
Alright Decisions

hiii welcome to alright decision trust me this is the right book for you She didn't want to leave but he was obviously done with her the sting in her heart the moment he shouted ' Go' made her hurt but after a long while she hadn't noticed that she was living his life as she stopped her self from thinking about him even in her final moments of life but he kept coming to her head ' what's this sound? am I dead? no I can still feel Sean's touch! why won't my eyes open? what's this?' " so you're saying my imaginary self is...awaken? this doesn't make any Sense" follow my Instagram @forethistle_07

Forethistle · Urban
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11 Chs

Where's Nian?

The aura they felt coming from Aiden was something similar to what they always felt whenever there was something big a issue to solve.

"Ahem....well we have-" he couldn't finish his speech cause he was suddenly cut off by one of them.

"Mr Gu where's Nian?" after searching thru the whole room and not finding her was worth the question, if for one thing they noticed was that Aiden's aura was way hotter than whenever she was around, despite the dominating aura he always carried there was always a calm and soothing one to pur them at ease, they started asking their selves the same question ' where's Nian ' he just froze at the question and the whispers that followed, his aura just increased, looking at how the men abd women just wondered their eyes round the room, he was pissed that he didn't even realize when he said

" She resigned...that's why we are here" that took something out of him to say! " What!?" the eldest among them yelled standing up to process what he just heard " what do you mean she....she what?" he couldn't even say the word, this made him so speechless in grave shock that he couldn't even bring himself to say the word ' RESIGNED'.

That was because ' Nian was there for him, though he was the eldest amongst them he still had problems communicating with Aiden especially something regarding to the works in the office it was as though he was talking to his mum, he found it really hard to explain, and talk to him cause of the aura he carried, but there was only one person who would ease his mind so he could speak to him, just the way she would simper at him would just ease out his sweat he would feel inner peace to just do whatever it was that he was afraid to do!

" Why did she suddenly leave? I mean what made her go? everything was fine no? ...I ....she submitted one of her biggest project and her biggest dream she had worked on right? it was good no? what on earth happened? worried sick he asked ' what exactly is your question?' Aiden thought

" You asked this much question how many do you want me to answer? try asking them slowly please!" he replied him.

The patience he had was already close to it's limit so he quickly responded " okay okay why did she resign?" he asked

That was better " well I really don't know but the summary was that she ran away from a responsibility she was supposed to take on herself" the way he replied was like she left a work undone

" Why did you let her go?.. couldn't you at least make her stay till she takes the responsibility?" he asked wanting to know why he stop her.

"So I see you haven't seen the news right? ' Aiden started rubbing his temples' you see she messed up her very first project, I never wanted to give her that project but you all and you especially ' pointing at the elder' someway pressured me to try her just once and I did... and she messed it all up....and do any of you have any Idea who this mess was with? I guess not .... ' Jiming friggin ent'.... your Nian just left without trying to make mends on what happened" he stated, and to the fact he just badmouthed her with a straight face .