
The past

[Morwenna POV]

- 18 years ago -


I watch as my brother weeps for the daughter he will never know. In one arm he holds the bundle of cloth that is swathed around my precious niece, and his other arm is wrapped around the child's mother who is still weak from childbirth.

I have only met Gwen once before this, though it was as somber of a moment as tonight. It was the night they told me that she was pregnant.

"Had I not heard it and seen it with my own eyes, I would doubt it still, but I understand now that this is what must be done," my voice carries over their silent sobs and even though I know they heard me, they don't respond. 

Not that I expected anything different. There is not much left to be said. 

"I tried," I couldn't help but say those two words again. Even though I have said them many times before.