

Sierra had just come out of shower with a steam leaving her flushed skin. It was already evening, she still had an hour before the party. The red dress lay on the bed waiting to be worn.

She took her time into making her long hair into beautiful curls from the curling machine she had ordered for a while ago. She didn't apply makeup immediately. She wore her black Lace panties before slipping the red dress into her curvaceous body. It had a long slit at the right side, revealing her long tanned leg. The V parting at the cleavage was decent, revealing a small amount of her chest area. She put her legs into the six inches silver strap heel. She wore the silver earrings and swayed her curls to the right side of her face. Leaving the other side bare and sharp.

Sierra applied foundation and a strong red lipstick on her plump lips. She drew a perfect brow and lined her eyes, after which she added a faint blush for the finish look.