
Alpha Zero

Melissa, a young telepath with a dark and painful past, moves out from her apartment and goes back to live with her childhood best friend/sister; Haley, who welcomes her with open arms. Melissa finds it hard to adjust to the house that she grew up in. Especially since it is inhabited by a man who she knows so little about. Haley tries her best to help her sister feel welcome and reacquaint her with the city she grew up in. Having been gone for years, much has changed. Haley does her best to hide the truth of what is happening around the city despite her sister being able to read her mind. Damian, the mysterious roommate who lives in the bottom section of the house, tries to give Melissa her space in order to adjust to the life that she left behind and the new one that is quickly taking hold. However, the more space he tries to give her, the more fate seems to push them together as events of a supernatural kind take hold. A coven of witches and a pack of werewolves stand at the edge of war, both with each other and with an unknown enemy while they try to remain hidden from the mortals all around them that inhabit the city. Their worlds clash and Melissa is quickly drowned beneath waves of supernatural forces that she knew nothing about. With the help of Haley and Damian, she finds herself caught between a place of total empowerment and complete destruction as the world she thought she knew cracks wide open and reveals a truth that she never knew about. More troubling, is the fact that Melissa finds herself falling for her mysterious roommate who is something far more dangerous and alluring then anything she had ever imagined possible. Melissa must decide if she will embrace her true self or seek shelter within herself and hide away from the world that has left her broken and wounded.

Frank_Mitchell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

7. Rude awakening

"Lisa! What's wrong?" Haley shouted as she flicked on the lights. 

Damian's nocturnal vision backlashed as the light flared in his eyes burning his retinas. Haley looked across the room and once she saw the red centipede she screamed.

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" Haley shouted. 

Damian walked over and pinched the centipede between his fingers and plucked it nonchalantly. 

"No, don't. It's poisonous. If it bites you-"

"It'll be fine." He interrupted as he caught its head between his thumb and index finger immobilizing the centipede completely. 

"You both alright?" He asked, squinting against the light.

"Yeah. I always hated those things. Thanks." Melissa said. 

Damian glanced at Haley before he walked out and headed downstairs. 

"You alright?" Haley asked. 

"I'm good. It was just really surprising is all." 

"No, I mean with him...in your room." Haley explained. "I just know-"

"I'm alright. Truly." Melissa sighed. 

"You wanna get more sleep?" 

"I think I'm up now." Melissa chuckled. 


After a full hour and a half at the gym he got dressed and headed to work. As he parked in the back of the mall and got out, a vehicle three across from him opened its door. A tall man in a long black coat and leather black pants walked out. His dark black boots with silver plates at the front and back clicked on the asphalt as he strode toward Damian. 

"Damian. We need to talk." The man said as he walked up to the side of his car. 

"What do you want Adam?" Damian sighed.

"We want you back. We all do." Adam replied sincerely. 

"I'm...I'm just not-"

"Damian. We're all really sorry about what happened. It never should've happened that way and-"

"Stop. Just...stop Adam." He snarled, heat in his voice.

"Damian. The pack needs you and…the new moon is coming."

"I'm aware." He growled. "I...want to come back. I miss the pack too. I just-"

"Please. Damian, if you don't come back soon. I fear that they might drift to the outer pack."

Damian looked Adam in his eyes and snarled.

"Gather them tonight. Meet at the north shore."

Adam smiled and nodded. "Yes sir."


Melissa sat at her dark oak table with a bowl of Cheerios and a cup of almond milk. Haley sat across from her with a her own bowl of cereal. Melissa glanced at her best friend and sister who stared into her cereal deep in thought.

'It's nearly the new moon. How am I supposed to explain it?'

"Explain what?" Melissa asked. 

Haley furrowed her brows in surprise and then realization broke across her face.

"I forgot that about you. You still hear thoughts don't you?" 

"Yes I do and I've gotten really good at hearing the private ones too." Melissa smirked.

"Can you maybe not read my mind?" Haley asked.

"Sorry, I'll do my best. But what's up with the new moon?" 

Haley sighed and combed her fingers through her hair. 

'She's never going to believe it.' 

"Try me." Melissa said.

"Dammit! I told you to stay out of my head. Please!" Haley said.

"Sorry. Sorry. But c'mon tell me, what about the new moon?"

Haley looked at Melissa and sighed. 

"Lisa? You've been gone for three years and...a bit has changed." 

"What do you mean?" 

"What if I told you...that there was more than just us out there?" Haley asked.

Melissa burst out laughing, nearly spitting up milk.

"Of course there are. The city is full of people."

"That's not what I mean Lisa." 

"Then what? Haley what is it you mean?"

Melissa narrowed her eyes and Haley glared angrily. 

"Just...let's go down to the old crescent city." 

"Haley I have to start looking for a job." 

"Lisa. It can wait another day. Let's spend some time together for a bit. It's been a few years you know?"

"Yeah. Sure of course." 

"Well then go get dressed. Let's start the day early." 


Damian's private room was set up like most masseuse rooms would have been. He had a massage table in the center of the room. A dark red blanket with a matching pillow covered the table. A two tiered shelf sat to the left with a full row of massage oils on each shelf.

Across from that stood a narrow table with a red velvet cloth which had five different vibrators on it. At the back of the room stood two different pieces of black painted furniture. Both blended in with the darkness of the room. At the far right corner of the room sat a small desk with a computer. He sat down and opened the computer up to a screen with a bright blood moon on it. At the bottom of the screen appeared a spreadsheet which had the list of all the customers that had signed up for his services. 

Damian enjoyed an organized space, it was something that made him feel just a little more relaxed. Just as he got undressed and changed into his black compression shorts. No sooner had he slid on his silk robe when a knock came to the door.

"Come in." 

The door opened and Sally walked in wearing knee high boots, a short mini skirt and a low riding black top. 

"How are you doing sweets?" She asked.

"Doing good. Got a new roommate." 

"Oh really? Who might that be?" 

"Melissa Galloway." He said as he pulled his robe tight. 

Sally looked up at him with a stunned expression. 

"You positive? It's her? I haven't seen her in three years."

"Did you know her well?" He asked.

"Sure I did. Her parents...well her adopted parents were well liked around the town." 

"She's adopted?" Damian asked.

"Yeah. She washed up on the crescent lake shore twenty three years ago. No idea where she came from or how." 

"Haley's parents took her in, right?" 

"Yep. No questions asked but they searched for her birth parents and never found any." Sally said. "She left with a guy when she was twenty." Sally said and smirked up at him. "What's with all the questions?"

"Haley told me to give Melissa space. I guess I was just curious about her."

"Well I would've thought Haley would've told you all about her by now." 

"I'll make it a point to ask her." He replied. 

"Well anyway. I know you are fully booked today but can you make some time for Lidia today?"

"Oh? Why Lidia?" 

"You'll know when she comes in today."