
Alphantomnie Kingdoms

After many years, the Guardians of Alphantomnie's four princesses believe it's time for them to return and rule over their Kingdoms, but what happens when an unspeakable evil want's to overthrow the princesses and take over Alphantomnie! Will the princesses be strong enough to take them down or die while trying to save their home?

DC_Love · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 ×•× We Meet Again

             Once Winter's father stopped the car, Winter hurriedly grabbed her bag from the floor, unbuckled her seatbelt, and got out of the car.

"Hija, here's some money to get you through today." Winter's father spoke as he took out seventy dollars and handed it to her, Winter gave a genuine smile to her father.

"It's okay dad, I already have some, don't worry," Winter spoke as she gently pushed his hand away, her father shook his head and handed it back to her.

"Just take it Hija, you never know. You might need it," Winter sighed and grabbed the money out of his hand and gave a small smile.

"Thank you, dad, have a good time at the museum!" Winter said, waving to them, Her dad smiled and gave a nod to her before driving out of the Amusement Park parking lot. Winter unlocked her phone and sent a text to Lavender, Winter waited for a moment but unlike this early afternoon, Lavender didn't reply at all. Winter sighed as she walked over to the front gate.

"Are you gonna head into line?" A boy spoke. Winter turned around to see a boy with pink hair and blue eyes, he had really pale skin, almost like he never got any sun, and had two very noticeable beauty marks, one under his left eye and another one on his right cheek.

"Oh, no. I'm just waiting for my friend." Winter spoke as she continued to stare at his beauty, but her mind was soon snapped out of it by another guy's voice.

"I told you to wait, asshole!" A boy yelled frustrated, both the pink-headed boy and Winter looked over to the side of them. There, Winter saw another boy with light blue hair and blue eyes, he seemed frustrated judging by how red his ears were.

"You were taking too long!" The pink boy yelled, the blue-headed boy decided to run over instead of walking, and the minute he got close enough, he slapped the pink boy over the head.

"Hey!" He yelled, the blue-head boy rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" The blue head said, his attention turned to Winter, and just like the other boy he was quite pale and up close Winter could see he had three noticeable beauty marks, one on his left cheek, one under his right eye, and one at the tip of his nose.

"My apologies, was my little brother bothering you?" The blue head asked, Winter, shook her head.

"Not at all! He just asked me if I was getting in-" Winter stopped and thought for a moment, 

"-Did you just say brother?" Winter asked, confused, to her, they looked nothing alike except their eyes and beauty marks, the blue-head nodded.

"Yes, this idiot is my little brother," He spoke as the pink head huffed, turning away from them and walking away.

"It was nice meeting you, but I have to go look after my brother, or he will start flirting with random guys." The boy laughed, waved goodbye, and left.

              Winter smiled as she took out her earbuds, hooked them to her phone, put them into her ear, and played a random song. She opened her satchel bag and took out her taser, since she had promised her father she'd be careful. She let the song play throughout her head until she felt arms around her, Winter lit up her taser as she turned around only to find an extremely frightened Lavender. Winter's eye widened out of shock as she turned her taser off and took out her earbuds.

"Lavender, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were some creep!" Winter explained, putting her phone and earbuds away while she watched Lavender put her hand over her rapidly beating heart.

"That was scary." Lavender spoke out, she took a deep breath and gave a soft smile to Winter.

"Been awhile Winny." Lavender giggled, Winter smiled at her best friend.

"Yeah, it has, huh?" Winter's eyes softened as she put the taser away back in the bag.

"Lav hurry up," A female voice rushed the 16-year-old girl, Winter tilted her head, as Lavender turned around.

"Give me a sec," Lavender hushed the younger girl, Lavender turned back to Winter who seemed to be staring at the younger girl.

"Who is that?" Winter asked as she looked at the younger girl who wasn't paying attention, up and down.

"This is Sarai Prince, she's my friend, she's fifteen." Lavender smiled, she moved aside, Sarai looked up to Winter as she put her phone away.

"I was hoping you guys could meet and, maybe, possibly get along. Both of you are my friends after all," Lavender introduced, and Winter waved her hand to Sarai.

"Hi there," Winter smiled, Sarai gave a small smile to the older girl.

"Hi," Sarai said, trying to be friendly.

             This made Lavender smile widened, she grabbed both of the girls and did a group hug before letting them go, and turning to the Amusement Park with her hands on her hips.

"Okay, who's ready for some fun rides!" Lavender yelled out with excitement, considering she loved amusement parks.

"Oh no, no. You said we came here to pick up your friend, not to spend time here and get on rides!" Sarai spoke against Lavender, Lavender frowned.

"But Sai, it'll be fun! Right, Winwin?" Lavender excitedly asked, with a smile on her face once again, Winter jumped at the screaming of people on the rides.

"Not entirely," Winter shivered out, Lavender's smile fell from her face.

"Well, it doesn't have to be the big rides, we can go to Bugs Bunny World, if that makes you guys feel better," Lavender suggested, Sarai took her phone out.

"I don't necessarily like human children," Sarai blankly spat out, Lavender turned from her annoyed friend and looked at Winter.

"What about you, Winny?" Lavender excitedly asked her trembling friend, who seemed terrified at the thought of getting on any type of roller coaster. Winter nervously smiled at the girl.

