the corruption of the land, do still roam the land, their very presence poisoning the earth. But the child, with the marking of the gods, did wield the powers of the ancients and the strength of the gods. Through trials and tribulations, the child did learn to harness the power within, and to control the will of the absolute.

Gardama · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The First Step

As the first rays of light touched the hallowed halls of the church, Landon stepped out from the quarters where he had spent the night. The day had finally come, and he could feel the weight of his 13 summers upon him. This was a significant day for Landon, one that marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. He felt a sense of determination and purpose as he made his way towards the church hall, the place where he would find guidance and comfort.

Upon arriving at the church hall, Landon was greeted by the sight of Saint Dlobb, the keeper of the church, bent over and cleaning the floor. The Saint was a kindly figure, known for his wisdom and his unwavering devotion to the sacred teachings of the church. He was a beacon of hope and inspiration to the people of the land, a shining light amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf the world.

Landon approached the Saint, who looked up and greeted him with a warm smile. The Saint's white robes shone in the dim light that filtered through the stained glass windows, casting colorful shadows upon the floor. The air was filled with the scent of incense, a reminder of the holy rites that were performed within these walls. Landon felt a sense of peace and serenity wash over him as he stood before the Saint, and he knew that he was in the right place.

Landon's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a nagging feeling tugged at the back of his mind. He paused for a moment, remembered the reason why he had taken amulet from the corpse some time ago. A sense of urgency overcame him and he called out to Saint Dlobb, apologizing for the sudden interruption. "Excuse me, Saint Dlobb, I must ask for a moment," Landon said as he swiftly made his way back to his room.

The room was small, with only a bed, a small table, and a wooden chest in the corner. Landon rummaged through his bag, tossing aside various trinkets and items until he found what he was looking for: the amulet he had taken from the corpse. He clutched the amulet tightly in his hand and rushed back to the Saint, eager to ask if he was familiar with the artifact.

As he approached the Saint, Landon held out the amulet, offering it to the holy man. "Saint Dlobb, I have come across this amulet and I was wondering if you are familiar with it," he asked, his voice filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Saint Dlobb took the amulet from Landon's outstretched hand, examining it closely. He furrowed his brow and his eyes darkened, as if deep in thought. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and grave. "This amulet belongs to a teacher who was sent by the Cathedral to spread the word of the divine. The wearer of this amulet is likely long gone, lost in the search for the hidden Cathedral. I can only hope that they have kept their sanity through the process of rekindling."

Saint Dlobb closed his eyes, offering a prayer for the lost soul. He then opened his eyes and looked at Landon, his expression softening. "But enough about that, what else would you like to know?" he asked, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Rekindling?" Landon asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Saint Dlobb sighed, his eyes filled with sadness. "When a person dies, their soul must be returned to the Earthen Hell, where it can rest and sleep until the consciousness fades away completely. But this land is cursed, and the Earthen Hell is nowhere to be found. Souls wander aimlessly, manifesting their own purposes. Some may even return to their physical bodies, but with much worse conditions. They become maniacs, crazed, or even fiends, creatures of combination between human and monster, fueled by the emotional sins of their souls."

Landon couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as he thought about the rekindled souls and their tragic fate. He couldn't imagine being trapped in such a state, unable to rest or find peace. As if sensing Landon's distress, Saint Dlobb reached out and placed a comforting hand on his head.

"Do not be saddened, my child," the Saint said in a gentle voice. "Although the fate of the rekindled souls is unfortunate, it is not the end of their story. We, the chosen ones, have the power to change the course of their lives, to bring them solace and peace."

Landon looked up at the Saint, his eyes wide with wonder and hope. He had never thought of himself as one of the "chosen ones," but the idea that he could make a difference in the world filled him with a sense of purpose.

"But how do we do it?" he asked, eager to learn more.

"It starts with us," the Saint replied, a wise gleam in his eye. "We must be examples of love, kindness, and compassion to those around us. We must stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. We must be the light that shines in the darkness, guiding the way for others to follow."

Landon nodded, taking in the Saint's words. He felt a newfound sense of responsibility, a deep desire to make a difference in the world and help those in need.

"Do you have any more questions?" the Saint asked, a smile on his face.

Landon thought for a moment, trying to think of anything else he wanted to know. But he felt as though the Saint had already given him all the answers he needed.

"No, I think I understand," he said with a smile. "Thank you, Saint Dlobb. I won't let you down."

The Saint beamed with pride, giving Landon's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I have no doubt that you will make a difference, my child. Remember, you have the power to change the world, one step at a time."

Just then, Landon remembered Kalista's request for him to retrieve the medallion of will. He turned to Saint Dlobb and asked, "Saint Dlobb, can I retrieve the medallion of will for Kalista? She asked me to bring it to her, and I want to help her in any way I can." Saint Dlobb smiled and replied, "Poor girl, Kalista. She is the last of her kind, still conscious enough to protect the capital. Sit down, young one, and I shall retrieve the medallion for you." Saint Dlobb then disappeared into his room, leaving Landon to his thoughts.

As he waited for Saint Dlobb to return, Landon attempted to communicate with his golden mark. The mark was dormant, and as Landon called out to it, the mark awoke, replying in a cold, detached tone, "Do not disturb me in my slumber, I will aid you only when danger is near." Landon was grateful for the mark's presence, for without it, he would never have been able to fulfill his destiny. The mark then returned to its slumber, leaving Landon with a sense of comfort and protection.

Before long, Saint Dlobb returned with the medallion in hand. He handed it to Landon and said, "The others have already left on their own missions. This will be your first, young one. Bring the medallion to Kalista and bring yourself back to the church safely." Saint Dlobb then placed a necklace around Landon's neck, which contained a small replica sword. "Use this in times of peril," he said. "It will aid you."

With the medallion in hand and the necklace around his neck, Landon was ready to leave the cathedral and complete his mission. He opened the door and was about to step out into the world, when a voice called out, "Do you remember me?" Landon turned to see a figure shrouded in darkness, a figure he had encountered before. "I am Erebos, the shadow," the figure said. "I will accompany you on your mission." With that, Landon stepped out into the world, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead with Erebos by his side.