
Alphantomnie Kingdoms

After many years, the Guardians of Alphantomnie's four princesses believe it's time for them to return and rule over their Kingdoms, but what happens when an unspeakable evil want's to overthrow the princesses and take over Alphantomnie! Will the princesses be strong enough to take them down or die while trying to save their home?

DC_Love · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 ×•× I, You,& Us

      Alphantomnie is home to the creatures we humans don't think are real. It's a place run by mysterious magic and loving creatures though, Alphantomnie wasn't always the best place for those who lived there because long ago the four kingdoms were Against each other resulting in war and bloodshed. Too many other creatures, it was time to stop the old generations' ways and make way for a whole new one.

   Summer, a time when the sun is out, summer hacks are made and several people are at the beach or pool to cool down and enjoy themselves. However, summer isn't favored by everyone, some people could say 'It's too hot.' Or 'Too bright.' Or maybe they just liked to be indoors. In this case, Winter Park was an introvert. She didn't like when she had to go out in the hot and bright sun, unlike her peers and family, she liked to stay inside and cool down under the A.C vent. 

Winter put her phone down after losing her game, she sighed and stared at her spinning fan, bored and expressionless. 

"Well, what now?" She asked herself, as she didn't know what else to do since it was only noon and not yet night, to fall asleep and dream her summer away. 

"Hey!" Her father yelled as he opened her door and walked into her room without a single knock to let her know he was coming in, Winter jumped up frightened since she didn't like loud noises and her father yelling was not an exception in her eyes. 

"Do you want to go somewhere with us or stay home?" He asked curiously as she sat there shaking a bit, Winter looked at him, she put her hand over her rapidly beating heart trying to calm it from the scare, as she began to calm down, she thought about it and sighed. She didn't have anything better to do today, so hanging with her family would be the best choice. 

"Sure I guess? I don't have much to do anyway," She told him, still wondering about whether she wanted to go or not and if she could still say no, he gave her a small nod with a smile and left her room without shutting the door, this irritated Winter since it was her room and she wanted privacy. 

"Are you serious?" She asked huffing as she now had to get up from her comfy bed, she got up and went to shut the door, locking it for the next time her father tried coming in without knocking. 

When she walked back to her bed, her phone lit up from someone messaging her, this confused her since most of her friends didn't text her this early in the day or were usually busy around this time hanging out together, without her. She picked up her phone to look at the message with curiosity, she smiled when she saw it was her long-time friend Lavender Pierce. It was a simple text, Lavender wanted to once again hang out with her best friend, Winter smiled at the message and immediately responded back, she didn't get an instant reply, but she took the spare time to change out of her pajamas and into something more fitting for the outside world, a red slightly thin hoodie, black ripped skinny jeans, red low top converse, and a black choker was her outfit. Once she finished, she picked up her phone to see two new messages, reading them made Winter think for a moment about the place Lavender had suggested, but she wanted to try something new and although the amusement park gave her the chills, she decided it would be okay since to her an amusement park was better than a Carnival. She gave a small response to Lavender and instantly got up to ask for permission. 

"Mom, Dad, can you please drop me off somewhere to hang out with a friend?" She asked, her Dad gave his thinking look to her, he sat up and walked off to the kitchen to speak with his wife about it, she could hear them talking about whether it was okay for a seventeen-year-old girl like her to go out by herself without them, of course, her mother was all for it. After a while, her dad came walking back to her, giving her a smile. 

"What time?" He asked, since the family was soon to leave for their trip to The Museum.

"Maybe now, I will just wait for her there." She said, giving him a warm smile. 

"Are you sure?" He asked, unsure whether what she suggested would be a good idea. 

"Positive! I promise to be careful and alert." She said, gushing with positive energy. He grabbed his keys and smiled as he replied. 

"Get the things you'll need, we'll be waiting for you in the car, Hija." He walked away, heading outside with his wife and another daughter. 

"Will do!" She yelped exactly, as she ran back to her room and gave Lavender the 'OK' to hang out with her, Winter grabbed her old satchel bag and filled it with what she needed, like house things, her phone, earbuds, and of course a pocket knife and pepper spray. 

"You can never be too safe" Winter spit out, a bit frightened of the outside world as she stuffed the taser into her satchel bag. 

After getting everything that she would need, she walked out of her room, locking the door behind her and making her way outside, a smile appeared on her face as it was not much that she got out and for her, it's been two whole years since Lavender had left California and went to live in Las Vegas, and finally she was back. Winter's dad waved his hand to his daughter, signaling her to get into the car, Winter nodded as she locked the door and went to the car. She got in the back with her little sister and buckled her seatbelt. 

"Is everyone buckled and ready?" Her dad asked, looking in the rearview mirror to see both of his daughters were strapped in tight. 

"Yes, dad, we're ready," Winter replied calmly as she took her phone out of her satchel bag. 

"Alright then, let's head out." He exhaled before starting the car, backing out of the driveway, and began heading to Santa Clarita.