"I'm not very good with loud noises, and Superman is right next to Bug's Bunny World." Winter nervously chuckled, Lavender, frowned, she eyed the Amusement park and from delight came sorrow.

"What was the point of coming here, then?" Lavender sighed before turning away from her friends and heading back to her car.

"Oh, I think we made her sad." Winter frowned, Sarai, shook her head.

"She told me we came here to pick you up, not stay and get on rides," Sarai said before she and Winter both followed behind Lavender, which led right to her car, where Lavender sat with a frown on her face.

"Hey, if you really want to go Lav, I'll just have to endure the screams.'' Winter smiled even though inside she was screaming, Sarai chuckled.

"I could never," She laughed as Lavender shook her head and smiled at Winter.

"No, it's okay. If you guys want, we can go somewhere less-," Lavender stopped and looked back at the people screaming.

"—Loud," She finished before starting up her car.

"Didn't you guys already buy tickets, though?" Winter asked, confused, Lavender shook her head

"No, we didn't, which is a good thing, so let's go somewhere else and not another amusement park. Does that sound better?" Lavender asked them as the two girls got inside her car.

"Anything other than an amusement park is better," Sarai said, buckling her seatbelt, Lavender rolled her eyes.

"I can't think of anything, what about you guys?" Lavender asked, Sarai looked at Lavender.

"The beach?" Sarai suggested, getting the attention of Winter.

"At night!" Winter finished happily, Lavender looked at her two friends as if they had lost their minds.

"It's like three in the afternoon, can you guys pick somewhere else? After what you guys choose, then we can go to the beach." Lavender spoke before she to put her seatbelt on.

"How about a library or a bookstore, that sounds fun, right?" Winter proposed, since Lavender indeed loved reading just as much as Winter did.

"I can agree, a bookstore or a library sounds nice. Quiet, peaceful, and no children running around like hooligans, what do you say Lav?" Sarai asked happily for once. Lavender smiled at her friends.

"Yeah, that sounds delightful," Lavender said before taking out some lip gloss and mascara and began applying the makeup.

         Winter took the opportunity to try to get to know Sarai.

"So, what's your favorite type of music?" Winter asked, Sarai smiled since she knew Winter was speaking to her.

"I like all sorts of music, to me, it doesn't matter as long as I like it," Sarai said, looking back at Winter, Winter gave a wide smile.

"Does that mean you like K-pop?" Winter asked, smiling at Sarai, Sarai thought for a moment but eventually nodded her head.

"Some songs from a couple of groups." Sarai replied, Winter nodded her head in agreement.

"Can we go to Barnes and Noble, huh, Lav?" Winter asked the young girl who stopped applying her mascara to look at winter. 

"I mean sure, why not?" Lavender spoke, starting to apply the makeup once again.

"Why there?" Sarai asked, confused a bit, Winter smiled.

"They have a little K-pop related things there, and since we both like books and K-pop, why not go there?" Winter explained, Sarai nodded.

"Ah, I see." Sarai turned to the older teen.

"Why the hell haven't we left then yet, Lav?" Sarai said, eyeing the teen who had just finished her makeup and putting it away.

"Oh, shut up, it's not like we're in a rush," Lavender said, putting her car in reverse and began backing out.

"Beady-eyed rat." Sarai threateningly let out, Lavender parked the car once again and looked at the younger teen.

"What the hell did you just say, you darn roach!" Lavender spit back, Winter smiled at the argument, to her the way the two argued was funny. Sarai huffed at the older girl, who was indeed staring her down.

"Don't come for me, you damn pigeon!" Sarai shouted out, Winter busted into the giggles at her new friends' combat. Lavender huffed at her younger friend and rolled her eyes.

"Mole rat," Lavender whispered, Sarai chuckled about her friend's newly found attitude, as Lavender backed out of the parking space.

"Don't be so offended Lav, I'm sure Sai is only joking," Winter said, she looked at Sarai and smiled at the younger girl.

"Right?" Winter asked, Sarai laughed as she nodded her small round head.

"Of course I was, but you know Lavender just as well as I do. She'll take what I said to heart," Sarai explained, Lavender huffed as the girls drove out of the lot.

"You guys act like I'm not sitting right here," Lavender said with an attitude, the other two girls let a chuckle out at their friend.

                Winter tapped Lavender's shoulder to get her attention.

"Can we play some music?" Winter asked, Lavender smiled and turned on the radio.

"How can I say no to you Winny," Lavender softly let out, This made Winter smile even more than before.

"It's nice, you know," Winter began, Sarai looked back at her.

"What's nice?" Sarai asked, confused, and Winter laughed a bit.

"That I got to hang out with my friend I haven't seen in forever and on top of that I got to meet a new friend which is enjoyable," Winter explained, Sarai laughed at the older girl.

"Yes, I know the feeling, I haven't seen Lav in a while either, so when she texted me out of the blue, I thought 'Hey why not?' And now I got to meet a new friend as well." Sarai said, this made Lavender smile at the two girls through her mirror.

"I'm happy I listened to my mind for once then, if I hadn't, we would not be in this car right now together." Lavender spilled, the other two nodded in agreement.