
Alphas Angel Solaris

Half Angel Half Lycian Solaris spent her existence running. Sprits, Angels, Demons and Witches all after her, she had no clue why. Fallow her as she tries to navigate this new life she's tried to made for her self. Until it all gets turned upside down when she meets a dark attractive of a man. He will make her question everything she thinks about her self and the world around her. Fighting her feelings as he takes over her every thought and desire. He will push her body and mind to places she never knew. Will he bring her happiness or sorrow? *****Sample***** I couldn’t even hold my self up right anymore barely able to catch my self before my face hit the ground. Darkness started to creep into my vision he needs to show up before these Silks finish me off. I could feel the burning before I could even finish the thought. He did come! A faint smile fell onto my limps as the burning become overwhelmingly intense. The darkness started closing in fast between the Silks and the pain until I felt large hands scoop me up from the ground. Electricity shot through me giving me a jolt of energy enough to look up at him. A look of anger and worry covered his striking rugged face. “You came for me!” “Are you crazy or just stupid those Silks would of finished you off regardless of what I demand.” “I didn’t know how else to find you.” “Did I not say I could always find you Little Wolf." ***** 18+ MATURE MOMENTS This is my first story please add and comment I would love to know what you think, and thank you for reading.

FoxCrow · Fantasy
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55 Chs

54. She's Gone

The air around her was cold the blank stair she had looking out at nothing as if her mind was blank. Sybil was gone. She now stood before me a lost soul, but how she came to me I didn't know? I went and put on some sweats a t-shirt waiting for Legion to appear after he just left me.

"Hello Solaris."

At the drop of a dime there he was he hasn't failed to appear at my every call. I was beginning to feel like I was taking advantage of him I owed him so much already for the help he's giving me so far. I didn't know who else to call my heart wanted to reach out to Azrael, but my mind reminded me of the hurt that may bring and I couldn't let this moment became about me.

"Sybil! What happened to her Legion? Why is she like this?"

He said nothing but turned to her and lifted a hand to her shoulder. Her body jerked at his touch she turned to look at me her eyes sorrowful.

"My Goddess. I am sorry I failed you it seems I wasn't strong enough."

I wanted to wrap her in my arms but I knew I couldn't. How could I feel so attached to this woman I only just met her.

"Sybil no! I am sorry I should of never asked this of you. It's my fault."

She turned to me a small smile on her face.

"I chose do serve you to help in any way. I came to warn you Goddess, My granddaughter has been over come. She's the one who found me in my bed. It seems magic always needs balance it took a life to cast the spell and mine to break it. I was ready to move on after I said my good byes. Then the spirit of my Aunt Beatrix began to whisper into my granddaughters ear. I don't know what she said but my once pure and light hearted granddaughter is filled with a rage and hate I never seen in her before. she is being influenced by Beatrix and she is directing it all towards you my Goddess I could not move on till I warned you. Do not hurt Reign she has lost everything I was her last family. We were the last of a long family line rumored to be the blood of the original witch."

I swear I could feel my heart drop I never wanted any of this to happen. Reign! I felt horrible no matter how you look at it this was my fault I should of never agreed to let them cast the spell. It's what everyone told me I needed to do everyone! Azrael, Legion even Reign and Sybil all of them. Did I really do this for the right reasons I don't even know. I wanted to know my other side that I keep buried the side that scared the crap out of me. I hoped by unbinding myself I could finally control it. I still am in the complete unknown to what I'm capable of. When Reign showed me that I could bring beauty back to something that seemed dead and lost It felt like it was the right decision.


Legion broke me from my rambling thoughts.

"Yes. What do we do? Can I help Sybil can you help her I have to find Reign."

He folded his hand in front of him and let out a sigh.

"Sybil will be fine here as long as she doesn't wonder the Silks should leave her be. Being a new sprit she will fade in and out of this plan I will keep an eye on her. As for your friend if she is being controlled by a sprit witch you will need the help of Azrael if you wish to keep the girl alive."

Azrael? No it's to soon I haven't even processed everything. I already knew I would find my way back to him I had no choice. I could feel Aurora loosing strength I came close to loosing her once I couldn't bear it again.

"Fine! But first I want to check on Reign myself."

He tilted his head to the side slightly.

"I would advise against that. You are powerful Solaris, but you have no knowledge of vengeful sprit witch's or your newly awaken abilities."

He had a point but I'm to stubborn to listen I wouldn't call for Azrael because of a maybe I had to be sure.

"I appreciate your advice but I need to see for my self so please take me to Sybil's house."

Sybil hadn't said a word sence her warning she stood and watched Legion and I. Until I looked at her sadness on her face.

"Please Goddess save my granddaughter and remember that she is not acting of her own accord. I will help in anyway I can help you learn your power whatever you need." It could prove helpful to have a sprit witch at my side especially one as knowledgeable as her and not worry about her getting hurt I grimaced at the thought.

"I would never hurt Reign. You have my word I will do whatever I can. Legion please take me there."

He said nothing to me just nodded and open his arms inviting me in as he always did. In a split second we was standing in front of Sybil's house the feeling of the place was the complete opposite from the first time I was here. The house was dime and dreary even a light fog surrounded the house. It was weird cause it only circled the house no where else the white of the house seemed grey. The flowers that once hung from the porch and the ones that sat in the pots me and Reign brought back to life was wilted and dead.

"Why dose it look and feel like this Legion?"

"The witch must being pulling power from everything living in the general area including the girl."

Legions face was stern his brow creased just a slightest bit I couldn't tell if it was anger or worry.

"We have to find Reign."

I started walking towards the house cold shivers cascade down my body more severe then any I ever felt in Legions presence. The best way to explain it I have come to learn this is what true death feels like. Normal sprits give me light chills a prickle that causes goose bumps.

I walked in the once warm and cozy house now cold and sad Legion in tow behind me. It was a mess like someone had turned it up side down looking for something. Everything was thrown off the shelves furniture turned over all the pictures were either broken and torn off the walls or hung crookedly. I entered each room quietly as possible not even a Wolf could hear me the only sound I heard was a slow light heart beat. I fallowed the sound making my way up the stairs praying to not walk across a creaky board. I made my way to Regins room and found it completely destroyed the only thing still standing was a single car in the middle of the room facing away from the door pointed towards the window over looking the lake. Reign sat in the chair unmoving. I didn't know if I should call out to her or touch her so I walked around the front of the chair to stand in front of her. She was deathly pale giving Legion a run for his money. Her eyes had dark purple circles around them and her lips looked blue.

"Reign? Can you hear me I'm here to help you. I'm so sorry about your grandmother."

Nothing. She just stared out the window unmoving, not even an eye twitch if It wasn't for the faint beat of her heart I would of sworn she was already dead.