
Chapter 69: Chance Encounter I

Meanwhile, Arkham was dropping off some breakfast at Mar's room. The black haired alpha called for the butler to get him some breakfast shortly after Liam left, and the butler brought two plates of pancakes and two cups of tea as requested.

He was a little surprised when knocked the door, the only response he got was the young master telling him to leave everything at the door because he's busy right now. Well, there's nothing much that Arkham can do except following orders.

Internally, the spy has been panicking for a while now. Things has gotten to a new level of shitfuckery. First, his water was drugged by some maid named Hannah Garvin, whose real identity he has yet to uncover because he can't uncover her identity after Petrov made her disappeared. She's now a sunk case, so the spy has to move on.

Then, his boss and her mate came to visit him on courtesy of Young Master Mar and Liam, and the interaction led to Arkham finding out that his phone was blocked. Thus, he can't communicate with his boss just yet. Last he checked this morning, it's still down. The spy hoped that they get that fixed soon. After all that, just last night, he could see that Petrov is now suspicious of him, but Matteo seemed to be on his side instead of siding with the head butler.

While the butler was wandering the halls after he dropped off the food in front of Mar's room, he found himself staring at the hallway where he was bullied by the escort omegas a few days ago. There's a man at the end of the hallway, standing straight with his back to Arkham. His green eyes widened slightly when he recognized the elegant make figure as Young Master Tian Jun.

The omega male insisted that Arkham call him Tian Jun. The butler hasn't seen him since lunch yesterday, and they haven't talked since that faithful day where the omega crowded him in this exact same hallway.

His thoughts wandered to how he would put his hands on the other man's slim waist and pulled him closer so that he could nuzzle into that exposed neck.

Arkham internally slapped himself. What the hell was that?

Green eyes tried to pull away from the hallway, only to make eye contact with those honey brown eyes reflected in the glass protecting the painting. The spy involuntarily swallowed, and he quickly turned away.

Hopefully he looks like he's busy or on his way to—


Arkham immediately stopped in his track like a loyal dog being called by his master. Behind him, the sound of those leather loafers clicking on the marble floor was coming closer with each second. Tian Jun wasn't in a hurry, so the butler took in a deep breath before he turned around to face the omega male.

His sense of style never failed to impress Arkham. The white polo shirt hugged his chest wonderfully, and the lose fabric was nicely tugged into his brown khaki pants, and the outfit was completed with a black belt. Even though he's casually dressed like a middle aged dad at a golf course, Tian Jun still looked sharp. If he was born an alpha, many omega no matter the gender would swoon after him. Unfortunately, the young master was born as an omega, so the spy is the one lusting after him.

A second mental slap was given to himself, and Arkham straightened up a little as he watched Tian Jun standing in front of him. The butler put up his usual customer service smile at the young master.

"Young Master Tian Jun! How are you doing? Do you need me for something?" He was glad that his voice remained bubbly even when he could smell the faint sweetness of the other man's perfume and a hint of pine underneath.

Honey brown eyes looked directly into his, making the butler almost uncomfortable under that stare. Usually, Arkham is not one to back down from eye contact, which is one of the things that earned him his job, but hell, he's feeling weak when those honey eyes slowly blinked.

"Actually, I do need you for something." A small smile curled at the edges of those lips, and Arkham could feel the air being sucked out of his lungs.

Maybe it's just him being stupid. There's no chance that Tian Jun would see the butler in any other light, and Arkham himself is on a mission. If he screws up, he has more than his life on the line.

"What can I do for you?" His voice didn't shake as he spoke, and he tilted his head just a little bit to maintain the illusion of innocence.

Tian Jun's brows furrowed in hesitation, but eventually he let out a sigh. "Come."

His fear came true when the young master walked into his room. The spy didn't even know that he had a fear of being in Tian Jun's room until this very moment. Pushing down his anxiety with a nod, Arkham dutifully followed the omega male.

His bedroom was just as pain as the rest of guestrooms, but they're in the White Pearl mansion after all, so every beautifully polished wooden furniture in this room probably costs more than Arkham's current life savings.

A wave of relief washed over him when he saw the tray of empty plates on the tea table. He's being called for room service after all, not some—

The door was closed behind him rather gently, and the lock set in place like a death sentence.

"Sit down, Arkham." Tian Jun ordered like it's a normal Monday morning. The omega male walked across the room, pacing like a tiger until he reached his bed.

With one hand, the young master gestured for the spy to sit on the couch as he's sitting down in the armchair next to his bed. Green eyes widened a little bit, and Arkham couldn't help but think about whether or not he fucked up, and the young master somehow figured out who or why Arkham is in the mansion.

As ordered, Arkham slowly sat down on the couch, facing the young master who brought him in here. He let out an awkward chuckle, which didn't ease the tension at all.

"Young master Tian Jun..." The spy began, only yo get cut off by the omega male.

"I told you to call me by my given name, Arkham."

"Yes, yes, Tian Jun!" Arkham tried again, but with a smile this time. "What can I do for you? Please don't ask me to break the rules or smuggle you into one of the other young masters' rooms."

A tired sigh left Tian Jun's lips, and the spy noticed that his elegant fingers dug into the armchair's cushion.

"It's about Hannah Garvin."

I missed the chance to make this a spicy chapter, but let me know if you want a 69 involving Arkham and Tian Jun.

Thanks for reading! Your comments keep me going.

Twelve_Catscreators' thoughts