
Chapter 72: Empty Glasses I

Liam was getting more food even though Mar texted him that their butler brought them food. He planned to go to the basement gym later today, so he's bulking up his calories. The platinum blond alpha was holding a plate of croissants when saw Arkham getting out of Tian's room.

Oh, that's interesting...

Why would his own little butler end up in an omega male's room? Do they have some secrets together? Could Arkham be working for Tian? Tian has no reasons to implant a spy, but still, it's exciting to think about the possibilities.

Disappointed ran through his mind as soon as he saw the tray of dirty dishes. Huh, maybe Tian's butler was far away, and it's easier to call for Arkham since he's usually close to Mar's room. Liam didn't know why he expected something exciting. After all, their new butler is really suspicious.

Scrap that, he's beyond suspicious. Blue had already confirmed that Arkham and his family are not real people, just a persona, but what to do about that information remains undecided.

As soon as the butler spotted him, his lips pulled into a smile. "Young master Liam—"

"Please don't call me young master." Liam smiled back as he tried to keep going, but the new butler kept talking.

"I'm sorry for making you hold that. Young Master Tian Jun asked me to take his dishes. I will be back to serving your room in a minute." The nervous chuckle combined with his customer service smile was rather believable, but the scent lingering on the butler's uniform told a different story.

As an alpha male, Liam could easily pick up in any omega's scents. So... Why was Tian Jun angry, sad and murderous at the same time?

Poor Arkham was probably doing his job and met the blunt of the scenting.

"Mind coming to our room after that? You don't gotta wait outside." The taller alpha clocked his head at their hallway. "I'll see ya."

There are so many things they need to talk to this particular butler about. Mar would also love to drain any information he can from Arkham.

"Of course." The new butler nodded, and then he's on his merry way to the kitchen.

Liam nodded to himself as he made his way to the room that he shared with his best friend. Before he could even touch the doorknob, the door was immediately pulled open the black haired alpha. Mar was already dressed, and he's holding a fork in his hand.

Without saying a word, the platinum blond alpha walked inside. The door wasn't locked, and Mar looked at him.

"Did you see Arkham coming out of Tian's room?" His companion's voice was rather alarming.

"He took away some dirty dishes. Did you see what happened?" Liam put the plate of food on their already crowded coffee table, and he dropped himself on the couch.

Meanwhile, his best friend began pacing the room.

"I wanted to call Arkham back to get me some drinks, but he was lured into Tian's room for some reason." Mar turned around to face his lover, and his eyes softened. Liam couldn't help but smile at the shorter alpha.

"I told him to come to us when he's done with the dishes." The platinum blond alpha picked up a croissant from his plate.

His blue eyes landed on an untouched stack of pancakes, and then the half eat pancake in another plate, then four empty glasses.

Oh. They ran out of water.

Shit, he should've remembered that and told Arkham before he sent him in his merry way.

The couch cushion bounced a bit as the black haired alpha joined his companion. Mar's slender fingers reached for a croissant, and he took a huge bite out of it. Liam leaned his head on the shorter alpha before he began eating.

"What did Meg say?" Mar asked, his hand moved to wrap around the taller alpha's shoulder.

The platinum blond alpha paused his chewing to think of what to say. After he swallowed, he put down his croissant.

"She was worried." He mumbled as his eyes moved to the window. "She worries too much sometimes."

"She has her reasons." The black haired alpha planted a kiss on Liam's forehead. "She sounded so angry when she called you. I haven't heard her calling you a bitch boy in a long time."

The nickname drew a laugh from the platinum blond alpha. "Yeah, she was kinda mad. She didn't want whatever we have to ruin her chances with Star. Her marriage. They're planning on getting married to each other after all."

Liam could feel his companion's body tensed after he mentioned that. Before the shorter alpha could say anything, he continued explaining what happened at the gazebo.

"My parents knew you're an alpha female." The platinum blond alpha's hand landed on his best friend's knee. Then, he began rubbing circles into his skin. "They were close to your mother enough to protect you. But... They're closer to my sister. Rex told them about us, and they made me tell them the truth. Then, they told my sister, who then woke up angry this morning."

The arm around his shoulder gripped a little tighter, enough for Liam to turn his head to face his companion. Their noses almost bumped into each other, and the taller alpha could smell the anxiety in the black haired alpha's pheromones.

"I trust Meg to not tell anyone about it." Liam closed his eyes and dropped his head on his lover's shoulders. He gently released his own scent to hopefully calm down his best friend.

"I'll go talk to Star." Mar's breathe was on his face, and the black haired alpha seemed to calm down a bit. "Meg will definitely tell Star. They're inseparable."

"Just like us?"

A laugh escaped Mar's lips, and the alpha nodded. "Yep. Just like us."

With Liam still in his arms, Mar took another bite of his croissant.

Their peace didn't last long because a knock sounded from their door, a second before it was opened by none other than Arkham. His green eyes were blinking at the pair on the couch.

Oh, the consequences of his own actions. Liam did tell the butler to come here after he's done with dishes.

"Arkham!" Mar's voice was one of gladness as he let go of his companion. Then, he picked up the empty glasses on the coffee table. "Can you get us two bottles of water? Oh, wait, take these too!"

The poor butler looked so confused as the black haired alpha handed the empty glasses to him.

Thanks for reading!

Minor edits were made.

Twelve_Catscreators' thoughts