
Chapter 46-03

For the first time since we traded numbers, I was calling Layton instead of the other way around. His phone rang once before he answered it.

"Is anything wrong?" Layton asked, sounding worried.

"I was calling to ask you that." He had confirmed that something was happening with the way he picked up the phone.

"There’s a problem with the pack. I’m picking you up right after school."

"What? Why? I brought my car. I can’t just leave it here," I told him, not knowing what exactly to say.

Zev was listening in on our conversation.

"I’m running to school. Don’t get out of campus until you I text you. I’ll drive your car here."

Just as always, he wasn’t asking, he was shouting orders.

"Should I be worried?" I asked, even though I knew his answer would be cryptic.

"No, I’m taking care of everything. I’ll come get you after school," he said.