
Altair Onder de (English)

A women named Claretta really disliked men. But unexpectedly she died and entered into one of the male. The most commonly encountered are male characters who are super power the name is Altair Onder de. However, what happens if a woman incarnates into a super power male character. However, Claretta is a woman who really hates male figures. Especially when she have to try to adjust to a man's body and his toys. Likewise with unlimited power because it comes from one of the successors of Mana Sealing in the kingdom of Rhodes. Fight with monsters and magical creatures using a male body. Can a woman's soul accept the fate that she is now a man and complete her task? The count of two hours they had lay helpless, the sight before their eyes made Altair satisfied tonight and left them to go to the bathroom to clean themselves. Several times Altair banged his head hard against the wall, "Bastard," he shouted loudly as the fountain gushing out was able to muffle his voice. "I didn't know being a man was this fun," leaning against the wall. Altair looked at the mirror that was hanging there, the red bite marks and scratches they made had a deep imprint. For those of you who like action and fantasy novels. Disclaimer by Pinterest Lyxn

Daoistwx1mXK · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Master, where are you going?" someone said to him.

Claretta looked for the source of the sound and found a maid carrying a trolley full of food.

Wearing a uniform with white lace accents and a black dress with a short red hair cut.

Claretta came to her in a hurry. Holding the waiter's shoulders. The maid who saw it looked shocked and frightened. However, Claretta paid no heed.

All she had in mind now was where he was now, and why the hospital looked different from before.

"Where is the hospital reception room?" asked Claretta while still holding the maid tightly.

"Hospital? What is it, Master?" asked the waiter.

"Master? What is the meaning of 'Master' that the maid called?" asked Claretta to herself.

Claretta was very worried about her mother and wanted to go see her, especially if her father or siblings were visiting the house.

The strongest desire now is to take mother away from this country.

"What do you mean, you don't know the hospital? Since when did the hospital look like this?" asked Claretta in an angry voice.

The servant grew more afraid of worrying if the person in front of her got angry. Around them appeared several people in the same clothes.

While men in black uniforms with white shirts inside. Everyone looks like they're doing cosplay.

Everyone looked at Claretta strangely and whispered, making Claretta believe that now she was in the wrong place. Claretta realized that she was gripping the maid's shoulder hard and causing her pain.

Claretta quickly let go of her hand.

Claretta tried to be as calm as possible and tried to understand what was really going on.

"Sorry for what I did. Why did you call me 'Master' earlier? Then if you don't know the hospital, where is it?" asked Claretta in as calm a voice as possible.

Claretta had high hopes for the woman standing at the front.

"Master is at the Onder de family's residence." she answered in a nervous voice.

"Onder de?" she asked in surprise.

"Now where are you going?" asked Claretta again to make sure.

"I want to deliver your breakfast master and will clean the room." replied the waiter.

"Okay, let's go back to the room first. We walk together."

The two of them walked towards the room, where Claretta woke up and came out of her room. The gazes of the people around were fixed on the two of them. There were many questions that Claretta wanted to ask the maid immediately.

They took the same path.

In that place, the roof of the building soars so that when you want to see the head must be completely perpendicular.

Wall paint with bone white accents decorated with paintings of strangers in Claretta's eyes.

Painting of a large family with a married couple and their four daughters.

The two girls there wore luxurious pink and golden yellow dresses.

Above each of their daughters' heads is a tiara.

They stood between a father figure who was dressed in respectable clothes with several luxurious gold-plated badges and white robes hanging down over their shoulders.

In front of them was the figure of a mother sitting on a chair holding a beautiful baby girl in a pure white dress and small lace. The other daughter was standing next to her mother wearing the same outfit.

Behind the mother, a little boy was seen standing alone in simple and neat clothes, as if he was not part of them looking so rich. Claretta feels familiar with the boy in the painting.

The squeaking sound of the trolley being pushed, made Claretta realize her admiration for the paintings on display there. There are also several paintings with self portraits, both full body and half body paintings.

Painting the face of an old man with gray hair and luxurious clothes.

After arriving at the large white door, they saw a middle-aged man who he pushed just now. Claretta stared coldly. The butler was uncomfortable with that gaze however, luckily he was good at hiding expressions.

"How are you doing, Master?" the butler asked the maid beside Claretta.

"Master is fine, he wants me to walk together to the room while delivering breakfast and cleaning the room." answered Mary with her head down.

"Alright then, please serve him."


The butler opened the door for the two of them. The door closed again. Even though it felt strange, Claretta felt that this was the room she used to sleep in.

Next to the bed is a large window with an arch above. The maid walked towards the window, opening another window. The morning breeze in the room adds to the freshness of the morning.

Seeing a large tree branch that was about to enter the room, the sound of birds chirping made Claretta a little calmer.

"What's your name?" asked Claretta.

"My name is Mary. I am in charge of preparing the needs." Mary answered.

Mary's frightened face that Claretta had seen earlier seemed to have disappeared from her face.

"Where is this Mary? I mean which country is this?" asked Claretta again.

"This is the kingdom of Rhodes, Master." Mary answered as she cleaned the table belonging to the person she was talking to.

"Rhodes? Isn't that the name of the imperial country from the book I read earlier?" whispered Claretta.

"What year is it Mary?" asked Claretta, already dizzy she was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"The year 531 Miladi, sir." Reply Mary

Claretta's head was throbbing, feeling confused and dizzy made Claretta feel pain when hit by a stone in the head.

Hard to believe, the novels she read and the storylines she hated made her enter the world of novel fiction.

In addition, the woman who was wearing a maid costume always called her name as master. It felt like a nightmare to Claretta.

Nausea held him back until Claretta broke out in a cold sweat. Claretta hoped this was just a dream.

"Where's the bathroom?" ask Claretta

"Would you like to take a shower first?" asked Mary back.

"Yes," answered Claretta.

Mary ushered Claretta through a hallway where there was a room with a luxurious bathtub large enough to accommodate 5-6 people inside. More like a swimming pool.

In front was a large circular window with stained glass, forming a large emblem. With a golden green crystal ball flanked by two black owls and the other white.

Mary immediately turned on the warm water and poured some herbal scented soap. The sound of gurgling water makes the pool foam.

Mary prepared some rolls of towels and clothes to dry off. Mary excused herself to go out.

"Would you like someone to summon someone to help with the bath?" ask Mary

"No need." answered Claretta quickly.

Mary Pun came out followed by the sound of the bathroom door closing. Claretta felt strange about the clothes she was wearing. All white, with a suit. The fabric used is soft to the touch.

Claretta took off her shirt and took off her white pants. She saw something hanging in front of her and now she has it.

Claretta screamed loudly and ran for the mirror and looked in the mirror. Claretta was trapped in the body of a man with jewel-blue eyes and golden hair.

Claretta's suspicions really proved that Claretta was included in one of the fictional characters of the novel she read 'Altair Onder de'.

Plus Altair is a figure that Claretta hates. With broad abdominal and chest muscles, he is the ideal figure that all women want.

Claretta saw that she had no breasts, replaced by something waving as if to say I was a man.

Altair's screams grew louder in the bathroom. Suddenly the butler and Mary barged in. Found himself totally naked.