
Alright Decisions

hiii welcome to alright decision trust me this is the right book for you She didn't want to leave but he was obviously done with her the sting in her heart the moment he shouted ' Go' made her hurt but after a long while she hadn't noticed that she was living his life as she stopped her self from thinking about him even in her final moments of life but he kept coming to her head ' what's this sound? am I dead? no I can still feel Sean's touch! why won't my eyes open? what's this?' " so you're saying my imaginary self is...awaken? this doesn't make any Sense" follow my Instagram @forethistle_07

Forethistle · Urban
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11 Chs

Wake Up!

The sound of the moving stretcher just kept ringing in my ears with the faint sounds I was hearing and the very smell I hate, I knew for sure that I was In the hospital' how did I get here? why won't my eyes open? why's Sean crying? These were all in my head I couldn't say anything out it felt so suffocating I couldn't even open my eyes to see what exactly was happening everything was just blank, but thanks to what i was hearing i kind of knew what how my condition was really bad "Nian..... nian can you hear me? say something please ..plea.." Sean was not just at the verge of breaking down he had already lost it, this man was literally loosing his mind and he kept saying 'if only .... if only i hadn't teased her she wouldn't have left the car and all this shouldn't have happened'

Despite being so worried he was still blaming himself for what happened to her just why did it have to be today she had been through a lot which was enough to ruin her entire week this worry made him even very weak' " please sir wait outside you cant go in now.. you might as well just call a family or someone" the nurse said shaking him back to reality, " what should i do? right call.. call...call.. alright who? last i checked she doesn't have any one to call on! this made him more worried oh really no one...?this was bothersome for him she never really had a emergencies like this before so he was rather clueless on what to do at the time.

After waiting for over an hour in the hall way it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop still worried sick Sean just stayed looking at the door like his whole life was behind it 'beep beep' finally he doors where opened but not what he was expecting came through that door "ahh doc what's wrong with her? he quickly asked obviously worried.

" ahem well looks like she had been stressed lately correct?

"yeah. a little"

"she just had a little fatigue don't be alarmed she will be fine after some treatments ,"

" you mean she's ok?" he was finally coming alive

"yes she's fine but i must ask how did she get all wet? i was just curious " he asked smirking directly at Sean

" i don't really know about that but you said she's fine right?" his tone of worry never left him for a second

" well yes she's fine but make sure she rests enough ....oh and whatever character she displays or what ever she owns when she wakes up don't fuss about it just tag along!" he smiled tapping Sean by the shoulder as he turned to walk away . " one more thing here's my card in case you fuss about it just call me don't come straight to the hospital call!" that sounded like an order or maybe it was

'what's with that guy ' Sean mumbled he just tossed the card into his pocket he really didn't have the time to think about what that guy had said quickly running to the ward where the real worry awaited him the moment he got there looking at Nian lying there like she was at the core of death.

' the only time i have ever seen you sleep so sound like this was last year' he thought to himself . "why .. why did you leave the car " he couldn't even hold back his tears anymore as he came up close to sit next to her he just let out a forced breath "i. I'm sorry i really shouldn't have teased you .... okay fine you didn't act pellmells okay i take back what i said just please wake up please.. i cant go on without you please!"

Worried yet sorry he kept sobbing and saying he was sorry he didn't even noticed when he slept off he was also tired from the day so he was completely knocked out 'cramp cramp cramp! my hands are cramped what's this place? am i still in the hospital? my head is throbbing' this pain feels so familiar! slowly she tired to open her eyes it hurts but because of the familiar pain she was happy it was written all in her face

Looking at her side to see the person causing her so much pain on her arms she smiled " hey hey." she tapped him to wake up

"nian you are awake finally.. not just in his voice it was obvious all over that he was overwhelmed 'how are you feeling? any pains? should i call the doctor? say something please!" he was finally happy that she was awake he just couldn't hide the excitement anticipating her response he almost held his breath!

"Who are you?" She asked