
My name is... (Part 3)

"My name is Nia."

Rose and Luna are excited to know that Nia has chosen her name.

"My name is Nia but-"

"But?" They both ask with confused faces.

With a small smile, "My name is Nia but only to those I am close to and care about, but to everyone else I will be named Raven."

Rose and Luna look at each other and Luna fidgeting her fingers asks nervously, "If you are Nia to those you are close to and Raven to others, which one can we call you?"

Nia walks up to both of them and gives them a hug. "Even though I've only known you both for a few hours, you've both shown me so much warmth even going as far to give me a nickname even before knowing me. Its only natural that I am Nia to the both of you."

'Nia's name should only be said with warmth and love.'

Rose and Luna start to tear up and they both pull Nia close giving her a hug full of affection. With a tone full of affection they reply to her, "We love you Nia." Pulling Nia in closer she was unable to see that both Rose's and Luna's eyes were lifeless with possessive smiles plastered across their faces. Letting go of Nia both of their faces return to normal before she could see it.

Standing back up Rose and Luna turn to each other than to Nia. "Let us start with our introductions, I will go first then Luna."

Nia looks towards Rose and finally gets a good look at her. Rose was 183cm tall with voluptuous curves, massive H-cup breasts and an ass to match. She has a beautifully seductive pale face, one that could charm man or woman alike. She had hot pink eyes that shone alongside her mid back length golden blonde hair that is styled in a half rope up braid. Rose's outfit was a French maid dress with gold seams. It was a tight fitting dress with a miniskirt that emphasized both her massive bust and large ass. Along with her dress she wore a garter belt with stockings and combat heel boots similar to Nia's boots. She also did not wear a headdress. Overall Rose seems to be walking sex appeal.

"You already know my name but since this is a proper introduction I'll start again. This maid is called Rose and I will be in your care from now on Nia."

After Rose finished her introduction she turns to Luna getting a better look at her. Luna's body was similar to Rose, her height was around 185cm. Luna had the same H-cup size and curves as Rose. She had a beautiful pale face with a cold expression when she isn't smiling, which she seemed to have only around Nia. She had bright cerulean blue eyes that contrasted with her long black hair that seemed to always be flowing. Her clothes were similar to Rose's but with blue seams instead of gold. Overall Luna was an sexy enchanting cold beauty.

"I am called Luna, please take care of me Nia."

"Hello, my name is Ravinia but the both of you may call me Nia."

All three of them stand there in awkward silence for a few seconds before breaking out into a chuckle.

"Rose, Luna"


"What do we do now that introductions are over?"

Rose pulls out a chair for Nia to sit in at the table before sitting down next to Luna. "Now, we talk about the situation of the other children and yourself. I will answer what questions I can. What do you want to know about first."

Nia closes her eyes contemplating which question to ask first. After a few seconds of silence she asks, "Where are we?"

"Our world is called Thera and it has 5 continents, The Northern, Western, Eastern, and Southern Continents. Those four surround the 5th one which is the one we are currently in and it is call the Continent of Sin. And that is all we can tell you for now since you have yet to start cultivating and complete the trials."

"What is this cultivation that you keep talking about?"

"Cultivation is using an universal energy called 'mana' having it course through your meridians and storing it in your heart for the Mortal Ranks. Mana gives many benefits to those that cultivate it with it versatility of increasing one's lifespan, the strength of a persons body, and using powers that one can not use without it." Luna puts her hand out palm facing up and summons a small statue that looks exactly like Nia made of ice.

Nia looks at the ice figurine with bright eyes and a face full of fascination, "That's amazing! Can I do something like that too someday?"

With a gentle smile Luna replies to her, "If you cultivate diligently you could do that and so much more."



Rose seeing that they were getting off topic coughs to get their attention.

"Are there anymore questions that you may have?"

"Ah! Yes there is. You talked about mortal ranks, what does that mean?"

"I will only talk about the Mortal Ranks, all ranks after that are too far away from your current self so they would do you more harm than good learning about them. In the Mortal Ranks you have 4 ranks with stages of progression in them. The first Rank is just known as Mortal."


(A/N: The Mc will mainly have 2 names that she will go by. The name 'Ravinia' will probably only be used in special or extreme circumstances. 'Nia' is for those close to her since she feels guilty about what happened to Nia(sister) on Earth and wants nothing but warmth for that name. 'Raven' is for everyone else. So there will be times when I refer to our Mc as Nia or Raven depending on who she is interacting with. I haven't yet decided if 'Raven' or 'Nia' will be used for neutral scenes where she is alone.)